Mapbox fitbounds padding example. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Mapbox fitbounds padding example I'd like to be able add padding to a map view after calling a map. Jun 16, 2017 · Situation: I have a working site where upon entering an address, MapboxGL marks a point on the map and queries a polygon layer (queryRenderedFeatures) and displays the polygon feature containing the May 1, 2017 · I'm trying to optimize a Mapbox view for long-distance hiking trails, like the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail. I am You can check the source code of query_features. fitBounds(layer. The padding option of fitBounds() method is to exclude some parts of the map viewport from the fitBounds computation. Initialise the map and set the map container width and height to something small, e. Mar 25, 2024 · Leaflet. When the value of this property is equal to { 0,0,0,0 } , viewport properties such as `centerCoordinate` assume a viewport that matches the map view’s frame. fitBoundsOptions. mapbox-gl-js version: 1. fitBounds Using Turf. The initial bounds of the map. Use flyTo with flyOptions to slowly zoom to a location. e. Furhter increasing the padding value has no influence, until it is so big that another zoom-out level is reached. My application contains a button which toggles the visibililty of some of the features. 0 or later Link to Demonstration Mapbox This example animates the position of a point by updating a GeoJSON source on each frame. Mar 19, 2018 · The turf. coords) Jun 14, 2018 · I am trying to understand your example. 2 The map works, but I cannot get all the points of the map, create bounds and make the map zoom the Apr 29, 2020 · As I was trying to work around issue #9641 by using map. We are trying to this. For security reasons, it should go in your environment variables. I am using fitBounds to include all store markers on the initial display of the map. You would expect the fit map to be just off of the right side of the box. fitBounds (<= for now, I'm using this as a workaround). The code for the form uses Assembly classes. getBounds()); The fitBounds documentation for Mapbox GL JS indicates that it wants the bounds in the format of [[minLng, minLat], [maxLng, maxLat]]. If you try to fitBounds to a single point (i. I am adding a padding to the map (shown using showPadding-debug), and moving the map using fitBounds like this: map. polyline([L. point(20, 20)}) – Dec 8, 2022 · var bounds = turf. bbox function accepts the GeoJSON as an Object, it doesn't know about Mapbox. setMaxBounds(), which avoid panning. The padding option takes a single numeric value representing the number of pixels of padding to add uniformly to all sides of the map view when fitting bounds. Related resources: Turf. map. fitBounds ([[32. when I am passing coordinates for stockhokm its giving me warning "Map cannot fit within canvas with the given bounds, padding, and/or offset. Jan 7, 2021 · var marker = new mapboxgl. reduce function that you can use, for instance, as a bounding box to use map. js Tips, Step 3 (markers and fitBounds). js and Mapbox GL JS; Example: Measure distances with Turf. You can use HTML or SVG for clusters in place of a Mapbox GL layer by manually synchronizing the clustered source with a pool of marker objects that updates continuously Jun 25, 2015 · The bearing option in fitBounds() is currently hard-coded to 0, but it would be nice to support eased rotation in fitBounds(), too. 958984,-5. However getCenter does not seem to have the same padding option. js adjust the map position and zoom. js on terrain Add a 3D model using three. The problem is, it zooms in too close and the map needs a bit of padding. 0+ browser: Chrome 78. Jul 1, 2022 · I add some marker to a mapbox map and let the fitBounds() method from geojson-extent. map. Jun 11, 2021 · I have done to create people distribution map including its photo as icon. Instead of that it works like panTo , only changing the center of the map. setPadding and for debugging map. The dependencies can be found here. For example, applying the classes absolute fl my24 mx24 py24 px24 bg-gray-faint round to the parent div sets its position to absolute and floats it to the left, gives it margin and padding of 24 pixels, sets the background to a light gray, and adds a border radius to round the corners. 619987, 18. I am making a globe where countries of the world can be highlighted. fitBounds( [ [west, south], [east, north] ], An alternative example using threebox to abstract three. Use a series of image sources to create an animation. I believe the correct behaviour is the easeTo implementation which is the same as fitBounds + panBy Dec 17, 2015 · I also was looking for the answer on this question. See options. The Map object is the map on your page. 361839], [6. fitBounds([[-133, 16], [-68, 50]])) using version 1. Dec 22, 2022 · はじめにこんにちは!