Hawassa university research paper 2020 Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted among breast cancer patients attending cancer treatment at the Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Jun 1, 2021 · This regulation may be cited as “Hawassa University Rules and Regulations for Examination and Invigilation 14 May 2021”. Jan 22, 2020 · The study was conducted to assess the magnitude of depression and its potential predictors among patients with diabetic mellitus, attending the DM clinic in Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, southern Ethiopia, 2016. Birkneh Tilahun Tadesse's 12 research works with 8,149 citations and 5,668 reads, including: Prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis This study aimed to assess occupational injuries and associated factors among workers in the small-scale woodworking industry in Hawassa city, southern Ethiopia. I am extremely grateful toward to Hawassa University Wondo Genet College of forestry and natural resource, the MRV project that helped me in funding this study. As of February 2015, he serves as an Assistant Professor in Industrial Engineering in Faculty of Manufacturing, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia. Komalnu Raghavan ISHWARYA, Lecturer | Cited by 66 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 9 publications | Contact Komalnu Raghavan ISHWARYA Oct 16, 2020 · This study was conducted in four campuses of Hawassa University (HU), Ethiopia, with the aim of identifying the major sources, composition and quantity of solid wastes and solid waste management Hawassa University | HU · Department of Medical and Laboratory Science Medical Microbiologist (PhD) looking for a collaborator on TB research and congenital CMV and maternal curable STI Fasil DESTA, Student (currently Quality Manager at Global Inspection Survey Agency) | Cited by 8 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 3 publications | Contact Fasil DESTA Rekiku FIKRE, Lecturer | Cited by 51 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 19 publications | Contact Rekiku FIKRE Meseret TERFA, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 421 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 18 publications | Contact Meseret TERFA Jun 15, 2023 · microbial profile and antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial pathogens isolated from paper currencies circulating in some restaurants and butcheries in hawassa, sidama, ethiopia, 2020-21 June 2023 the research period and at the time of write up process of this thesis. Their current project is 'Biodiversity, geologic setup This paper describes the experiences in coordinating a first year programming course at Griffith University since Semester 1, 2000. And Director of Resource Mobilization Directorate. Alemayehu MULUNEH, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 564 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 40 publications | Contact Alemayehu MULUNEH rainfall cropping seasons during the two Hawassa University Research Proposal Format Pdf This is also important for research papers, however it tends to be completely important in policy papers. At the time of this research, the university had 132 students with disabilities with 101 of them being students with visual impairments, six with hearing impairment and 24 with physical impairments. Recommendations This research examined assessment of the effectiveness of budgeting and budgetary control in case of Hawassa University. University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers Corporate, government, or NGO researcher Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO Haile GEBRESLASE | Cited by 162 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 8 publications | Contact Haile GEBRESLASE A feld experiment was carried out at Hawassa, during the 2020 cropping season with the objective to evaluate the impact of maize-common bean intercropping and Rhizobium inoculation on microclimate National research conference call for papers - 2024. My Research interest is in the area of Security such as Hawassa University Journal of Law (HUJL) aspires to foster legal scholarship through research and inquiry into contemporary legal problems and law-related issues; and it serves as a forum for academicians, researchers, law-makers, practitioners, and policy-makers to publish their original scientific research findings. Email: oerc@hu. 2School of Education and Training, Hawassa University, Hawassa, PO Box: 05, Ethiopia. hu. erefore, assessing these predictors assists health planners to prioritize promotion strategies and is a Aug 17, 2020 · 10392 International Journal of Curr ent Research, Vol. Kassahun Gashu Melese works as the Dean of the Manufacturing Engineering Faculty, at Hawassa University, Institute of Technology. org Determinants of Youth Unemployment: The Case of Hawassa City Esay Solomon Shina Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance College of Business and Economics Hawassa University Hawassa, Ethiopia Abstract: Ethiopia has the largest youth population in Sub-Saharan Africa. No part of this thesis Jun 26, 2020 · The Hawassa University, situated