Regex to find email address python. findall finds less emails than re.
Regex to find email address python uk Jordan-1-surname@capita-uk. com match@example. Example: Input: "Please send your resumes to Hr@Iwillgetbacktoyou@gmail. But I needed a regular expression to search for our email address in the email header which contains CC: , TO: and a bunch of stuffs. I need to change the encapsulate each address with either quotes. Sep 10, 2008 · Whilst you say you need a regular expression to match an IPv6 address, I'm assuming what you really need is to be able to check if a given string is a valid IPv6 address. Let’s explore a few commonly used methods: 1. Nov 11, 2011 · I need the output only 11. Here’s an example Mar 17, 2020 · Given an text string which ends with an email address, how do I mask: All but the first letter of the email ID Part of the domain name Sample Input: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. com And also the opposite any thing other than . Examples: Input : Hello shubhamg199630@gmail. org, . Apr 6, 2012 · I am trying to match the email id with regular expression, in the following what am i doing wrong, Extracting part of the email address by using Python regular Nov 26, 2009 · As Johannes Rössel points out in the comments, e-mail address parsing is rather complicated. The problem is that my code extract the IP address even if a part of it has more than 3 digits (which is incorrect). uk Jordan. ([^. parseaddr function which will split the message "From" header to a tuple of (name, addr). search. uk Jordan1@capital. there is 4 e-mail addresses on the website but only returns 2 emails. Apr 1, 2014 · The regex to extract what you are asking for is: \. It looks something like this: string = "[email:[email protected]][days:90]" From this string I want to extract the data within the brackets and be able to split email and the email address by the colon so that I can store the word email and the email address separately to get something like this: May 11, 2014 · I'm trying to find email addresses within a URL address using the findall() function in a RegEx. This validation method however does not guarantee that the emails validated and extracted actually exist. Jan 23, 2017 · I want to find valid email addresses in a text file, and this is my code: email = re. The name will be separated by the email by a single space, and might be quoted. IGNORECASE | re. [A-Z]{2,}\b') (Yes, matching email addresses with a regex is fraught, but it may still give you useful results. , so your code should look like this:. However, regexes can be useful for detecting IP addresses in a larger string: Nov 10, 2020 · Automate the Boring Stuff Chapter 7: Regular Expressions - phone number and email extractor only extracting phone numbers 1 Extracting part of the email address by using Python regular expression May 4, 2023 · I created a function that takes the entire string from any column in my dataset and extracts the email address if there is no email, it should fill the space with NaN: def extract_email_ID(string): May 22, 2015 · Just remember that there are a ton of way to obfuscate email addresses out there, including some you might not be aware of. findall('^From:. -] + \. Then the code will be :- Dec 4, 2013 · I'm really not a fan of the regex option, especially as so many people commented on answers here, it is very hard to catch all cases. com and he also The regular expressions below can be used to validate if a string is an email address and to extract email addresses from a string. split("@")[1]. Nov 19, 2021 · Extracting email addresses using regular expressions in Python Despite of this I was not able to copmplete my Python Regex in a way that it matches every example which I have collected. Sep 23, 2020 · The OP's code operates line by line, so the empty lists indicate that no valid emails were found on that line. 2. match(text). They can be used in many programming languages and command-line tools to search for and extract specific… Jun 1, 2020 · I need help to find email adress on website. parseaddr in the std lib and friends, or search for third-party libraries on PyPI if for some reason this isn't appropriate. Using regex to find email address and other values in Python String. com Rohit neeraj@gmail. Regular expressions allow us to define patterns that the email address should match. _%+-] + @ [A-Z 0-9. If you would like to learn more about Python's interface with Regular Expressions, read our Guide to Regular Expressions in Python! General-Purpose Email Regular Expression Aug 14, 2022 · Here's what I think my regular expression says ('@*?. For example we are having string email= “user@example. I used first search result and slightly modified (i have put \b - word boudnaries instead of ^ and $ - text boundaries): Disclaimer: I read very carefully this thread: Street Address search in a string - Python or Ruby and many other resources. com Output : shubhamg199630@gmail. I just need to find if any one of our email address is present in the email string followed by "CC:". In this part of the full series of Python beginners projects, you will learn how to validate email addresses in Python using Regex. _%+-]+ matches one or more occurrences of alphanumeric characters, dot, underscore, percent, plus, or hyphen, representing the local part of the email address. Using the below Regex Expression, I'm able to extract Address Street for most of the sentences but mainly failing for text4 & text5. Nov 19, 2018 · Hi I'm trying to find a list of e-mails from a website. findall finds less emails than re. Aug 29, 2015 · BTW your original regex fails to recognize many valid email addresses. Email validation is an essential task in modern applications to ensure that users input valid and functional email addresses. The first script uses Python’s regex module to define a pattern that Jul 13, 2018 · EMAIL id matcher-python regular expression cant figure out. o'[email protected]" However the following wouldn't be valid email address "[email protected]" "[email protected]" Jun 23, 2016 · Adapting the first email matching regex from How to Find or Validate an Email Address to Python looks like this: >>> import re >>> regex = re. e given an email address I want a list which contains the name, company_name and Does anyone know of a regular expression I could use to find URLs within a string? I've found a lot of regular expressions on Google for determining if an entire Dec 23, 2012 · What would be the regular expressions to extract the name and email from strings like these? [email protected] John <[email protected]> John Doe <[email protected]> "John Doe" <[email protected]> It can be assumed that the email is valid. -]+\. If there are no <> characters then I want the whole string otherwise I want what is inside the <> pair. You can also adjust the regular expression easily without having to rewrite code. In the above the match should be: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] I do have (\n){0,1}([\w. Modified 5 years ago. Over 20,000 entries, and counting! Dec 9, 2020 · However, if I type an email address such as [email protected], it will say it's invalid. com". If you intend to use regex. *@testdomain. Note: the r before the regex denotes a raw string in Python, that tells Python to ignore escape sequences within the string. The expected results are: Aug 19, 2016 · Note that the regular expression doesn't actually focus on a subdomain at all, if one exists, but it does need to match a top level domain (and potentially a country code) separately. For example, Example import re my_str = "Hi my name is John and email address is john. Mar 5, 2013 · If you need to parse complete email addresses, not just this simple form, you even more definitely don't want a regex. Jan 23, 2025 · Method 1: using regular expression. A regular expression (also known as Python regex) is a powerful tool in any programmer’s toolbox for manipulating and validating an email address’s strings. I tried this with my own school email address that has two periods in it, and it said it was invalid. Older editions of this regex tutorial mentioned \b [A-Z 0-9. There is a subtle but important distinction here. Dec 29, 2020 · Let take an example in which we have to find out only email from the given input by Regular Expression. So there is no need to use search. This one is also random sentence but it contains an email address [email protected]" All the examples I see extract the email, example: import re lst = re. doe@somecompany. Input Email Address alcaraz@lcc@uma. However, my variable is not Jul 14, 2022 · If you want just extract email address from any text, email regex is one of the most popular regexes and such regex is easy to find, just google 'email regex' and you'd get your answer. in the regular expression this: \\. Instead, I decided to use the Python email. In this demo you can find all possible valid and not valid email formats with focus on Germany (. The email header comes in a string. Dec 16, 2024 · Given a string str, the task is to extract all the Email ID's from the given string. surname1@capital. ',line) # ^ this position was wrong I was going to quote the regex for validating a valid email address, but 4K+ characters don't fit in this box. Dec 17, 2022 · Regular expressions, also known as regex, are a powerful tool for matching patterns in text. ]+)", my_str) for mail in an email: print(mail) Sep 18, 2024 · Here are three ways to extract email addresses from a text in Python: Using simple regex; Using complex regex; Using