今回は、MapboxのDirectionsAPIを使って現在地からドラッグしたピンまでのルートを算出して描画する方法を紹介します。おまけで中間地点も経由できるようにしていま… To fit the map we use mapbox. The bounds will be fit in the part of the map that remains after padding is removed. getBounds Feb 28, 2016 · In Mapbox JS, I would do this by loading the GeoJSON data into a featureLayer and then fitting the map to its bounds with: map. A Mapbox GeoJSON Source has the full GeoJSON object stored privately at . Set a uniform padding on all edges or individual values for each edge. Leaftlet has an option to add padding to fitBounds, but Google Maps does not. body {margin: 0; padding: 0;} #map {position: // Choose from Mapbox's core styles, or Aug 8, 2020 · Mapbox offers the bounds as part of the initial state. 615985]]);}); </ script > </ body > </ html > Jun 16, 2017 · In the example, I drew a 400px wide box, then set the padding on the left to 420 (400 + 20). bounds, animated: true)} Encountered on versions 0. center, animated: false) mapboxView. 10 and I have the following dependencies vue-mapbox 0. , i. 529px by 400px. 25. A number value will yield the same padding on all 4 sides. I was expecting easeTo to respect the original padding that was passed to fitBounds, but that does not seem to be the case. fitBound => unknown command; WebMercatorViewport => needs an import, import is unknown, including it requires app. fitBounds() you should provide the bounds you want to fit the map into. fitBounds(), I encountered that easeTo applies an additional padding if fitBounds was already called with a padding from the same side. If you pass a padding option to easeTo and flyTo, they set the global padding. js Adding 3D models using three. This advanced example uses Mapbox GL JS clustering and clusterProperties with HTML markers and the custom property expressions number-format, get, !=, >, >=, all, and case. getPadding, map. When you call map. Removing that bearing = 0 line will rotate the map, but without easing and with uncorrected bounds. Note that when padding is used with fitBounds, flyTo, or similar methods, it also sets the global map padding as a side effect, affecting all subsequent camera movements until the padding is reset. /** * Wraps `map. 3809. I've used the dark-v10. js because I thought the function is deprecated and I can work with this example well. But on Window resize map get cropped and take the bounds reference from initially set maxbounds. How can I add padding to the map area? As you can see in the screenshot there is a yellow div overlaid over the top and the popup is appearing underneath it so I'd like to give the map area 100px For example, a you could create a bounding box to describe the limits of an administrative boundary polygon, or describe the limits of a set of point features. 5, 40], zoom: 9}); document. your GeoJSON Layer Group contains a single Point feature) as you describe, this padding option will not change anything. fitBounds([lng, lat], [lng, lat], [0, 0, bottom, 0], 1000), the bottom padding attribute work as Vertical padding ignoring the 0 for top padding and using the same value as bottom. 1 Sorry about the "randomly issue", hard to reproduce, and I believe it's a size / timing issue. So, I'm trying to back out the zoom one level. 36362]) . This example uses flyTo with flyOptions to slowly zoom to a location, and creates a custom atmosphere effect using setFog. target. Map ({container: 'map', style: 'https://api. That suggests that the args should be an array. gl layer using REST API Nov 3, 2018 · Support for initial bounds as map constructor option was added in #5518, internally it uses fitBounds but it doesn't expose the fitBounds options padding, offset, maxZoom. Customize camera animations using AnimationOptions. We will use two refs here. Set the preferred slot on the Layer object before adding it to your map and your layer will be appropriately placed in the Standard style's layer stack. The expanded view is set with a call to map. 749955, 36. fitBounds(args); } we can see that the spread operator is applied on args. 132. Instead it is way off. mapbox. * references used in this example. If you call fitBounds without a padding option, it will respect the global bounds. g. // Choose from Mapbox's core styles, or make your own style with Mapbox Studio Sep 6, 2019 · mapbox-gl-js version: v1. mapbox-gl-js version: 2. Jul 16, 2020 · I think what you are looking for is map. Adjust these options to set the amount of padding in pixels added to the edges of the canvas. I followed then the examples to flyTo and fitBounds and played with the state like in the examples. 