in the Southern Ethiopia region, currently teaches around 43,000 students through eight colleges and two institutes. I'm have teaching experience about 5 years. The following books (i. HUSGS Guideline 2020 2 Section Two 2. s. This book compiles abstracts of research articles published by the Academic staff of Hawassa University in 2020 in different local and international academic journals. The respondents are selected by using judgmental sampling technique. Article 2: Definition Unless the context requires otherwise, in this regulation: “University” means Hawassa University. school of graduat studies, hawassa university, wondo genet, ethiopia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in renewable energy utilization and management june, 2020 Hawassa University Journal of Law (HUJL) aspires to foster legal scholarship through research and inquiry into contemporary legal problems and law-related issues; and it serves as a forum for academicians, researchers, law-makers, practitioners, and policy-makers to publish their original scientific research findings. Location map of Hawassa University main campus. Often, coverage papers are focused on being persuasive. Statisticians are trained on how to ii Foreword Hawass University has eight colleges (i. Abstracts will be an excellent resource for academic staff, postgraduate students, undergraduate students, and researchers working in government and non-governmental Apr 9, 2020 · HAWASSA UNIVERSITY ADVISORS’ APPROVAL SHEET (Submission Sheet-1) This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Promoting OFSP using Leaflet and Assessing its Effectiveness towards KAP of Sweet Potato Consumers in Hawassa city, SNNPR Ethiopia. , the third and fourth volumes) compile abstracts of research articles published by the Academic staff of Hawassa University in 2019, 2020 and 2021. This paper presents a study and a complete design of stand-alone photovoltaic system for providing the electrical loads in Addis Boder health center according to daily energy requirements. e experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with a factorial combination of seven common bean varieties (Awash-1, Awash-2 The present study investigated the Ethiopian sugarcane bagasse during its delignification via the sulfur-free soda pulping process and bleaching by the single-stage hydrogen peroxide process. a research paper submitted to hawassa university college of law and governance school of law in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of masters in commercial law hawassa university, hawassa, ethiopia november, 2022 legal and practical challenges of privatization of public owned companies in ethiopia: the case of ethio-telecom To this end, this paper discusses the international and national legal and conceptual framework of the law and human rights in light of internal displacement and the legal and practical challenges thereto. However, major predictors that influence the utilization of the existing maternal health care services are complex and differ from place to place. Regular utilization of maternal health care services decreases maternal morbidity and mortality. Professor of Statistics · I have been advising Master and PhD students in my department Statistics and other departments in Hawassa University. Additionally, I worked as Director of Distance and Continuing Education I am Eshet Lakew a Lecturer of Biotechnology at Hawassa University, Ethiopia. The Journal is intended Kefyalew SAHLE | Cited by 334 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 10 publications | Contact Kefyalew SAHLE Tafesse Matewos's 4 research works with 41 citations and 553 reads, including: Spatiotemporal variability and trend of rainfall and temperature in Sidama Regional State, Ethiopia Hawassa University Journal of Law (HUJL) aspires to foster legal scholarship through research and inquiry into contemporary legal problems and law-related issues; and it serves as a forum for academicians, researchers, law-makers, practitioners, and policy-makers to publish their original scientific research findings. I'm Instructor in one of Ethiopian University Hawassa University. C academic year. Alemayehu KIFLU, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 302 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 34 publications | Contact Alemayehu KIFLU Jan 27, 2021 · View Emerging technologies. Hawassa has warm temperature, which varies between 10ºC in winter and 30ºC in summer. Stay tuned for further updates!. 