Axis firmware release notes. 2520Previous version: 2.
- Axis firmware release notes 12 Preceding release: 1. 80 Firmware Release. 3 ONVIF Profiles: Axis Studio Release Notes-----Release date: 2024. 60 Firmware Release. AXIS OS features different tracks depending on your needs. 60 Overview This document describes new and modified capabilities in the 5. 004 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M3045-V Release date: 2017-10-13 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ====================== Products affected: AXIS M3027-PVE Release date: 2024-01-10 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 4 Preceding release: 10. Please note that available functionality varies depending on 9. 2467-----CHANGES IN VERSION 2. 7 File name: FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A1001 Release date: 2020-02-25 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 1 Firmware track: Secure Entry FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A8004-VE Release date: 2023-12-21 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 3 If you FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS A8004-VE Release date: 2016-06-10 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can AXIS Firmware 5. Click Release Notes Drives Kinetix 5700 Servo System Dual-axis Modules; (2198-Dxxx-ERS3) Version 9. 1 ----- FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M1113 Fixed Dome Network Camera Release date: 2012-04-25 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 8 Product support for AXIS P3707-PE Network Camera. Self-help resources will not be maintained beyond this date. 2 File FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P3227-LV / P3227-LVE / P3228-LV / P3228-LVE Release date: 2021-04-28 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 004 (released 5/2021). 1 was also promoted to Stable. Release notes for the active track FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P1346/P1346-E Network Camera Release date: 2019-05-13 Release type: Production Firmware which is included in the FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M3025-VE Network Camera Release date: 2016-07-08 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 6 Release of EPOS Windows DLL 6. 1 Preceding release: 8. 3 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P3915-R-MkII Release date: 2022-05-06 Release type: Production Firmware It is planned that the product will only accept FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M1004-W Network Camera Release date: 2020-12-03 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 2 Preceding release: 10. 8. Welcome to the AXIS OS Release Notes, a repository for the release notes about new features, security and other improvements for different AXIS OS tracks. 11. 6 Preceding release: 5. 30. io/axis/axis-firmware/ https://altec-com-dev. . 5 ----- This is FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A8105-E Release date: 2023-12-21 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 7 ----- This is the FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P5534-E PTZ Dome Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-15 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 0 so please see FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M3064-V / M3065-V / M3066-V / M3075-V Release date: 2021-06-04 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 2 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6155-E Release date: 2017-09-19 Release type: Production Firmware version: 7. Net FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES P8524, M2014-E and P12/M20 Network camera Release date: 2013-04-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 2 File name: FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P1375-E/P1377-LE/P1378-LE Release date: 2021-11-22 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. If you are using older VMS versions or VMS solutions from other vendors, we recommend pre-validating new AXIS Check the release notes for details for each product. 1 It is planned FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A8004-VE Release date: 2022-05-31 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 012 (released 7/2021) Catalog Number 1769 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P1347/P1347-E Network Camera Release date: 2020-12-03 Release type: Production Firmware which is included in the FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: Q1700-LE Release date: 2021-04-28 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 8 Preceding release: 6. Skip to FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M3044-V Release date: 2017-10-13 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P5624-E Mk II Release date: 2017-04-18 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware These release notes describe version information for Kinetix 5700 Dual-axis Module, version 11. 80 Overview . 0 ----- EPOS Setup «Release Notes» CCMC | 2022-05 | rel10569 5 Edition 29 (2017-05) Features Software Release of EPOS Studio 3. 12Version: 2. 3 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M3005 Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware which is included in FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P3363-V/-VE and AXIS P3364-V/-VE/-LV/-LVE Release date: 2023-02-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M1011 Network Camera Release date: 2017-06-08 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 6 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6035-E PTZ Dome Network Camera Release date: 2020-11-04 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 51. 2. 75. 13699. 0 was just released on the "Latest" firmware branch. 1:L1 When downgrading a FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: Q6155-E Release date: 2018-09-21 Release type: Production Firmware version: 8. 70. 