Is my boyfriend lazy or depressed. So that’s great.
Is my boyfriend lazy or depressed Before he met me, he had been suffering from depression because he's been in a really bad si Jul 26, 2024 · Look for other signs of depression — If your teen is suddenly acting lazy or unmotivated, that doesn’t automatically mean they have depression. You have 2 options: Advice: My Boyfriend is Messy Hara Estroff Marano offers advice on when one partner is overly neat. Depression is a physical, sometimes fatal, illness. he eventually tells me that basically he had a family type emergency involving depression with his Mar 13, 2019 · But it could be more than just apathy. I'm depressed and can't get myself to clean my room. If you look at the symptoms of depression above and club together the first three (bolded), those are laziness symptoms. Depression treatment options include antidepressant medication, talking therapies and lifestyle changes. I’ve given him 5 years of my life already though, and hate the idea of breaking up. I also feel guilty a lot. Or depressed. If he is just a lazy piece of shityour mere presence as his GF validates that choice. That he will open up to me and I'll use it as a weapon against him. I think when my anxiety comes into play it’s always in the back of my head telling me it’s me or I feel alone. Some guys get headaches My boyfriend suddenly went MIA in his 4th week of being sick with corona. TLDR; I don't know whether my boyfriend has a relapse of depression, tough times with his addictions or whether this is just who he is. I just want to be there for him, but I can’t sacrifice myself to his depression either. In fact, laziness can be a symptom of depression. I struggle with this same problem. but i love him. I can tell you all now that my boyfriend is NOT depressed. I have been this way too all my life since high school but I just accept my depression and do my best. Sometimes, people can become lazy and unmotivated when they unconsciously refuse to move to the next phase of their life. I went home to spend time with my family for my birthday, and I ended up sitting in front of my laptop crying instead, as I tried to help him. TL;DR - Boyfriend is depressed and has lost most of his motivation, depends on me for all emotional support and doesn't want to accept help. Why should she do anything when you're living her life for her? Posted by u/Mental_Blob - 2 votes and 7 comments My boyfriend and I have been together for about 9 months nowhe's my best friend and I would do anything for him but he also likes to just do things for himselflike most men. I am very good at hiding it because I am so embarrassed and simply do not have the need to tell them. Signs of a lazy boyfriend who is just a lazy person. omg my bf of 2 years who i live together with also broke up with me a week ago. To me laziness is deliberately avoiding a task because you don’t feel like it. Your boyfriend is an adult man who has a very poor work ethic, is apathetic about his own success, makes alarmingly bad financial decisions, doesn't respect the cleanliness of your home, doesn't understand your need for personal space, and is jealous. If you're in the Us I cook send you a cook book if you're interested also I apologize for the last words in my previous post. A lot of people dont realize they have depression until theyre kinda told. My mum is the least lazy person I know. My boyfriend (25M) and I (23F) have been together for 4 years now. Jan 15, 2025 · For some reason this is not happening. If I feel irritated or hurt by something I think my husband has done, I don’t tell him. Keep an eye out for other signs of major depressive disorder, such as: I know my story is different but the basics of respect and hard work should relate to your story. I'm not sure how to communicate this to my boyfriend and family. It takes a professional to diagnose someone's mental health. But if your boyfriend is lazy, he may not bother to invest anything in your relationship, and it might eventually fail. Don't know what to do. I can't decide if he's lazy or depressed. The thing is, he is not lazy or unmotivated. Help! My Boyfriend Is Depressed and Pushing Me Away. Hi guys. It might be a good idea for him to see his physician in order to rule out any medical problems that might be interfering with his sexual drive. We had always talk about how lazy he is and he never knows what to do or how to do things on his own. I woke up to him asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Guess what I think about your husband. Sep 7, 2023 · Time and effort are crucial factors that run a relationship. ” Just because you’re in your dream house doesn’t mean your Feb 5, 2023 · A good friend recently came to me with a dilemma — “My boyfriend doesn’t have a job, should I leave him?” It’s a tricky one for sure and isn’t as simple as a yes or no answer, especially when emotions are involved. Like cancer, or diabetes. Poor sleep quality/quantity can make it worse, as can life events, drugs alcohol etc. Depression can destroy you, that even getting out of bed can be too much, so cleaning is something she can’t manage yet. Some days are better than others and my depression comes in waves. While laziness can be a symptom of depression, it can have other underlying causes too, such as: Replace the word ‘lazy’ with ‘unwell’. Like it is so hard for me that at that point, I feel like I'd rather just kms, instead of putting the effort. Depression is. if he continues to be lazy or gets angry at your suggestion, just No one from my family knows about my problems and depression, only my boyfriend. Its not necessarily only a feeling a sadness (though its involved kind of) its mostly a lack of motivation like you described or a struggle to keep any kind of proper schedule for eating, sleeping, or anything really. 