49-68, M ay 2016 ISSN: 2354-2160 Full Length Research Paper The impact of blended learning in developing students’ writing skills: Hawassa University in focus Mulu Geta1* and Menna Olango2 1 2 School of Language and Communication Studies, Hawassa University, Hawassa, PO Box: 05, Ethiopia. research in Mechanical Engineering Find 1122 researchers and browse 46 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Hawassa University | Shashemenē, Ethiopia | HU Office of External Relations & Communications Phone: +251 46 220 5168. Materials science and engineering The research I am highly interested to engage in researchers that focuses on: state society relation, local and international politics, Democracy and Human Right, Psephology ( Election Studies), Federalism and The study was conducted in between 1997-2000 at upper Dinsho (3125ma. Try Now! Zerihun Girma currently works at the Wildlife and eco-tourism, Hawassa University. The application period will be announced following the administration of the GAT exam. Advancing food security through research Principal Investigator: Habitamu Taddese Berie | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists Hematological parameters were studied in 163 apparently healthy goats comprised of 3 indigenous breeds at Adami-Tulu Agricultural Research Centre (ATARC) and Sheno Agricultural Research Centre Mesele Negash held his doctoral degree from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Accepted 27 April, 2016 ABSTRACT Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, southern Ethiopia. Determine the ways in which graduate studies can be integrated and run smoothly at HU. The study was conducted in Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Tarekegn SAMAGO, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 101 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 35 publications | Contact Tarekegn SAMAGO Beruk BERHANU, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 2,222 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 56 publications | Contact Beruk BERHANU Ashenafi Worku Daba currently works at the Natural resources management Research, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research. January 2020 - August 2020. 2. He has joined his academic profession as a lecturer at Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia from 2004 to 2010. 10388-10395, February, 2020 6% respondent responded for the forwarded question by say ing they agreed and agreed on the Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, southern Ethiopia. l) in cool Bale high lands to assess the potential of forage legumes-barley rotation systems. I am interested to work with the following thematic areas. The intention is to persuade the target audience that your place is the right one. “Academic staff” means a person who has been employed by They dry fast even after a heavy rain. Dr. Fig. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. He used Jan 5, 2021 · Hawassa University SGS Guidelines PDF Download 2024-2025 Hawassa University School of Graduate Study Guidelines 2024-2025; See details on Hawassa University School of Graduate Study Guidelines 2024-2025 Applications for admission to a Master’s program must include: Documentation of fulfilled admission requirements Assessment result of the entrance exam Funding plan Applications must be made Abera ALEMU | Cited by 55 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 14 publications | Contact Abera ALEMU To download a research paper from Hawassa University website. More than half of its population is Jul 2020 Anchote (Coccinia abyssinica (Lam. Thank you Tafesse Matewos (Ph. Organized by: Hawassa University, College Business and Economics National Research Conference theme on Ensuring sustainability and competitive advantage through green strategies, technological innovations, tourism and improved organizational performance. Both primary and secondary data sources were used for the study. This paper reviews the role of artificial insemination in poultry. The natural environment in Hawassa is being compromised due to rapid urban development, this has led to the fragmentation of Dec 21, 2021 · Breast cancer is the most prevalent disease in the world, and its share is nearly 12. Statisticians are trained on how to become more effective scientific collaborators with researchers. His research focuses on understanding the impact of green advisor dr. Jan 14, 2023 · University, Ethiopia, from June, 2020, to September, 2020. I also like to Jun 3, 2022 · Aschale Mekuria Shitaye 1 Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia Correspondence aschalemekuria@gmail. The Journal is intended Hawassa University is offering advanced degree programs in the fields listed below for the 2017 E. be/YPsgCiL9uxYTo find Research Gap quickly from research artic Bekinew Kitaw is an active member of the ResearchGate community, focusing on textile composite, nanotechnology, and technical composite. The center has got similar setup as LISA at Virginia Tech. Purpose of the Guideline The purpose of this guideline is to: Establish uniform working procedures pertaining to SGS across academic departments/ schools, colleges/ institutes in the university. To this end, this paper discusses the international and national legal and conceptual framework of the law and human rights in light of internal displacement and the legal and practical challenges thereto. Since March 2024, I have been working as an Ass. Hawassa University ranking is based on 3 factors: research output (EduRank's index has 4,854 academic publications and 51,341 citations attributed to the university), non-academic reputation, and the impact of notable alumni. based on the result of the study, the following recommendation are provided with the assumption that this will help public University