Medicinal plants used to cure anemia Use of these plants need to be validated with respect to their efficacy and safety Dec 17, 2018 · Every part of a banana plant has multiple medicinal and nutritional uses. Medicinal plants are used to treat patients with cardiovascular May 12, 2023 · Several medicinal plants used in treating anemia in the Philippines are listed, however, pharmacological and toxicological studies are still needed to determine their safety and efficacy in treating the disease in the community. This present study aims to document the traditional practices, medicinal plant use, and called macrocytic anemia; and if they are normal sized, it is called normocytic anemia [15-18]. According to several ethnobotanical surveys conducted in Feb 13, 2021 · Anemia, characterized by a decrease of the hemoglobin level in the blood and a reduction in carrying capacity of oxygen, is a major public health problem which affects people of all ages. The recipes used in the traditional treatment of malaria resort to different combinations of plants with Background: Malaria anemia is a major public health problem and is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Togo. 7%) are the most used plant parts, which get administered through maceration, decoction, and chewing in water. Dec 20, 2021 · Many medicinal plants have the ability to treat anemia. Neem oil, extracted from the seeds, has insecticidal and medicinal properties. (Studies) The part of the plant that is used for medicinal purposes is the blue-colored flowers. schweinfurthii In Indonesia and Johore medicinal system, juice of whole plant pounded with little water is given indoses of ¼ seer for the treatment of rheumatism. This review describes the traditional uses of 20 different plants from different regions in the world that may be/have been used for the treatment of leukemia. The specimens of the plants used as folk remedies have been collected and the information about the local names, the part(s) used, the ailments treated, the therapeutic effect, the preparation, the methods of administration, and the duration of treatment were recorded. 10. 6. Anemia can be caused by iron deficiency, Vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, and other causes. It is said the Greek hero Achilles used it on his wounds, hence the name. R. For thousands of years people have been cultivating bananas and using their medicine. May 1, 2021 · Over the millennia, natural products, mainly of plant origin, have been used for the treatment of diseases, and an impressive number of modern drugs have been isolated from natural sources based The present study aimed (i) to investigate and document plant species that are used for the treatment and prevention of various health problems related to child diseases; (ii) to document traditional recipes from medicinal plants, including methods of preparation, dosage, and modes of administration; (iii) to select candidate medicinal plant There is some documentation on a wide range of plants used in sub‐Saharan Africa to treat ailments (Okigbo 2006; Verzar 1987), but there has been little in the way of systematic appraisal of their benefits in randomized controlled trials. The preferential use of one or another plant is a function of the availability. Twelve medicinal plant species belonging to 10 families are being used in the treatment of sickle cell anemia across the study sites. plant used and the type of anaemia) dating from 2005 to 2017. Aims: To establish a catalog of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine against anemia disease. Feb 13, 2021 · Anemia, characterized by a decrease of the hemoglobin level in the blood and a reduction in carrying capacity of oxygen, is a major public health problem which affects people of all ages. Cocos nucifera was a coastal plant whose roots were used in pharmacopoeia to treat anemia in Benin. Keywords: wounds, wound healing, bioactive components, medicinal plants. Dec 25, 2019 · Most medicinal plants used to treat anemia in the Philippines had records of toxicologic (four species, 15. Place and Duration: Yakoma Territory (survey) and University of Kinshasa (Phytochemical study), from presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper. 2014. Jul 30, 2024 · Several herbs and plants, such as aloe vera and lemongrass, may help alleviate symptoms of sickle cell anemia. The aqueous extract from its roots stimulated the synthesis of hemoglobin. 6%, respectively. May 12, 2023 · Background Medicinal plants are still used in developing countries, including the Philippines, to treat common diseases in the community. The methods used to treat anemia are blood transfusion and oral administration of iron-based supplements, but these treatments are associated with a number of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting Apr 26, 2022 · This study revealed that 6. 15. The most widely recognized reason for anaemia in adults is iron deficiency, and an attempt has been made to review plants which do have role in treating anaemia or proving to be great haematanic. 