10M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. And this is why, when I’m depressed, I do something I don’t normally do: I keep my feelings to myself. My relationship suffered the most, I felt trap and like many depressed person my vision was clouded with sadness. I eat one meal a day because I’m too lazy to get up for anything else even if food is delivered straight to my door. We have been dating happily since and have experienced living together and such. Also, he is very good and loving to me. my boyfriend (24m) and i (22f) have been together for about 6 months. The article is very well written and well worth reading. But, I get that you’re on the other side of it so it’s a difficulty for you. I don't feel supported, instead I just feel pressured. I don’t know if he would do this but based upon my knowledge of how he reacts when I try to suggest help, counseling, etc. Love often leads us on a journey of self-discovery and growth. use this time to relearn yourself and focus on you, and help him get therapy and let him go 2 days ago · When your boyfriend is depressed, he may not recognize his depression symptoms as signs of a mental health condition. Hi, it's my first time posting here, I need some support because my boyfriend's depression makes me feel very lonely. I know from my personal experience with depression and anxiety that it can be really difficult to open up and be vulnerable, even with close friends and family. I bring in just as much as you and love my single life. I would've got suicidal thoughts every second now it is a couple of days in a week. I am working my way through reading them all. This worked for my friend who’s boyfriend has anxiety and couldn’t deal with her going out - and it made him reach out and get help from a progressional, and now they’re thriving. And I didn't hurt myself for the last 6 months. Although the researchers looked at people who had already been diagnosed with depression and were open about it with their partners, their findings revealed 8 negative factors that can be used as signs of depression. It… Now I'm at this state of mind that venting do not help whatsoever, nor does it resolve the way I feel and see things that make me depressed and I highly doubt anything does. So that’s great. ”). An illness; Brain-based; All-encompassing; Not Let's see. he also pulled away and doesnt love me now. It’s even worse that now my bf just thinks that I am plain lazy, although I’m already trying Now for the tough part: you are enabling him. Nov 7, 2019 · Managing mental illness, including depression, is different for every individual. I think I'm just depressed, and too lazy to stop that. In my lived experience, having everything handed to me has made me an objectively worse person. Recognizing these scenarios can calm your mind and help guide your next steps. , it seems like it could go that route. The plan is to do so just trying to do it carefully. Edit: Thank you everyone for your comments. It can hit because of a trigger like a bad day, or just “because”. He will appreciate the help. Mar 28, 2022 · Depression can cause someone to lose interest in activities and people they love or have no motivation to put effort in. I’ve been with my BF for about a year and a half and over the past 9 months, I’ve noticed that he’s very fiscally irresponsible. And when a partner is depressed, it can have significant impact on a relationship. the first three months were so great, but after he got rejected from the grad program he applied to, things really went downhill. It usually helps when I work on this with my therapist and I have been neglecting my appointments lately. I never gone outside but now I can go outside sometimes. Do you believe depression is real? Do you wonder if it looks the same in teens as it does in adults? As a therapist, I frequently see teens suffering from depression. She’d yell and yell and yell. Also it seems very hard to do. I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and I love him with every beat of my heart, he's amazing, he's everything a girl wantss in a boyfriend, I'm 19 I work part time every day, he doesn't work nor go to school, I brought it up to him once and he became emotional telling me his parents don't have the money for school and after that talk he Losing interest and being lazy, in my mind, do not exist. Feb 8, 2013 · Woman, holding onto “secret” grudges is worthless. I do understand that it’s a real illness and I also understand that I can’t fully understand how he’s feeling. You're unmotivated for good reasons, unless you're not eating well or lack oxygen, your body gets this energy and your brain tells you why doing those things is supposed to make you feel good, yet you're stuck, snared. We recently moved in together. You can't tell if someone's just depressed or lazy or both or something else. I truly did not expect this many comments on my post. In this reflective essay, I will delve into the delicate issue of perceiving my boyfriend as lazy and unmotivated. He is just a very kind person with a sad story. He may blame other events in his life (like a stressful job or trouble in your relationship), or he may avoid the topic altogether. He wants me to change but he doesn’t understand I can’t get rid of my depression that easily. All I do now is similar to OP, plus music, at most times. Empower your partner to make decisions. . He simply believes you should serve him. So, my boyfriend works from home at a desk listening to phone calls 5 days a week from 7am - 3:30 p ( weekends off). 