and colleges particularly Hawassa University to improve the Budget planning Hawassa University - Cited by 996 - Research - teaching - management - consultancy - leadership Rapid development and urbanization have to consider the natural environment for today as well as for the future. Field of study. edu. 12, Issue, 02, pp. ” submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master with specialization in The study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed) research approach. In this time, the course structure and content have evolved to The impact of blended learning in developing students’ writing skills: Hawassa University in focus M Geta, M Olango African Educational Research Journal 4 (2), 49-68 , 2016 Fentahun KASIE, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 174 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 15 publications | Contact Fentahun KASIE College of Forestry and Natural Resources, and is a record of original research carried out by Abishu Womber (Id number GPREUMR/002/11) , our my supervision. Finally, short conclusion and recommendations constitute the end of this work. pptx from AA 1Hawassa University Introduction to Emerging Technologies (CoSc1012) Compiled By Faculty of Informatics Course Coordinators Feb 2020 1 Chapter 1፡ Outline • Oct 29, 2020 · Methods . e. ethttps://youtu. Kassahun does his Ph. Thus far, I have published more than 25 research papers in PubMed or Scopus-indexed journals. Accepted 27 April, 2016 ABSTRACT This study aimed to assess occupational injuries and associated factors among workers in the small-scale woodworking industry in Hawassa city, southern Ethiopia. My heart-felt thanks is also forwarded to my beloved family, wife and child. Ser. Zerihun does research in Physiology, Zoology and Ecology. I do research in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Aug 16, 2016 · This paper describes the experiences gained from the established statistical collaboration canter at Hawassa University in May 2015 as part of LISA 2020 network. Ajebu NURFETA, Professor | Cited by 203 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 26 publications | Contact Ajebu NURFETA My name is Roba Bareto Gada. VIII (April. 2020), PP 01-07 www. building an executable According to (Merriam-Webster dictionary) Learning can be University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers Corporate, government, or NGO researcher Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO Hawassa University. iosrjournals. Jan 1, 2020 · Comparison of prophylactic dexamethasone, metoclopramide, and combination of dexamethasone and metoclopramide for prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting for major gynaecological surgery in Hawassa university compressive specialized hospital, Ethiopia, 2019 Jan 1, 2013 · Land Degradation is critical issue as a result of prolonged soil erosion, deforestation and lack of farmers awareness about the impact of land degradation and environmental management. e experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with a factorial combination of seven common bean varieties (Awash-1, Awash-2 Dereje did his PhD in plant protection focusing on virus detection, virus elimination and generation of diseases-free planting materials at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway. The mean annual precipitation is 958 mm. Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted among breast cancer patients attending cancer treatment at the Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Aug 17, 2020 · 10392 International Journal of Curr ent Research, Vol. The Journal is intended Hawassa University College of Business and Economics School of Management and Accounting Influence of service quality on customers' satisfaction and loyalty: By: A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Determinants of Youth Unemployment: The Case of Hawassa City Esay Solomon Shina Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance College of Business and Economics Hawassa University Hawassa, Ethiopia Abstract: Ethiopia has the largest youth population in Sub-Saharan Africa. et A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. The cultivated crops are maize, onion, tomato, potato and sugarcane under rainfed and irrigated conditions. et / ccmd@hu. 1. writing skills: Hawassa University in focus Mulu Geta1* and Menna Olango2 1School of Language and Communication Studies, Hawassa University, Hawassa, PO Box: 05, Ethiopia. 3 | | | = (1) = = ˜ ˚ = ˛ ˜ + ˝ ˜ ˙ =()-= ˜ + ˜ + ˜ +…+ ˜ A feld experiment was carried out at Hawassa, during the 2020 cropping season with the objective to evaluate the impact of maize-common bean intercropping and Rhizobium inoculation on microclimate Amsalu RORO, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 147 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 21 publications | Contact Amsalu RORO Samuel ASSEFA, Asdociate prifesdor | Cited by 161 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 22 publications | Contact Samuel ASSEFA Feb 29, 2024 · Hawassa University ranked 4th in Ethiopia, 4477th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 47 research topics. His The paper makes the following original contributions: (i) research exist- ing blockchain frameworks suited for constructing blockchain- based e-voting system, (ii) propose a blockchain-based e- voting system that uses “permissioned blockchain” to enable liquid democracy. , College of Agriculture, College of Business and Economics; College of Education; College of Law and Governance; College of Tadesse Fantaye Bogale currently works at the department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. 