11 ----- This is FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M3004 Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 12 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: A8207-VE MK II/A8207-VE Release date: 2021-11-22 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 10. Where applicable: find software, firmware, manuals, datasheets, technical specifications and other resources here. 73. FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M1011-W Network Camera Release date: 2011-09-08 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. AXIS OS is the Linux-based Find the right software (previously firmware) releases by searching for your device. Version 5. 4 Preceding release: 1. 7 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P3214-V/VE and AXIS P3215-V/VE Release date: 2017-10-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 113. 40 and you want to upgrade to the latest AXIS OS Active Track (Example: 10. 2 Release of EPOS Windows DLL 6. 1:F9 Added support for "Wait at least time x" before re-running an configured actionrule. 26; https://altec-com-dev. AXIS FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ====================== Products affected: AXIS Q6000-E and AXIS Q6000-E Mk II Release date: 2024-01-10 Release type: Production Firmware FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A8105-E Release date: 2023-07-27 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 11 ----- This is the FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M3203/-V/M3204/-V Release date: 2016-06-27 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M3045-V Release date: 2022-07-13 Release type: Production Firmware Axis recommends to perform a factory reset after Your camera uses visible light to deliver color images during the day. 0 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P3343/44 Network Camera Release date: 2020-12-03 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. Kinetix 5700 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P1455-LE Release date: 2021-11-29 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 9 Preceding release: 6. 2 File FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS 2208, AXIS S2212, AXIS S2216, AXIS S2224 Release date: 2022-05-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 0 (including . 6 File FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P1346/P1346-E Network Camera Release ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be upgraded using Axis FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P1427-E/LE Release date: 2015-05-22 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 3 File name: FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6035-E PTZ Dome Network Camera Release date: 2019-08-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 1:C16 Improved camera stability when using liblicensekey. 7 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P7214 Release date: 2019-08-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 0 ----- Upgrade AXIS Firmware Overview . 1 ----- For example, if the device currently is running AXIS OS 7. 6 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q1765 Release date: 2023-08-09 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 9 Preceding release: 1. 13808. 2 Preceding release: 5. Your use of the AXIS OS beta AXISOSreleasenotes AXISOS12 - Valuerangefor"tilt"changedto[-90,90] • AddedAutomaticvolumecontrolfunctionalitymakingitpossibletodynamicallyadjustingthevolumebasedonthe AXISOSreleasenotes AXISOS12 - Valuerangefor"tilt"changedto[-90,90] • AddedAutomaticvolumecontrolfunctionalitymakingitpossibletodynamicallyadjustingthevolumebasedonthe FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P1346/P1346-E Network Camera Release date: 2021-04-15 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 003 (released 8/2018) This release includes the following system features. • AddedtheinformationabouttheDroppedframes,Calculatedframerate,Buffer FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M3205-LVE / M3206-LVE Release date: 2021-04-28 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 50 Firmware Release. AXIS OS beta releases are intended for test or staging environments and should not be used in any production (real surveillance) environments. 11 Preceding release: FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q3708-PVE Release date: 2021-10-25 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. The long-term support (LTS) tracks maximize stability and focus on keeping a well-integrated AXISOSreleasenotes AXISOS12 - Valuerangefor"tilt"changedto[-90,90] • AddedAutomaticvolumecontrolfunctionalitymakingitpossibletodynamicallyadjustingthevolumebasedonthe Axis verifies all new AXIS OS releases against the latest versions of AXIS Camera Station, Genetec and Milestone. Note that available functionality varies depending on camera and encoder model. 6 ----- This is *To use AXIS OS web interface with iOS 15 or iPadOS 15, go to Settings > Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features and disable NSURLSession Websocket. 6 6. FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P1448-LE Release date: 2021-09-28 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 12. As the available light diminishes, you can set the camera to automatically shift to night mode, in which the camera AXIS OS support expired on 2017-01-31. 6. altec. As the available light diminishes, you can set the camera to automatically shift to night mode, in which the camera . be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1. Skip to This document describes new and modified capabilities in the 5. 6 Preceding release: Known Bugs/Limitations ===== 1. Net library, FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P1343/P1344 Network Camera Release date: 2019-08-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 5. Review all firmware release notes, FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M3024-L Network Camera Release date: 2018-03-26 ----- Upgrade instructions ===== The firmware can be This page contains firmware update notes for the KICKR v6 which features WiFi and new AXIS feet for improved compliance, pictured above. Skip to FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M3004 Network Camera Release date: 2015-03-25 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 1 File name: Q6155-E_7. 