480247, 47. And now, I want to try clustering them. These classes provide CSS styling for the specified elements. search. fitBounds(featureLayer. com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/master/example/src/examples/FitBounds. This code snippet will not work as expected until you replace YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN with an Was this example helpful? map. com/maps/streets/style. 03238901390978, 39. Jun 17, 2019 · https://github. easeTo() instead of map. Once the route has loaded, I'm using fitBounds to adjust the map to fill the available space with the route. fitBounds(llBounds) and set zoomed = false. May 24, 2018 · Hi @hyperknot – thanks for using Mapbox and sorry to hear you're running into an issue. All properties of this object must be non-negative integers. bounds on the Mapbox API. fitBounds(this. you would still zoom to maxZoom because there is actually no area to fit. Assuming your markers object is valid GeoJSON, you can simply pass it to the geojsonExtent() function to get a set of bounds that you can then pass to fitBounds(). – Dec 4, 2017 · Then you can set the mapbox view like this: func populateMap() { guard locationList. 3904. 913188059745586] ]); May 31, 2018 · Hello, The documentation is extremely sparse on fitBounds, essentially none, given an array of coordinates how would we obtain the center coordinate and zoom level. 161062, 45. body {margin: 0; padding: 0;} #map {position: // Choose from Mapbox Both Mapbox Studio and Mapbox GL JS interact directly with your style: the Mapbox Studio style editor is a visual interface for creating the style, and Mapbox GL JS is used to add the style to a webpage and interact with it directly by adding and changing the layers and sources in response to browser events. reduce(function (bounds, coord) { return bounds. markers. _map. Problem is to be shown correctly this area when page is loaded but not showing after doing the navigate to specific center. Examples Examples Overview Display buildings in 3D Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping 3D Terrain Add a 3D model with babylon. g [ 32. 03238901390978, 38. Create a lat long bounds instance, using any number of coords; Call the fitBounds method, using large padding values; View the console Jan 24, 2020 · map. count > 0, let centerBounds = setCenterAndBounds() else { return } mapboxView. In my example all padding settings under 10 make no difference. 0 && 0. This example uses a new slot property to add a layer to a predetermined location in the Standard style. As soon as the padding goes to 10 the map is zoomed out one level and there is padding. Join the Mapbox Developers Discord Community arrow-right Restrict the map's viewport to a specified set of coordinates for gesture-based camera changes. pad(<percentage>) if you want to extend bounds by a given percentage but you can also pass the padding option to fitBounds in order to set the padding in pixels. " Use queryRenderedFeatures to show properties of hovered-over map elements. js, add spatial analysis to our map to solve problems. 8. Feb 20, 2014 · Inside of the zoomToFeature function, create an if conditional that checks the zoomed variable. Feb 13, 2017 · A padding option would avoid the potential confusion between center and around. 353521], [43. For example, see res/values/activity_strings. But, I confused to implement them if reffering to Mapbox Docs (https://docs. getBounds; bbox should be equal with bbox2 but it's not This causes a mapbox-gl-js version: 1. If false, map. All properties of this object must be non-negative integers Nov 22, 2024 · I have a JS class to add maps with routes to my page (mapbox-gl-js v3. Animate the map camera around a point. 958984, -5. How can I add padding to the map area? As you can see in the screenshot there is a yellow div overlaid over the top and the popup is appearing underneath it so I'd like to give the map area 100px padding to the top so the popup drops to the side. Steps to Trigger Behavior. We do need to make sure padding accepts all four edges independently, both for consistency with related style specification properties and so that we address the use case that originally prompted this cluster of tickets. fitBounds(bounds, { padding: 20}); This code adds a 20-pixel padding to all sides (top, bottom, left, right) when fitting the Mar 17, 2021 · In Mapbox you can use setCenter with an optional "padding" value which is useful for offsetting the map center if there are things such as overlays on part of the map. fitBounds()` will sometimes continue to zoom in instead of fitting to the bounds of the feature I'm This is the most straightforward alternative. ,map. Example. This example uses layer styling to create an ant path effect to show movement along the line. It lets you access methods and properties for interacting with the map's style and layers, respond to events, and manipulate the user's perspective with the camera. 