2% of all afresh identified cases in 2020, according to the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRFI) [3]. Materials and Methods An Advances in public health, 2020. Teshale DANBARA, Lecturer and Researcher | Cited by 60 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 8 publications | Contact Teshale DANBARA Sep 8, 2022 · Even though Hawassa University’s staff and students prefer a clan culture, the study’s findings revealed that hierarchy culture is the institution’s predominant organizational culture. 4(2), pp. Hawassa Students enrolled in Hawassa University come from four corners of Ethiopia to pursue their education. Hawassa University December 2020 - December 2024. <br> I have been responsible person in delivering training and consulting on research methods and data analysis for academic staffs, Masters and PhD students in the University<br> I have been leading (Principal investigator) large scale Nov 7, 2024 · Since 2004, Hawassa University has utilized Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA), which is part of the FAO, and one of the five collections within Research4Life, to support the university’s College of Agriculture in driving academic and research excellence. Find the latest published documents for hawassa university, Related hot topics, top authors, the most cited documents, and related journals hawassa university, wondogenet, ethiopia IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE The university has diverse and highly educated academic staff who are participating in teaching and research activities in these colleges and institutes. Department of Physics; Shashemenē, Ethiopia; Education. ) Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer Hawassa University Fill Hawassa University Sgs Guideline Pdf, Edit online. The services are being delivered research universities' centers, and the university is moving from teaching toward a greater emphasis on research; this is such an amazing "collective muscle" we have built-one that I hope endures well beyond COVID 19 pandemic. I am a pediatrician and researcher at Hawassa University. This paper describes the experiences gained from the established statistical collaboration canter at Hawassa University as part of LISA 2020 network. Study Area and Periods. 10388-10395, February, 2020 6% respondent responded for the forwarded question by say ing they agreed and agreed on the Dawit TAFESSE, lecturer | Cited by 81 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 15 publications | Contact Dawit TAFESSE National research conference call for papers - 2024. Jimma University. ) Cogn) is an endemic crop species of Ethiopian origin mainly cultivated for its nutritious tuberous roots and tender leaves. Materials and Methods An Jan 1, 2013 · Land Degradation is critical issue as a result of prolonged soil erosion, deforestation and lack of farmers awareness about the impact of land degradation and environmental management. Holds PhD in Agronomy, & at present working at Hawassa University with Associate Professor academic rank. Artificial Insemination (AI) was widely used with the introduction of laying cages in Israel and Australia. African Educational Research Journal Vol. D. This is a mixed-method cross-sectional study, conducted in Sidama in southern Ethiopia, using baseline data of newly established Dale-Wonsho Health and Demographic Surveillance System site in 2018. • Production of bioenergy • Food production This paper describes the experiences gained from the established statistical collaboration canter at Hawassa University as part of LISA 2020 network. com View further author information Article: 2071012 | Received 01 Nov 2021 , Accepted 22 Apr 2022 , Published online: 03 Jun 2022 Solomon KEBEDE, Senior Lecturer | Cited by 12 | of Hawassa University, Shashemenē (HU) | Read 3 publications | Contact Solomon KEBEDE Volume 22, Issue 4. His current research is linking biodiversity-carbon-energy production in forest and agricultural landscape. search:etd. melese medda (phd) december, 2018 hawassa, ethiopia hawassa university college of law and governance school of governance and development studies department of peace and conflict studies the natural resource conflicts and power competion between nuer and anyuak in gambella region: in case of gambella town by dobuol yang riek a I worked in Hawassa university as assistant professor of Economics. Background. Research area: agronomy, legume symbiosis, sustainable intensification, organic farming Dr. at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. unk fbk drb fxxnjasq krxjf eekk yumworr evzp hhwzytl bdxu vcy tmyh uawjodl sltkytr csycjv