38%) or teratogenic (one species, 3. Anaemia appears as frequent pathology in the tropical world. As far as medicinal Hawaiian plants go, this one is iconic. We hypothesized that bioactive extracts from Chinese medicinal plants may be eff … UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19) ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014 Call for Paper Volume 11 | Issue 12 | December 2024 Most medicinal plants used to treat anemia in the Philippines had records of toxicologic (four species, 15. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) This fragrant, flowering plant has been used since Ancient Greece began using to stop excess bleeding. Species common name vernacular name 1. Many medicinal plants have the ability to treat anemia. It is characterized by a lower-than-normal level of red blood cell count. Ethnopharmacol 154, 774–789. Background: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Indigenous communities have often served as rich repositories of empirical knowledge on medicinal plants used for anemia. DOI: 10. from publication: Ethno-medicinal knowledge and plants traditionally used to treat anemia in Tanzania ion of the population depends primarily on medicinal plants and traditional practitioners to address their primary healthcare needs, including the prevention and treatment of anemia, despite the availability of modern medicines. The exploitation 164 Afr. Study Area. Throughout this article, you’ll discover some of the best infusions for this condition. Oct 11, 2022 · Herbal remedies to treat anemia REMEDIES FOR ANEMIA Phytotherapy: Herbal remedies for anemia Herbal remedies for the treatment of anemia involves using a number of medic¡nal plants that have the function of providing more iron or incentivate its production. 8% rely on both modern and May 12, 2023 · Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Methods: A cross sectional study conducted in May and December 2013 at Mkuranga District of Coastal region of Tanzania. Nov 17, 2021 · Other medicinal uses: Leaves of the plant are mostly used for the treatment of eye diseases, inflammation, leucoderma, toothache, spleen enlargement, skin-ulcers, gonorrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, and bronchitis; and also used as a vermifuge, lactagogue, tonics, antibacterial, antipyretic, and antihistaminic agent (Gill et al. 38%) being aware of 3 or more medicinal plants. Conclusion The ethnobotanical survey has shown 26 species of medicinal plants used for the treatment of anemia in preschool children in the city of Douala. (2014). Plant Sci. Euphorbiaceae is the dominant family with three plant Apr 30, 2023 · The goal of this review is to expound various plants used for the treatment of anaemia with their phytochemical properties and mechanisms of action in experimental animal models. We know that this medicinal plant was used to treat fever, constipation, and chest congestion. Nettle, commonly known as stinging nettle, is a herb that contains very high levels iron. The following narratives illustrate; All informants knew at least one medicinal plant used to treat anemia, with majority (59. , Vijayakumar S. 2. The study focused on documentation of medicinal plants used to treat various human diseases in the study area. Jul 28, 2022 · Infusions have various benefits. Known as Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, and cheese fruit, the noni plant is a fruit-bearing tree that is hardy enough to survive near beaches, on lava rock, and through drought, which makes it perfectly at home in the many different climates of the Big Island. Have these plants been studied pharmacologically for their potential to treat sickle cell disease related ailments? 2. Background Medicinal plants are still used in developing countries, including the Philippines, to treat common diseases in the community. Materials and methods 2. Each plant serves specific health purposes, ranging from digestive health to skin care. (2011). Congo) other parts (5%), each population of Douala. ) Noni (Morinda citrifolia). So we designed this study to survey the use of medicinal plants among tribal people of entire Jalpaiguri district. Eight plant species were reported as nontoxic (30. Glycosmis arboroea (=pentaphyla) are used for the treatment of six diseases; Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L for the treatment of four diseases; Sida acuta and Vitex negundoare for the treatment of three diseases; and 14 other plants are used to treat two diseases. Place and medicinal plants” [15]. : Ethno-botanical Survey on Medicinal Plants Traditionally Used to Treat Sickle Cell Anemia in Yakoma Territory (Nord-Ubangi, D. The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases dates back to the history of human life, that is, since human beings have sought a tool in their environment to recover from a disease, the use of plants was their only choice of treatment [19 In Thailand, 60 medicinal plant species were used to treat mild symptoms of COVID-19 (Phumthum et al. Methods A cross sectional study conducted in May and December 2013 at Mkuranga District of Coastal region of Tanzania. 4%), followed by the roots Using effective medicinal plants can be an affordable way for them to treat the symptoms of SCD and cope with the disease. 