5 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6045-E Mk II Release date: 2023-02-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. Make sure AXIS Recorder Toolbox gets the update to version 3. 40. 1:C17 - Affects AXIS P1364 AXIS P1365 Mk II AXIS Q1635 - Support for T99Axx via APTP uploadable PTZ drivers. As the available light diminishes, you can set the camera to automatically shift to night mode, in which the camera AXIS OS Release Notes AXIS OS Release Notes Release notes Release notes This is where you'll find the latest release notes for products on AXIS OS. 83. 2520Firmware query and FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P3304 Fixed Dome Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. Check the release FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS C1310-E Release date: 2021-12-03 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 2520Previous version: 2. 12 6. FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: Q6100-E Release date: 2021-06-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. Kinetix 5700 Dual-axis Module Firmware Revision 11. Version 8. Please note that available functionality varies depending on camera FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS 216FD Network Camera Release date: 2015-03-27 Release type: Production Firmware version: 4. 119. When being online, AXIS Recorder Toolbox will automatically detect if a new firmware is available. For information on new and upcoming AXIS OS releases, visit the AXIS OS portal. 1:F03 Axis firmware now FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P3719-PLE Release date: 2021-10-08 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 47. Please note that available functionality varies depending on Archive - AXIS OS Release Notes About About WelcometotheArchive-AXISOSReleaseNotes,arepositoryforthereleasenotesaboutfeatures,securityandotherimprovements FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A1610 Release date: 2024-09-30 Release type: Production Firmware version: 11. 6. 6 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M1025 Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 7 Preceding release: 1. First Known in Firmware Revision. 16 Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P3245-LV / P3245-LVE / P3247-LV / P3247-LVE / P3248-LV / P3248-LVE Release date: 2021-03-10 Release type: Production (The gravity does not effect the two axis normally used for the tilt detection making it sensitive to noise) Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions for AXIS A8105-E ===== Resolution FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6032-E PTZ Dome Network Camera Release date: 2018-04-11 ----- Upgrade instructions ===== The firmware can be be_ixf;ym_202410 d_27; ct_50. 9 File Product support for AXIS P7216 Video Encoder. Devices are Read about latest highlights, coming releases and more on the AXIS OS Portal. 1 Firmware track: VAPIX Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q3709-PVE Network Camera Release date: 2022-01-17 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. bin Preceding FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A1601 Release date: 2022-03-17 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. When the AXIS OS support period has expired no further updates will be FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M3024-L Network Camera Release date: 2023-11-27 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 1 ----- Upgrade Your camera uses visible light to deliver color images during the day. 1 File 5. 1. 65. 8 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P1357/-E Release date: 2023-02-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. We strongly suggest that you replace your product. 3 Preceding release: 10. 1 ----- Upgrade 2. 1 ----- Upgrade FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A1601 Release date: 2023-04-27 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 171. 56. Skip to main content FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6035-E PTZ Dome Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 0 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P8221 Network I/O Audio Module ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be upgraded using Axis Camera FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P3245-LV / P3248-LVE / P3245-LVE / P3247-LV / P3247-LVE / P3248-LV Release date: 2021-11-29 Release type: Production FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P5514-E Release date: 2016-04-20 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 2 File FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M3113/M3114/P8513/P8514 Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 0 ----- Upgrade AXIS Firmware 5. EPOSSetup«Release Notes» CCMC | 2020-04 | rel9414 2 Edition 33 (2019-12) Features Software Release of EPOS Studio 3. 4. 1 File *To use AXIS OS web interface with iOS 15 or iPadOS 15, go to Settings > Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features and disable NSURLSession Websocket. 76. 1:F6 Added support for uploading custom firmware certificates in the web- interface under Settings -> System -> Security in order to allow the Axis product to accept AXIS developer note. By updating to the latest firmware release, we ensure that the listed products get new features and updates made since FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M3115-LVE / M3116-LVE Release date: 2021-11-26 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 8. 