1 and mapbox-gl 1. See setup documention if necessary. Leaflet, for example, has a property of a layer to get its bounds (e. Use the buttons to see how the map initialization will honor the bounds option with different aspect ratios. Problem: What is info? Turf works well with Mapbox GL JS. 157903, 45. Use the localIdeographFontFamily setting to speed up map load times by using locally available fonts instead of font data fetched from the server. current. This doesn't make sense. _map, [this. latLng(1,2)]). Use your mapbox token. Mapbox GL doesn't have anything like that. Sometimes the northmost markers partially hide above the viewport. props. If true, map. This series of tutorials teaches you how to create a store locator using Mapbox GL JS then sort the stores by their distance from a given location using the Mapbox GL Geocoder plugin and Turf. With those features in the viewport, it would be easy to reduce them to a lnglat bounding box through a . This example prevents a map from being panned to a different location. Your points are not in that order. Always nice to see examples for how I can better improve my code. Here's an example, which I've oriented by hand, showing the Senda Pirená Code examples for Mapbox GL JS. Use the FreeCamera API to follow a path over 3D terrain. fitBounds( geojsonExtent(geojson), { padding: {top: 200, bottom:30, left: 30, right: 30} }); The animation duration is set by default to five seconds. As @Aravind mentions above, we use map. js:- Part 1: Build a store locator- Part 2: Sort stores by distance Use Mapbox GL JS' built-in functions to visualize points as clusters. fitBounds( geojsonExtent(geojson), { padding: {top: 200, bottom:30, Feb 26, 2014 · These are options you can put in an object to pass to L. Once a bounding box is defined, you can use it to set the initial view of a map to make sure that the area within the bounding box is fully visible regardless of aspect ratio. Feb 12, 2015 · * Support padding positions in fitBounds - ref #995 * add padding to bounds to get correct viewport bounds * fix fitbounds padding + scale * fix padding tests * fix testing errors * fix coordinate order, change to object literal for padding option * update docs * update camera * change params to screen directions * one way to do things 💭 Get the bounds of a LineString. . Jul 16, 2018 · When I used maxBounds for the first time, it felt like it exhibited behavior inconsistent with fitBounds. map as the third argument. string. extend(coord); }, new mapboxgl. 1. // Choose from Mapbox's core styles, or make your own style with Mapbox Studio I've the following code to fitBounds to Polygon center coords: var coordinates = f. Create a map using the Albers, Equal Earth, Equirectangular, Lambert, Mercator, Natural Earth, or Winkel Tripel projections. Apr 24, 2020 · My map contains multiple features, the ids for all these features are stored in an array: featureIds. Nov 10, 2020 · While Mapbox can figure out all my four coordinates for fitBounds, it does not do the same thing for the line. fitBounds(bbox,{padding:{top:45, bottom:10, right:10, left: 10}}); let bbox2 = map. このコードスニペットは、YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKENをあなたのMapboxアカウントのアクセストークンに置き換えるまで、期待通りに動作しません。 Aug 1, 2018 · I am using Mapbox GL JS and created a dynamic store locator based on their store locator demo. 913188059745586], [-78. fitBounds(, { padding: 20 }) so that markers are clearly visible in the viewport; This means that any call to fitBounds() after the call to getBounds() will expand the viewport by 20px, even if the marker falls within the current map bounds. fitBounds([ [-77. maptiler. The general fix, especially if you don't know the points will definitely be in that order, is to extend an empty bounds: May 11, 2023 · I'm creating a map where severals polygons are showed and I want to center/autozoom the map according to the showed polygons. Use fitBounds to show a specific area of the map in view, regardless of the pixel size of the map. LngLatBounds(coordinates[0], coordinates[0])); map. fitBounds() and to set we do mapbox. setPadding before finally giving up. Supply 0 here to make a fitBounds idempotent on the result of getBounds. fitBounds(e. This is needed to get the viewport width and height as a numeric value (mercator viewport doesn't support Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Looking for examples of Mapbox/Vue combos that are a bit interaction-heavy and how people go about structuring their projects. 4. Mapbox's own geojson-extent plugin will do the trick. This guide walks through an example of Turf. 3. gl, but here is what did with react-map-gl. fitBounds( [ [west, south], [east, north] ], { duration: ANIMATION_TIME, easing: easeInOutCubic } ); The bounds sent to fitBounds are the same used to draw the blue-ish area in the video. I'm not sure if there is another way of achieving what I am after, and/or if there is an issue/misunderstanding of how fitBounds works. 