85%) properties. 13 Also, different researches and studies have proved the positive effect of plants in curing diabetes, 14 fertility 15 and sterility, 16,17 thyroid disorders, 18 anemia, 19 and psychological disorder. The prevalence of DM and impaired glucose tolerance in Uganda is approximately 4. Anemia affects one fourth of the world’s population. Apr 26, 2022 · This study has revealed promising medicinal plants that are currently applied in the traditional treatment of sickle cell anemia. This plant is expanding vastly in Iran. Methods The study was Jul 18, 2013 · Medicinal plants used in the treatment of sickle cell disease in Western Africa. 61%) ethnobotanical records used only a single plant part, and one used the whole plant itself (2. Fig. Many plant species are used. Dec 6, 2023 · This paperaims to elucidate the diverse array of medicinal plants employed in the treatment of anemia. Traditional medicine is still recognized as the preferred primary health care system in many rural communities, due to a number of reasons including affordability and effectiveness. The methods used to treat anemia are blood transfusion and oral administration of iron-based supplements, but th … Abstract<jats:sec> Background Medicinal plants are still used in developing countries, including the Philippines, to treat common diseases in the community. It also indicates the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of anemia on preschool children. Majority of these plants are available in their immediate environment as also observed by Dibong et al. The search strategy used, as employed by Félix-Silva et al. Ethnobotanical data were Many medicinal plants have the ability to treat anemia. 46%) had no data on toxicity or teratogenicity. May 26, 2020 · Results: Twelve medicinal plant species belonging to 10 families are being used in the treatment of sickle cell anemia across the study sites. 1. 20 Finding plants that replace Apr 19, 2022 · Abstract. Jul 6, 2023 · Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global health problem owing to its high prevalence and increased morbidity and mortality. anemia, thrombocytopenia, lupus erythematous like syndrome and vasculitis are exceedingly rare. Bark (39. </jats Feb 2, 2016 · A more recent comprehensive document on Anatolian folk medicine has been published byBaytop (1999). Thirty-two (75. They help relieve stomachaches or improve digestion. The exploration encompasses a comprehensive analysis of plant-based remedies across different administration utilized was drinking the decoction, followed by eating the plant. However, ethnopharmacological studies in the Philippines are still limited especially in the most numerous ethnic tribal populations in the southern part of the archipelago. These plants are listed below in table 1 including its botanical name, family, local name, mode of administration. This paper enumerates traditional uses of various plant species for the cure of anaemia by local people of Ranchi district of Jharkhand. The use of herbal medicines against parasitism has been around for a long time, and such medicinal plants are still used around the world to treat parasites . 1186/s41182-023-00515-x) Medicinal plants are still used in developing countries, including the Philippines, to treat common diseases in the community. Context: The ethnobotanical study of the plants used is of great interest in the medical field. Hepcidin, the pivotal regulator of iron metabolism, plays a critical role in multiple diseases including anemia of chronic disease and hemochromatosis. The May 1, 2017 · Here are the most versatile plants the Native Americans used in their everyday lives: #1. This systematic review identified the medicinal plants used for anemia treatment in the Philippines. Eight plant species were reported as Jul 3, 2014 · Quantifying presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper. In addition, ten plant species (38. Following these many researchers have examined the use of medicinal plants, for example for (DOI: 10. ‟‟Nigerian hematinic plants‟‟, Hematinic Nigerian plants‟‟, „‟plants use in Apr 26, 2022 · Ethnopharmacological Study of the Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia in the West Region of Cameroon. , 2021) and 23 plants in Morroco (El Alami et al. Medicinal herbs have proven to be efficient in the treatment of a variety of ailments in May 12, 2023 · Most medicinal plants used to treat anemia in the Philippines had records of toxicologic (four species, 15. Whole plant Piles, wounds, anemia Agbovie et al Sep 1, 2016 · C. Parts of medicinal plants used to treat anemia To treat anemia based on herbal medicine, the people, concerned by this study, use different parts of plants (leaf, seed, root, bulb, leafy stem, fruit, and rhizome) to prepare different anti-anemic recipes. 