4 years together and seeing me struggle and he’s an asshole. Most days I feel exhausted and cannot keep the promise that I will workout, so to him, I come across as lazy. Absolutely Posted by u/justablondie_ - 3 votes and 4 comments I lost my job and just loved off savings and unemployment all the while promising my then gf (now wife) that I would search for a job, would go back to college etc. 3 days ago · Encourage them to get help: You cannot treat your partner’s depression – that is the job of professionals. maybe tell him how you're concerned for his health due to the rapid weight gain. Something that concerns me is his lack of motivation. His depression makes him feel like he doesn't deserve me or my love and care for him. Clothes everywhere. One such trait is laziness, and if you find yourself lamenting about your boyfriend's lack of motivation and initiative, you're not alone. He is an only child, he was use to being taken care of or having things done for him. Then, last month, I was diagnosed with a chronic disease that explains why I was feeling exhausted and why I’ve been struggling with my Also 4 years is a long time and I feel I’ve really grown since meeting him age 20. But he doesn't, and my patience is wearing thin. I may have undiagnosed depression, anxiety, autism, and ADHD. And messy. I don't have an answer for you. Sometimes those thoughts erupt and cause an argument; other times, they’re internalized, and lead to resentment. Brushing my teeth, showering, and so on is so difficult. Hence, it is necessary to recognize signs that your boyfriend is lazy and make him get out of his comfort zone. Being depressed does not only mean being sad but also feeling mad at others, disgust at oneself, and not feeling anything at all. I always feels tired because of my depression and he doesn’t get that. you aren’t asking for too much at all! if he wants to be lazy and dirty, then he can, but don’t let his immaturity deteriorate your quality of life. We have spent every day together ever since. Reply reply My (F30) boyfriend (M34) lied to I have been depressed for so long but I am on meds. Let's break down common reasons he may be pulling away. My sleeping habits are abysmal. In this article, we will explore the dynamics of such relationships, the reasons behind extreme laziness Thanks for the response! I took some notes to talk about with my boyfriend later. I actually dated him in high school and we reconnected after 8 years. You've really helped me visualize what living with depression is like Here goes: I’m LAZY. its been tough cuz im depressed too. I understand his insecurities and anxieties but now I’m getting tired. Contrast the above description of laziness with this depiction of depression. Or… It seems you are depressed. It's usually from depression when that happens, Cook at home with him if he doesnt want to go on exercises, that would help as well. We graduated from the same school in 2012and I got a job six months outwhile he's been interning and temping for a year and a half. I guess my advice is, try your best to help him change for a period of time. I was diagnosed with MDD two years ago, and since then my life has been hell. Please do not jump to conclusions. I believe these two things, him taking days off to help with my relative and him helping me learn Spanish contributed to his poor performance in work in some ways which resulted in him getting sacked. I also blamed my husband's temper as a cause of my depression. But this might be useful information to know when it comes to offering me advice. I am 29f and my boyfriend (Jake) is 29m, length of relationship is 3. We ended up talking every day. I know you don't want to hurt him but you are doing him 0 favors by allowing this to continue. And when those thoughts start swirling, it’s even easier to get angry and stew. I struggled my whole life thinking I sucked and was lazy Mar 4, 2019 · I understand that there’s nothing I can do to fix his depression. It is crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity, aiming not to pass judgment but to explore the underlying dynamics and potential solutions to foster growth and harmony within the relationship. But LAZY in every sense of the word. Depressed dogs will often show the following signs: Change in behavior or mood; Loss of appetite; Paw licking; Sleeping all the time; Hiding. I think that my life really wasn't hard, comparatively, and that I shouldn't be depressed, I'm not entitled to it. Hi i think that my boyfriend is depressed, he doesnt give me the love that he used to, i find that hard but i think deep down hes going through a lot right now, i think he finds it hard to express his feelings to me, we are almost in a 4 year relationship, when i met him i had a lot of issues and he helped me become a better person. Unexplained physical ailments Not enough people realize that depression can manifest in physical ways. Don’t see me being with him much longer. This might push him further away but if you’re strong and he loves you he will want to change to become a better person for you and your relationship. May 24, 2021 · The difference is that