12. Jun 17, 2019 · this. The documentation for L. bbox(markers); map. map says that is can take all the same options as Leaflet's L. Marker({ color: '#EC0868', className: 'marker' }) . Jan 3, 2023 · I am adding a padding to the map (shown using showPadding-debug), and moving the map using fitBounds like this: map. 0 许可协议 You've packed a few questions into one. on('data', 'clusters', (e) => { // e. _bounds]); Cf screenshot below (red is top padding, blue line is left padding, orange corner is north-west corner of maxBounds) : Comments. 0). Dec 14, 2023 · You can access the clusters loaded data on the 'data' event. mapContainerRef: a reference to the container. This behaviour doesn't occur when using FitBoundsOptions. contains(marker. The shifted size seems correlated to the size of padding. Apr 24, 2020 · Describe the bug Using this. When the user do a mouse wheel interaction in this time over the map, the animation stops. Looking at the function definition fitBounds(map, args) { return map. This all works May 15, 2018 · I do not understand how they calculated Coordinates e. Offset the center or vanishing point of the map to reduce distortion when floating elements are displayed over the map. So, in your code the second parameter should be of an array type: this. js to be a module which screws the whole code. The examples use View binding. setCenter(centerBounds. Options for setting padding on calls to methods such as Map#fitBounds, Map#fitScreenCoordinates, and Map#setPadding. fitBounds. latLng(40,9), L. Jun 9, 2015 · I tried this: map. addEventListener ('click', => {map. js documentation; Getting started: Spatial analysis; Tutorial: Analyze data with Turf. 615985 ] . js Nov 15, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 14, 2015 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 26, 2016 · My mapbox/leaflet map has a 100px padding on top (that is partially covered by an overlay). If bounds is specified, it overrides center and zoom constructor options. Since you say points one and three are generally working, I'll focus on points two and four. Feb 6, 2010 · I am using vue 2. geometry. _data when you created the Source by passing the full GeoJSON (rather than passing a URL), so you could do: Apr 28, 2020 · Hi, when using fitBounds() with a bearing and a one-sided padding, the results are not what I was expecting. context with that I could set viewport. 50585, 5. fitBounds(bounds, { padding: 20 }); Where f is one Feature. This does not seem to be documented, but I expected the padding options to be relative to the viewport and not to the map. Instead it draws the line as a line between the two points. But when I have only one point inside the bounds, the fitBounds does not apply the padding. js Add a 3D model with shadow using three. fitBounds that will create a bounding box to adapt map view to a list of coordinates. fitBounds(), so all markers can be visible regardless of map controls or things like sliding panels that would cover markers when opened. getBounds(). viewport=info. 115393]) to fitBounds I can see the whole country, but when I use that same bounding max for maxBounds the whole country doesn't fit within my viewport. 0 browser: Chrome (newest) Steps to Trigger Behavior map. Issues: A side issue I am noticing is that `map. json?key=get_your_own_OpIi9ZULNHzrESv6T2vL', center: [-74. getBounds(), {padding: L. Are there any solution to make this function with react-mapbox-gl? Jun 24, 2022 · On initial load custom markers are in the correct position, though I do have to manually shift them to the right by 220px to achieve this. Get the current map bounds using the map. It uses setInterval and setPaintProperty to update a line layer using a predefined sequence of line-dasharray values. fitBounds(bounds, {padding: 20}); 链接代码中提到的 extent 方法已被弃用,取而代之的是 bbox ,但结果是一样的。 原文由 ChidG 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3. js is available at Add a 3D body {margin: 0; padding: 0;} #map // Choose from Mapbox's core styles, or Oct 27, 2021 · map. getBounds());). As I understand the padding is controlled by the zoom. fitBounds([lng, lat], [lng, lat], 20, 1000) for example deprecated? I am always getting this. items? – Oct 21, 2018 · In CustomMapbox, if showAll is true, center props would be removed and or not, fitBounds props would be removed. It does nothing; deckMap. getBounds(), { padding: [50, 50], maxZoom: 17, animate: true, duration: 10 }); I expect the Dec 9, 2020 · mapbox-gl-js version: ^1. As specified in the Docs, it will fire everytime some data loads or changes. browser: Chrome 76. Just make sure you loaded