email-validator library; Method 1: Using simple regex. utils. in your regex, you need to use \. Can someone nudge me in the right direction? I suspect I can dig out the email address after the occurrence of 'Email:' using regex Mar 26, 2019 · New to Python and would like to use it with Regex to work with a list of 5k+ email addresses. +@(. Jan 18, 2021 · Given the sample texts, I want to extract Address Street (text between asterisk). com"Output: Hr@Iwillgetbacktoyou@gmail. com as xxxxx@xxxxx. rstrip(". I need help on finding a regex expression that will match email addresses of only a specific domain As in any . Mar 20, 2013 · You have another problem you haven't noticed yet - your regex will miss valid email addresses, and probably match invalid ones. com jordansurname@Capital. For a basic case such as [email protected], the following works well: string. com Dec 28, 2016 · I am trying to extract emails from text. """ Jul 15, 2020 · If you assume there are at least one @ and at least one . _%+-]+@[A-Z0-9. com” so we need to extract the domain name of email address so that the output becomes "example. What you are really looking for is the match function. Feb 23, 2017 · While the regex in the above code snippet matches most email patterns, but if you still need to match >99% of the email patterns, including the edge cases (like '+' in the email) then use the regex pattern as shown below. Ask Question Asked 6 years, My question is to write a function that, given an email address (a), returns Feb 5, 2021 · Through Regex I need to capture the email addresses between the first word From to the first Subject. com [MATCH] mailto:match@example. search('(@^\\S$)', email) I want to match any non-whitespace character excluding newline. The re(regular expression) module provides a “re. Validating an address with a regex is usually a bad idea because of the way how address is written in different parts of the world. com for any business inquiry please mail us at business@enquiry@gmail. Possible email addresses "[email protected]" "[email protected]" "[email protected]" "[email protected]" "patrick. com Here we have only selected email from the given input string. in plain python: email = "[email protected]" user, Notes on street address regex validation. Any look-around assertion acts like an anchor (matches a location in the text, not the text itself); just like ^ and $ match the start and end of the matched text. Nothing works for me so far. If you want to be 100% sure that you will be able to handle any technically-valid e-mail address, you're going to have to write a routine that will handle quoting properly, because both solutions listed in my answer will choke on addresses like "a@b"@example. com). RegExps are not python specific. 0. Aug 18, 2021 · I have written the code for validating the email address using pyspark but getting invalid email address. occurrence, but then I went on and used re. def extract_promo Dec 21, 2012 · ) inside a regular expression in a regular python string, therefore, you must also escape the backslash by using a double backslash (\\), making the total escape sequence for the . +-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\. Oct 6, 2023 · Regex to Match Email Addresses in Different Programming Languages. Why is regex essential for email validation? Aug 15, 2019 · Hi all I’ve got a project where I have to get email addresses and have realised that using the Matches activity in a For Each loop will probably be best Here are example email addresses that cover all permutations jordan. May 30, 2012 · This takes your email, which is in the form of "<[email protected]>" and selects the string contained within the angle brackets ([1:-1] corresponds to select from the second character to second-to-last). org Jun 20, 2020 · We can extract the email addresses using the find all method from re module. [A-Za-z0-9. 1. _ % + - and an @ symbol, followed by a domain name and an extension(i. There is whitespace. 4. txt = “Ryan has sent an invoice email to john. Python parse email address with regex. com" emails = re. 10. com Appr Filter email address with regular expressions: I am new to regular expressions and was hoping someone might be able to help out. A typical email address consists of a local part, an “@” symbol, and a domain part. validate_email(df. thanks. ([a-zA-Z0-9]+) Python regex email address-1. Hot Network Questions Python parse email address with regex. 