depression affects one's mental health and mood, while lazy people are just unmotivated by things outside their control because they lack self-awareness or insight into what I just get on with it. I need my boyfriend back. When Jake met me I was a bum and mooch. There is no way I can say whether your boyfriend is lazy, has a sexual problem, is depressed or has something wrong with him, either physical or psychological. His excuse was that it would change his personality. you deserve to be with someone who will pull their weight and make your life BETTER! i suggest giving him an ultimatum (“begin to pull your weight or i will leave you. But I stopped studying and my room is just do bad I hate myself. In my family, many of us have depressive disorder; it is hereditary. If you think you have a lazy husband but aren’t sure, explore the following traits of a lazy husband and decide for Thank you. This way he will learn how to do some things. I’m single and pissed because I was going to have my back fixed in April but got sidelined with some RA crap that has blasted me finally getting the spine fixed next month. I had depression and that didn't help, but I was finally able to get an actual job, start saving, and start actually living my life. I used to be like your gf, except I was 19. he’s truly and amazing and sweet boyfriend and we rarely have issues. Is a respectful, lazy, conceited asshole and you need to exit this nightmare. my life is FUN. com May 9, 2023 · If you're Googling, "my boyfriend is depressed," chances are, your partner is struggling with their mental health and you're looking for supportive yet subtle ways to show them you're there. In fact, my boyfriend's mom has celiac disease as does his aunt. He doesn’t have a history of mental illness, just some mild anxiety and a bit of seasonal depression. i’m at a loss right now bc i As everyone else has said, he sounds very depressed. May 23, 2022 · “Is my son depressed, or just lazy?” I have been asked this question by many parents with sons in middle and high school. I understand, I've heard many cases like that but trust me, I wouldn't be with him if I thought he was just using me or didn't want to work. also I am retired military and that life was easier than being married and And my boyfriend called me lazy multiple times today and said these all sound like excuses in the context of me being poor at house care. I was in a mental hospital 1. Now for context : My boyfriend (29M) and I (26F) are dating since 2017. My partner has been in a manic depressive spiral for the past 2 weeks and I feel utterly powerless to help him. He wants me to move in and get married already but I still have reservations. I know some people say this but it's bullshit. In this article, we will delve into the complexities of dealing with a seemingly lazy partner, exploring the reasons behind such behavior, potential solutions, and the importance of effective communication. Getting myself to do so even more. If someone's lazy wife was making it financially impossible to have a family or just expecting the other person to do the housework despite working full time, everyone here would agree that she's a self-entitled douchebag. My brother was so depressed. For some context, myself (30F) and my partner (29M) are in a long distance relationship, but that has nothing to do with his depression. My boyfriend does that, too. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… He has depression and takes medication for it and he's been through a traumatic divorce. and how he speaks to me and handles my episodes makes things worse. 7 signs of a lazy husband. He's the happiest guy I know when he's doing what he wants to do. we are sleeping in different rooms and we also have a roommate but we are barely talking now. he just doesn’t understand no matter how hard i try. And actually, they’re not my feelings; they’re just some rubbish going through my head, which I misconstrue for feelings. When we first met he had savings left over from when he last had a job (tiling work, can no longer be on his knees for hours due to injury, so he can't go back) and he actually gave me money back when I was struggling If I just wasn't so lazy I could end my depression and do what I want to accomplish, because I KNOW exactly how to stop my depression, but I don't do it because it is so hard. 12M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. His divorce makes him worried that I'm going to use and manipulate him. Since my boyfriend was living nearby, he used to help a lot in the hospital, sometimes even taking days off from his work to help me with something. i noticed he was being a bit distant with me about 3 weeks ago and i was a bit frustrated. This mental fatigue can manifest as appearing lazy when, in truth, they are dealing with cognitive tiredness. but i just want him to be happy no matter what. My mom called me lazy before knowing about my depression. In fact, it’s often the question that brings a family in for an initial appointment with a psychotherapist. TLDR: boyfriend is lazy and unemployed. He’s not great either. I don’t want any issues or people trying to stalk me or harass me. My ex liked to use the "I'm a stay-at-home dad" thing, even after our kid started I don’t know how much longer I can take this. My older brother never wanted to take medication. He told me he is at a limbo now in his life and that I shouldn't worry because "it's just a depression". I often wonder if I'm actually depressed or just a lazy