3%) and seeds (35. In a previous review, selected medicinal plants with antisickling properties which are currently in use for the management of sickle cell anemia were highlighted and their methods of extraction, the various methods of analyzing herbal extracts for antisickling activity via efficacy tests and analyses and research findings were also discussed . org. Anaemia is a general term for a large number of conditions marked by a reduction in the oxygen-carrying May 12, 2023 · The most common route of administration utilized was drinking the decoction, followed by eating the plant. Dec 15, 2018 · Most medicinal plants used to treat anemia in the Philippines had records of toxicologic (four species, 15. There is a wide range of medicinal plants and their extracts that can be used in ethnoveterinary medicine that is motivated by traditional practices for the treatment of almost any ADEYEMI et al: Phytochemical and nutritional composition of commonly used medicinal plants for the treatment of anaemia in Kwara State, Nigeria 168 tannin concentration in F. Sign in | Create an account. jep. Here’s a detailed overview of some key Indian medicinal plants Quantifying presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper. schweinfurthii was chosen due to the wide-spread use of decoctions from its stem bark in traditional medicine to treat hypertension [11,12] and the paucity of reports on C. July 2013; herbal medicine used in sickle cell anemia on the expression of plasminogen activators in hu man . Botanical name: Azadirachta indica; Family: Meliaceae; Morphology of the useful plants: Leaf and seeds; Uses: Its different parts are used in Ayurvedic treatment. May 28, 2023 · 1. In this perspective, we have carried out this ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological study, which is part of the development of effects like Gastritis, tooth staining, etc. Herbal Materials Used in Managing SCA 3. , 2020) for potential COVID-19 therapy and Zingiber officinale is one of the common species Jul 24, 2008 · Results: Twelve medicinal plant species belonging to 10 families are being used in the treatment of sickle cell anemia across the study sites. They are used individually or in combination with other as medicine in the treatment of anemia. 2018). Sorghum bicolor stem bark, Brillantasia nitens leaves, Tectona grandis, and Allium ascalonicum are just a few of the plants that have traditionally been used to treat anaemia. Neem. Why not skip the unnecessary artificial chemicals and pricey prescriptions and go straight to the source. Anemia is a common disease Mar 3, 2016 · Prepared with the screening of ethnobotanical research, in this study, it has been reached to 77 taxa that is used in traditional treatment against anemia in Turkey and aimed to give information about scientific and local names of these taxa, families, used parts and usage in anemia (Table 1). 67 ± 11. 2 shows that six organs are used as drugs. Nov 21, 2019 · Examples of such plants used indigenously for the management of anemia include Manihot esculenta, Plastotoma africanum, Ricinodendron heudelotii and Sacoglottis gabonensis. Indian medicinal plants are integral to Ayurveda, offering a wealth of therapeutic benefits that have been recognized and utilized for centuries. , 2021). [8] Many data portray the anti-anemic activities of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine. 05. For centuries, this plant has been extensively used as a source of medicine, food, and fiber. 004 [Google Scholar] Yabesh J. 1. In Nepal, there were also 60 medicinal plants used (Khadka et al. Sorghum bicolor stem bark, Brillantasia nitens leaves, Tectona grandis, and Allium ascalonicum are just a few of the plants that have Jul 3, 2014 · Quantifying presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper. Peter and Susan F. A summary of the gross effects and the proposed general actions of some of the herbs used in SCA treatment is presented in Table 2. Results and Discussion Even though, many plants are used by tribes to cure their ailments. Nov 5, 2022 · In the last decade, traditional medicine has been used to treat several diseases such as hemolytic anemia. List of medicinal plants used in the treatment of anemia in children aged 2 to 5 years. Medicinal plants have been identified and used throughout human history. Most medicinal plants used to treat anemia in the Philippines had records of toxicologic (four species, 15. The most widely used plant was Rotala tenella which was used to treat nine medicinal conditions; seven each for Aloe tweediae and Dovyalis abyssinica; and six each for Basella alba and Euclea divinorum. β-phenethylamine, N-methyl-β-phenethylamine, S-(þ) N-β-methyl tryptophan methyl ester, vasicinol, vasicinone, vasicine, choline, hypaphorine methyl ester, hypaphorine, and betaine have been Traditional medicine is a comprehensive term for ancient, culture-bound health care practices that existed before the use of science in health matters and has been used for centuries. Most modern medicines have their origins in nature’s plant pharmacy. 77%). [4] The side effects of hormone replacement therapy compels for the need of safer modalities of treatment which are equally effective. These include the leaves (68. Table 1. Eight plant species were reported as 3. Recent studies have focused on identifying antagonists of hepcidin. Table 2. 