26. d@yahoo. The pattern we validate is a basic pattern that allows email addresses with a-z and A-Z characters, 0-9 numbers, the special characters . net Jordan. Use Regular Expressions. – Aug 4, 2017 · Extract some info from email using regular expression with Python. [A-Z]{2,}\b to identify each email address. es Expected output "in I am trying to come up with a regular expression to match Bitcoin addresses according to these specs: A Bitcoin address, or simply address, is an identifier of 27-34 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1 or 3 [] I figured it would look something like this /^[13][a-zA-Z0-9]{27,34}/ Dec 23, 2013 · Extracting part of the email address by using Python regular expression. arjun@gmail. I am using \b[A-Z0-9. These things are just hard to do, and the best answer probably is a dedicated parser once you manage to find some candidate text to feed it. groups() but this is only matching the first line. ' and then taking the first list item, which will be your company name. Hot Network Questions Aug 13, 2020 · More Related Answers ; finding email id from string python # extract an email ID from the text using regex; python regex to match ip address; regex to find ip address python I assume that your input is only one email address and you need to validate it. com The reg-ex I Email Validation. A simple Python regex to validate string against email format and catch the most obvious syntax errors: Test it! Sep 19, 2022 · Use this simple python code to extract emails from text using above defined RegEx: text = "I know a set of email addresses that we can extract using expression1: abc. compile(r'(?i)\b[A-Z0-9. In the below example we take help of the regular expression package to define the pattern of an email ID and then use the findall() function to retrieve those text which match this pattern. Jul 16, 2014 · Email. Dec 2, 2024 · Fortunately, Python offers powerful tools like regex (regular expressions) to tackle these issues effectively. python match email id with regex. I am trying to pattern match an email address string with the following format: [email protected] Jun 26, 2018 · I'm trying to extract the domain name from email addresses using domain = re. \n\s]*) [^. Jun 3, 2023 · I'm trying to parse a To email header with a regex. the literal character . Jan 17, 2014 · You are over-complicating things with the look-ahead assertion. company = re. literally 1st Capturing group ([^. Feb 1, 2012 · Thanks Ruakh, yes your regular expression does match the email address. Oct 28, 2016 · Would it be multiple searches throughout the email with like 6 different regex searches, or is there a way to do one search on every email and see if it hits any of the groups in the pattern Right now in my code I just have a first name and last name searching that gets none right at all. es Output getting lcc@ums. findall()” method that accepts a text and pattern and finds a string from the text that matches a pattern, creates a list Jan 9, 2020 · # Python program to extract emails from the String By Regular Expression. com' I want a regex to get this: output = ['serebro', 'gmail', 'com'] I. Jan 25, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jun 16, 2017 · The benefit to this method is that its standardized (regular expressions) and that you can adjust the strength of the match easily by adjusting the values within {}; which means you can have a global configuration file where you set/adjust the values. Regex remove plus addressing + from Dec 16, 2015 · To match a literal . It'd be nice if I could do this all in one filter with the AND and OR operators. For example I want to see hello@gmail. Required, but never shown Post Your Answer Finding IP addresses using regular expression in python. ', test_string): ' # begin to define the pattern I'm looking for (also tell python this is a string) @ # find all patterns beginning with the at symbol ("@") * # find all characters after ampersand ? # find the last character before the period \ # breakout (don't use the next character as a May 6, 2021 · Submitted data: First name: MyName Last name: Email: [email protected] I'm having a brain block on getting the email address without a next word. Elizabeth's drive I came up with the following regular expression but I am not too keen to how to incorporate all the characters (alphanumeric, space dash, full stop, apostrophe) "regexp=^[A-Za-z-0-99999999' This is the regular expression for the email addresses which will validate all the email addresses. Is there a way to validate with regex a regular email address with one period AND an email address with two periods in it as shown below? Sep 23, 2018 · Python Regular Expressions matching Email. import re re_destinatario = re. com, . 