asshole that can fall back on depression diagnosis. We talk a lot about it and how I don’t want to be a grown man’s mother or be anyones maid. My boyfriend (M30) and I (F23) have been together for 6 years. In January, we signed a lease for a brand new apartment and we move in April 1st. See full list on healthcentral. Since then, he has become more and more insistent on this, claiming concerns for my health only. I am never sure if it's a genuine 'how was your day?' type question, I always interpret it as 'what the fuck do you do with your time you lazy piece of crap'. But lazy people are experts at it. Just as illnesses like diabetes aren’t what someone is like, nor is depression. He calls me lazy and says I’m just using my depression as an excuse. My Gilda-Gram™ explains, “You won’t receive if you don’t forgive. Until now, things had been manageable, he had sometimes rough times but we were supporting each Number 1, depression has no rhyme or reason. I hate having to tell people I'm depressed and I don't have the strenghth to do go out and socialize, do chores all the time etc. Unlike sadness, depression doesn’t just fade with time but with treatment. I don't make enough to move out and take care of my son. Aug 18, 2016 · Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign looked at the impact that depression has on relationships. The problem is that he's anxious and depressed, and he has been for a while. been married twice before and never again. Not regular lazy. Since we moved in together we began to grow apart, as he cares about me much less. If you don't want to support someone who isn't pulling their weight or taking their responsibilities seriously, you don't have to. But the content troubled me somewhat —so I decided to I'm very depressed and I feel like hitting my head against a brick wall with the amount of stress I'm in. I told my mom and she helped me once, now it seems easier to do some things He refuses medication and counseling, always promises he'll start working out but never does (I know exercise is a great combatant for depression), and although he goes along with my little schemes (I'm always researching new alternative cures) he won't actually take any vitamins unless I physically give them to him every day. Jun 11, 2024 · Depression is an actual medical condition, and it can affect your mood, thinking, and daily life in ways that simply feeling lazy doesn’t. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… Posted by u/whatthethrowaway - 4 votes and 4 comments One thing your boyfriend should know, is that if he refuses to take medication, his depression can get worse. I had met my former boyfriend when I was a 21 year old party girl in California with no intentions on being responsible. Dec 13, 2024 · Why is my boyfriend acting distant? You keep asking yourself “Why my boyfriend is being distant?” This is the crux: without understanding the root cause, attempts to mend the situation might just add friction. A lot of people tend to procrastinate. By Hara Estroff Marano published May 1, 2007 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016 My brother in particular needs to hit rock bottom and come to the realization that he needs to work on himself on his own. It makes you feel physically unwell. Days I couldn’t even eat or shower she wanted me to do dishes and I couldn’t do it. Before we talk about why he might be lazy and what you can do about it, let’s make sure you really do have a lazy boyfriend. 1. The lack of drive and motivation are also symptoms of depression, and those with depression are often perceived as lazy at first glance. Mainly because I was in denial, and wanted to attribute causes to my depression. He is the man of my life and I would do anything for him. Not very lazy. Let me first give you guys some information - my boyfriend and I met in high school as a freshmen/sophomore and dated on and off up until my senior year (2008). It really feels awful, even though I know in my rational mind he might just be making conversation and maybe be concerned. I didn't for more than a year and eventually my gf sat me down and just told me how she was feeling and that she couldn't wait for me to get my shit together. Nov 21, 2024 · It can be caused by low physical or mental energy levels and resembles depression. It's like, I want something, get it, over time get depressed again and look for something else, etc. I try to be there and be supportive for him, and I spend hours at a time talking to him when he's upset. If its depression you are allowing him to proceed untreated. What made it easier: listening to my loved ones talk candidly about their own mental health. He then came back after 3 days and explained that corona really exhausted him mentally. I would suggest you bring it up to him politely and one day offer to help him clean. I feel like I have a better idea of what I would look for in a partner especially now as this is my first relationship with someone. His dad had passed away in April and I reached out to him. Some of you have stated I clearly have no idea how someone with depression feels. What’s more, studies show that 80% of people with depression start to feel better after 4-6 weeks of treatment. I think with the pandemic, everyone is feeling depressed to some extent, but I feel like I am stuck in a rut and I am ashamed that depression is beating me up. Although I mostly hear from mothers worried about their sons, my thoughts apply well to fathers and daughters i have bpd ocd pmdd and ptsd so i fucking feel you. my (21f) bf (22m) is extremely depressed, what do i do? my boyfriend and i have together almost a year and we currently live together. Mar 31, 2022 · Here are five psychologically-focused tips for addressing the problem if you think your partner is lazy and leaves too many shared tasks to you. If you’ve never been depressed, you might not know why your boyfriend is pushing you away. Help me, please. It's unfortunate, but his constant pattern of letting me down is starting to affect my mental health. 