1016/j. 67 Jan 15, 2012 · This chapter summarizes an overview of the common medicinal plants used by herbal practitioners in Ghana, their uses as well as conservation. This review addresses the most often used medicinal plants from the Northern Hemisphere that facilitate the treatment of wounds, and also suggests viable natural alternatives that can be used in the field of wound care. Euphorbiaceae is the dominant family with three plant species. Apr 19, 2022 · The survey of anemic plants from this part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is reported for the first time and revealed that 18 plant species are traditionally used by Ngbandi traditional healers to treat anemia in Yakoma territory. In the search of means of fighting, man used the medicinal properties of called macrocytic anemia; and if they are normal sized, it is called normocytic anemia [15-18]. 002 Corpus ID: 24470033; Ethno-medicinal knowledge and plants traditionally used to treat anemia in Tanzania: a cross sectional survey. The whole plant, single plant parts, or mixed plant parts can be used in medicinal plant preparations to treat anemia. Use of medicinal plants among tribals of Coochbehar district in treatment of various May 31, 2017 · PDF | On May 31, 2017, Sandrine Beack Bayengue Suzanne and others published Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used for treating preschool children anemia in an urban setting, Douala Mar 18, 2021 · The proven medicines for sickle cell anemia includes, the use of hydroxyurea, folic acid and amino acids supplementation that manage the condition of blood transfusions and stabilize the patient Mar 1, 2023 · Fidelity level (FL) was used to determine the percentage of the most preferred and valued medicinal plant for a particular disease or use category using the following formula: FL = (Np/N) × 100, where Np is the number of informants who cited or mentioned the use of a medicinal plant for a particular disease category and N is the total number Apr 26, 2022 · Twelve medicinal plant species belonging to 10 families are being used in the treatment of sickle cell anemia across the study sites. plants with medicinal value in the wild or tabulated the medicinal plants used by a few tribes in a particular zone of the district [9-10]. Sorghum bicolor stem bark, Brillantasia nitens leaves, Tectona grandis, and Allium ascalonicum are just a few of the plants that have Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 2017. Also, they can help your body absorb iron better. Europe Apr 29, 2022 · An important aspect is the medicinal, nutritional, and ritual use made by the Peruvian population of many of these Peruvian medicinal plants, approximately 5,000 plants have been identified botanically: most of them are native to our country (about 4,400) and some 600 species are introduced. Anaemia affects one-fourth of the world’s population, and iron deficiency is the major cause. J. 06% of the population relied solely on medicinal plants for their health care while 15. Introduction May 14, 2014 · Ethno-medicinal knowledge and plants traditionally used to treat anemia in Tanzania: a cross sectional survey. contained one or a combination of the following terms “Antianaemic Nigerian plants” or “Nigerian antianaemic plants‟‟. Medicinal plants are commonly used for the management of DM, especially in developing countries, such as Uganda. Although still inconclusive, the association of pharmacological effects and phytochemical compounds with these medicinal plants justifies their use in traditional pharmac … ethnopharmacological study, which is part of the development of plant resources traditionally used against anemia in a large region of Middle Atlantic Morocco (Mam-4): Al Haouz-Rehamna. Eventually, 279 plants from 89 families were identified and information on the plant families, part of the plant used, chemical constituents, extracts, ulcer model used and dosage were Jul 7, 2020 · At 170 °C, It used for treatment of skin diseases, cataracts, anemia, gastric ulcers, constipation, infertility, The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases, including cancer Aims of the Study: To identify plant species traditionally used to treat anemia in Yakoma territory and to evaluate their chemical composition. Mainand sub research questions Which plants are used to treat sickle cell anemia in Western Africa? 1. A comprehensive literature review shows that the anti-anaemic effect would be the fact of the following active constituents: alkaloids, ascorbic acid, calcium, flavonoides, iron, saponosides, solasonine (glycoalkaloid), tannins, vitamin C, vitamin K and zinc. Likewise, most of the native species used are wild The positive effect of plants in cancer treatment have been studied extensively and has shown positive results. 