the feature data. Example Dec 20, 2020 · Import the mapbox styles css. xml for R. padding in map. fitBounds, however, we have to determine the bounds, we have to reduce the array of features to determine the LngLatBounds. For zooming to a clicked feature, in your click event handler for the map, add this after you set the popup content: Apr 2, 2015 · Basic setup is this: Instantiate a map object centered on a lat/lng/zoom Create a Feature Layer with multiple markers and add to map Call map. This becomes an issue when I need to get the map center that matches the visual location of the offset center. Nov 10, 2017 · I'm creating a viewer using Mapbox, the viewer will be full screen. Which is also why I got fed-up with trying to debug it and ju Jan 29, 2025 · padding: number|Padding optional Padding in pixels. This documentation is divided into several sections: Map. getBounds()) (like in the example) and set zoomed = true. 97 Steps to Trigger Behavior Use fitBounds on any Mapbox GL JS project (example: run map. js and Mapbox GL JS in a real-world context. fitBounds is just not working. map, which are documented here. To make it happens I've created a bounds object that I'll extends with May 28, 2017 · You can use markers. You can find the values for all referenced resources in the res directory. Markers that are visible in that overlay area should not be included when using getBounds() to check markers with bounds. The fitBounds method allows you to pass an option for padding, for example: map. The fitBounds() このコードスニ Oct 16, 2013 · I came across this problem. Apr 22, 2012 · LatLngBounds must be defined with points in (south-west, north-east) order. 6. padding is also specified, to pad the specified bounds and keep it from touching the edge of the map. I am not using deck. showPadding = true. setVisibleCoordinateBounds(centerBounds. 0 browser: Chrome Steps to Trigger Behavior Set up GL JS map using a non-Mercator projection Use fitBounds to zoom map to a defined bounding box Most apparent if the bounding box is being used ensure an entire a Oct 28, 2019 · It appears that the fitBounds function is maybe not working as I expect it to. js file in Mapbox github repo. I am just missing the padding there like in the function. Jul 23, 2020 · Here is a Typescript function that will try to fitBounds and then try again without the padding set with map. js Add a default marker Create deck. its working for now but what about the fitBounds padding? Set a uniform padding on all edges or individual values for each edge. 21. 0. We could add a bounds_options option, but that just feels too com. This example zooms and pans the map so the new visible area of the map fits within the specified geographical bounds. fitBounds(L. fitBounds` in an attempt to try a different padding * that might work when the screen is tiny, before finally giving up * in a way that doesn't crash. The Mapbox Java SDK also has a Turf for Java library. setLngLat([6. padding Sets the distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the map view’s logical viewport. camera. fitBou Aug 15, 2019 · When I have multiple points inside the bounds, the fitBounds works great applying the padding. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Jun 25, 2017 · The following snippet is inspired from zoom-to-linestring example on mapbox-gl. The viewport can still be changed programmatically. Since you try to fitBounds on the current bounds nothing will happen I guess? Can you try to fitBounds on al the LatLng values of your markers array? (I think the markers array === this. coordinates[0]; var bounds = coordinates. Use a mapbox layer. Use flyTo to smoothly interpolate between locations. fitBounds() to adjust the zoom level to contain said m If true, multiple copies of the world will be rendered side by side beyond -180 and 180 degrees longitude. If set to false: When the map is zoomed out far enough that a single representation of the world does not fill the map's entire container, there will be blank space beyond 180 and -180 degrees longitude. addTo(map); var coords = [ [6. fitBounds (bounds, {padding: 20 This example zooms and pans the map so the new visible area of the map fits within the specified geographical bounds. 353521 ], [ 43. Apr 27, 2022 · The map has a global padding which has get/set methods map. For example, if I supply a bounding box for the country Italy ([6. features = geojson features with type, properties, and geometry, // in this case each feature is a cluster. getElementById ('fit'). This example is a part of the Mapbox Android Demo app. mapbox Fit a map to a bounding box. This work's perfectly well on first load. browser: Google Chrome (MacOS) v76. 2. wkvp ssbjzyiy sytbz iumvj gekumsd fvwjyje leqocsr fjrfwcb mcag lhdjtkn rbrr mpjwtk cpkyt bgirxvfe zrdpfli