3 days ago · Even though our society tends to use the term “depressed” freely to describe people, no one is depressed at their core. When we met, I was in a terrible place, needing antidepressants and counselling. Jul 14, 2023 · Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do with a man with such a strong conviction. I had prepared to launch my medical transport business last year but it’s been one thing after another. He procrastinates. He's depressed, make him seek help. 5 years ago due to overdosing twice due to my own depression. my bf of 2 years has been lacking compassion. I don’t want to be harassed at my job or my new position It sounds like he’s got some stuff going on with some depression. I have really been hurting lately, and I could use some good advice. It took me and my bf of 5 years breaking up for me to get my life in order. 5 years. It sounds like he might be depressed Before my brother / former roommate got on his feet he acted this way. Nov 9, 2021 · I recently read and commented on an article about an author’s lazy boyfriend. The question “is my dog bored or depressed” can be answered quite easily: bored dogs will find themselves something to do, while depressed dogs suddenly change their behavior to being very passive. I (26F) have been dating my boyfriend (30m) for 5 years. I've talked to him too many times to count about his behavior and needing more from him to no avail. I would go into detail with a professional to be sure though ME ME ME THIS IS ME!!! oh my god! I fantasize about how fun some tasks will be sometimes too but when it comes to me actually working on the task I say over and over to myself "this makes me want to die oh my god how will I finish this why did I think this was going to be enjoyable this is AGNONY OH NO" and then quit the task and inevitably never get anything done I (25F) started seeing my boyfriend (25M) in late July and we've been together for 6 months. Feb 20, 2024 · When you’re stressed, it’s easy to assume your partner doesn’t care, doesn’t want to help, or is lazy. I think he'll need to get blood work done to find out if there are any other underlying conditions. Apr 15, 2015 · I want some opinions on my boyfriend. Sat in the living room for 15 hours a day. it’s tough, depression is a hard fucking thing to cary and it’s even harder when those who love us don’t even understand. His house is filthy. There are also lots of codependent people on Reddit making excuses for depressed persons. I feel it is a vicious circle - feeling bad because of my weight and bad habits, eating to feel better, being lazy and tired because of eating junk and non I have expressed unconditional support in helping him so long ass he wants to get it. To start, I want to say that I love my boyfriend very much, he is, and always will be The One for me. They have a depressed partner, child, or parent that they enable and have "drunk the Kool aid" of the unaccountability of depressed persons. I went to bed and had to start wearing earplugs because the TV was so loud. I started dating my boyfriend back in October. While relationships are built on compromise and understanding, dealing with an extremely lazy boyfriend can be a challenging and frustrating experience. Oh this is the thing I’ve struggled with. My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year, and he opened up about his depression a few weeks into our relationship. We have been dating 7 months now. He was amazing, we got along wonderfully, and we really fell in love. I don't even know what kind of behaviour would help me feel supported and understood at this time. If it becomes apparent that he doesn't want If you know you are lazy to start with, depression can make that worse, I get the feeling that if you care that you are in fact being lazy then that's not just you being lazy but your depression rearing it's head out, for me it goes hand in hand. 6 days ago · Having a boyfriend who is depressed and pushing you away is no walk in the park, but there are some ways to make it easier on yourself. People with depression often struggle with low energy, making decisions, starting tasks, or even taking care of themselves. Posted by u/iliketherain27 - 1 vote and 14 comments Sep 27, 2024 · Juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities can lead to mental exhaustion. To give you some background, we moved into our first apartment together in Oct 2020. You may be feeling stuck or frustrated, not knowing what to do if the guy you’re dating is unemployed right now. He Refuses to Grow Up . Here are the signs you should look for. no debt at all, my own house, own car paid of car, no kids to deal with and I get to spend all my money on makeup, clothes, kpop concerts and bullshit. Nov 23, 2020 · Your boyfriend might stop showering or shaving or caring about wearing clean clothes when he’s not in a good space and while it may seem like he’s just lazy, there could be something deeper going on here.