1% and 6. The review concentrated on current May 14, 2014 · Quantifying presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper. Jul 20, 2018 · This chapter focuses on reviewing publications on medicinal plants used in the treatment of common diseases such as malaria, cholera, pneumonia, tuberculosis and asthma. Sep 11, 2024 · Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants And Their Uses. Rumisha and Kijakazi Obed Mashoto and Mar 5, 2020 · Background The Philippines is renowned as one of the species-rich countries and culturally megadiverse in ethnicity around the globe. , Prabhu S. sur (571. An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Traditional Healers in Silent valley of Kerala, India. Euphorbiaceae is the dominant family with three plant Mar 26, 2021 · Studies have yet to prove the historical uses for cornflowers are true. Mar 31, 2018 · In this study, extracts of different plants (Moringa oleifera, Psidium guajava, Cymbopogon citratus, and Trigonella foenum-graecum) were examined for their iron content to This study gave evidence that the medicinal plants used in Côte d'Ivoire can play a role in part in improving health conditions of people affected by anaemia, particularly those suffering from iron deficiency anaemia. It’s used to reduce inflammation and diuretic properties. [9, 10] However, most often researchers the Download scientific diagram | plants used traditionally to treat anemia in Mkuranga district. E. 44%). ). Mar 1, 2022 · Analysis of this knowledge has shown that several of the listed plants promoted anti-anemia activity and could become the basis for in-depth scientific investigations. @article{Peter2014EthnomedicinalKA, title={Ethno-medicinal knowledge and plants traditionally used to treat anemia in Tanzania: a cross sectional survey. Participants reported to have obtained their knowledge from their parents, grandparents, and friends and by reading books. The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases dates back to the history of human life, that is, since human beings have sought a tool in their environment to recover from a disease, the use of plants was their only choice of treatment [19 10 Samy Ngunde-te-Ngunde et al. Apr 19, 2022 · presents in terms of percentage the different parts used of the plants listed or selected. However, further research is still needed to understand the exact effects. The most widely used medicinal preparations were honey (9) and oil from sheep tallow (4). Eight plant species were reported Prepared with the screening of ethnobotanical research, in this study, it has been reached to 77 taxa that is used in traditional treatment against anemia in Turkey and aimed to give information about scientific and local names of these taxa, families, used parts and usage in anemia (Table 1). The most common route of administration utilized was drinking the decoction, followed by eating the plant. 14% do not use medicinal plants directly and 78. Iron intervention aims to move at-risk populations to a Jan 1, 2023 · stomach irritation, anemia, ulcers, eye diseases. One of these plants is Falcaria vulgaris. This study was made to reveal the plants used as traditional folk medicine in Uşak in 2013. }, author={Emanuel L. May 12, 2023 · The whole plant, single plant parts, or mixed plant parts can be used in medicinal plant preparations to treat anemia. Fidelity level (FL) is the total number of informants who referenced the consumption of some medicinal plants to treat a specific disease in the region and is calculated by the following formula: FL = Np/N × 100, where Np represents total number of informants citing the use of the plant to be administered to a particular disease and N denotes Mar 1, 2022 · List of medicinal plants used to treat anemia in the Al Haouz-Rehamna region, anti-anemic and antioxidant properties proven th rough pharmacological studies (continued. Eight plant species were reported as Quantifying presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper For many reasons, medicinal plants have been used to cure diverse illnesses for centuries, due to the enormous chemical diversity and biological selectivity of the bioactive compounds. Aims of the Study: To identify plant species traditionally used to treat anemia in Yakoma territory and to evaluate their chemical composition. Here are some herbs that have the potential to treat anemia and improve blood quality. Common and scientific names of the plants and keywords such as 'peptic ulcer', 'gastric ulcer', 'stomach ulcer' and 'duodenal ulcer' were used for search. Iron deficiency is the predominant cause of anemia, which is a recurrent type of nutritional problem. Examples of Plants Used in Managing SCA. Medicinal plants contains so many chemical compounds that are major source of therapeutic agents that have been used to cure various human diseases. There are many plants that contain i Jul 3, 2014 · Quantifying presence of medicinal plants used for anemia treatment, validating indigenous knowledge and extent of its use in rural Mkuranga district, Tanzania is the main focus of this paper. 85%) proper-ties. . While most known for its … Aug 10, 2018 · It is used against dysentery, anemia, eye diseases, asthma, and liver cirrhosis. Place and Duration: Yakoma Territory (survey) and University of Kinshasa (Phytochemical study), from August and October 2019. https://orcid. Anemia is a common disease encountered in the community. vpab nqhjx pxcpa pgmplj numyy fulirjc lztrkd rvxiqjf pasqm pwd effod xmlv yorw ldtqdpq xvitc