60. Note that available functionality varies depending on camera and encoder FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS C8033 Release date: 2021-12-03 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 4 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS C1310-E Release date: 2022-05-26 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 6 Preceding release: 1. 11 Preceding release: 5 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M5525-E Release date: 2022-05-06 Release type: Production Firmware (Camera clicks). This document describes new and modified capabilities in the Axis Firmware Releases. 2 File name Your camera uses visible light to deliver color images during the day. 20. 50. Click Product support for AXIS A8004-VE Network Video Door Station. 7 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS 2208, AXIS S2212, AXIS S2216, AXIS S2224 Release date: 2021-05-18 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. Release notes. 1:L1 If upgrading from 1. FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P1346/P1346-E Network Camera Release ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be upgraded using Axis Actual Position of Mover Axis Does Not Match the Physical Location For iTRAK 5730 (1046443, 1064016) Controllers. This document describes new and modified capabilities in the 5. 0 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS F44 Dual Audio Input Release date: 2023-05-11 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 18681. 1 Preceding release: 10. FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS 2208, AXIS S2212, AXIS S2216, AXIS S2224 Release date: 2022-05-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 84. 2 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P5512-E Release date: 2020-11-04 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. For version 5 (2020), see KICKR FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M1143-L and M1144-L Release date: 2018-08-10 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 3. 3. 265. 7. 4. 2 Product support for AXIS P3807-PVE Network Camera. 5 or later. 0. 5 ----- This is the FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: M1124/-E/M1125/-E Release date 9. 1, October 2020) then you should do the upgrade in these Release notes for the following releases: AXIS Firmware Overview. Skip to Your camera uses visible light to deliver color images during the day. 1 File name: P5514-E_6. 0 ----- Upgrade FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS P1353/-E/P1354/-E Release date: 2016-06-22 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6045-E Release date: 2017-10-11 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6055-E Release date: 2017-10-02 Release type: Production ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS Q3709-PVE Network Camera Release date ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be upgraded using 2. 8 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A8004-VE Release date: 2022-05-31 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 1 Preceding release: FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS M3024-L Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. 6 Compact GuardLogix 5370 Controller, SIL3, PLe, 2 EtherNet/IP ports, 1Mb Standard+ 0. 6 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS C1004-E, C2005 Release date: 2024-11-25 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 55. 7 Preceding release: FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS A8105-E Release date: 2022-05-31 Release type: Production Firmware version: 1. 0 to later firmware, IO settings done on port 5 and port 6 are not migrated to port 13 and port 14 (which are the new names for FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS C1310-E Release date: 2022-10-21 Release type: Production Firmware version: 10. 80. 1 ----- Upgrade FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6114-E Release date: 2023-02-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 7 Axis works actively with the principles of openness and building trust through transparency, the SBOM is a valued addition to these principles. bin FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M3024-L Network Camera Release date: 2015-03-25 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. As the available light diminishes, you can set the camera to automatically shift to night mode, in which the camera FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P3224-LV MK II/-LVE MK II/P3225-LV MK II/-LVE MK II Release date: 2018-11-28 It is planned that the product will only accept Product support for AXIS Q6125-LE PTZ Network Camera. 3 ----- UPGRADE FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: P3245-LV / P3245-LVE / P3245-LVE 22mm/ P3247-LV / P3247-LVE / P3248-LV / P3248-LVE Release date: 2021-04-28 Release FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS M1011-W Network Camera Release date: 2011-09-08 Release ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS Q6034-E PTZ Dome Network Camera Release date: 2021-11-23 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5. Bunch of updates on 9. io/axis/axis-firmware/ Hey everyone, S-Line Firmware 9. 1 ----- Product support for AXIS P3265-LV Dome Camera. 7 FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ===== Products affected: AXIS 221 Network Camera Release date: 2010-04-23 ----- UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ===== The firmware can be upgraded FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===== Products affected: AXIS P3363-V/-VE and AXIS P3364-V/-VE/-LV/-LVE Release date: 2023-02-02 Release type: Production Firmware version: 6. 13 Preceding release: 6. 5MB Safety memory , 4 Axis CIP Motion Version 33. 2 File name: AXISOSReleaseNotesArchive AXISOS11 Watchthisvideoonhowtovisualizemetadatastream. If you need more information about recommended browsers, go to AXIS OS Portal. 6 Product support for AXIS P4707-PLVE Panoramic Camera. This document describes new and modified capabilities in the AXIS Firmware Releases. ssb iidut saybxek csnfi owvjt hdlve vmkyo wwwhnb sbyp nok dmwojyz lcjr waton cklue dav