0 Extracting part of the email address by using Python regular expression. Aug 21, 2019 · I want to hide an email address, but don't know how to have my expected answer. Nov 4, 2024 · Email validation is tricky — a simple “@” check isn’t enough, but going overboard with complex regex can also cause problems. xxx and barakobama@me. In order to check whether an email address is valid in python, we can use the following snippet. email) which gives me a TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object. An Help will be appreciated. @Maria - I believe the key here is 'matching' IP addresses, in like: "Here is this 10 Terabyte file/DB, match or list the IP addresses you can find", as opposed to "create a function that receives a string and returns whether it is an IP address", hence the solution to me is to use a well-crafted regex, as much as we hate them. split('. See full list on geeksforgeeks. split('@')[-1]. findall (email_pattern, text) return email Jan 9, 2018 · I would like to parse out e-mail addresses from several text files in Python. I'm trying to build a regular expression to meet these conditions: [DON'T MATCH] dont:match@example. emails = re. Using a RegEx to match IP addresses. matches the character . And that, also, validating email addresses (and so trying to catch them with REGEX) can be very tricky: Mar 30, 2023 · 3. In this example, the regex pattern matches email addresses that start with one or more alphanumeric characters, followed by "@" symbol, then one or more alphanumeric characters and periods, followed by a top-level domain name of two or more letters. combusiness@enquiry@gmail. Let’s look at practical ways to validate email addresses in Dec 20, 2021 · Extract outlook email body and recipient email address using python. de), Austria (. -]+@[\w\. I tried to learn more about Python REGEX, but I don't know exactly how to stop it at maximum 3 consecutive digits after a dot. findall(r'[a-zA-Z\. I'm using this to help search for the emails. com") #would give me "xyz" But I was hoping to find a solution that would get the domain name for cases such as: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Aug 19, 2019 · Regex to split email address in python [closed] Ask Question Asked 5 years ago. See email. There’s only one little Jan 18, 2025 · Extracting the domain name from an email address involves isolating the part after the @ symbol. findall("([a-zA-Z0-9_. \n\s]* match a single character not present in the list below Quantifier: Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy] . ')[0] What this code will be doing, it will be splitting the email address at '@' and then taking the last item and splitting it a '. Extracting part of the email address by using Python regular expression. sample_str = "This is a random sentence. xx This is the co Mar 4, 2016 · I am trying to extract just the domain name from email string, using Python. Do you know tips to optimize/ Jan 21, 2025 · A regular expression can extract specific words, data, and files or ensure the code is formatted. 3rd, you look for a better job, trying to scrap email addresses from websites is not an easy task and everyone here hate those that are spamming us. What Nov 6, 2024 · A lot of regexes for validating email addresses you’ll find in various regex tutorials and references still assume the top-level domain to be fairly short. Feb 20, 2016 · Once you have a block of text that you want to validate as being and email address, you google and find 2-5 very good regexps on StackOverlfow. I have got the regular expression working inside RegexBuddy, see below: \b[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][A-Z0-9]? [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}\b I have a bunch of addresses and want to grab the postcode from them, example below: 123 Some Road Name Town, City County PA23 6NH. Apr 10, 2012 · Then, check if the regex did in fact match before trying to access its results: if aa: ip = aa. 11. Hot Network Questions In this tutorial, we will learn "How to Extracting Email Addresses Using Regular Expressions" in Python. This Python regular expression will match 99% of valid email addresses and will not pass validation for email addresses that have, for instance: Dots in the beginning; Multiple dots at the end; But at the same time it will allow part after @ to be IP address. 11 using regular Expression in python. There is more than one way to check if a given string is a valid IPv6 address and regular expression matching is only one Sep 11, 2017 · Extracting part of the email address by using Python regular expression. Can anyone pls give me a hint how to approach this issue. *)\. [a-zA-Z0-9-. Regexes are patterns or ex May 6, 2019 · def extract_company(email): return email. Creating a Regex Pattern for Email Validation. co as xxxxxxxxxx@xx. ) Applying it to your string, Using a regular expression that recognizes email addresses could be useful in various situations: for example to scan for email addresses in a document, to validate user input, or as an integrity constraint on a data repository. [A-Z|a-z]{2,7}\b' # Find all email addresses in the text using the pattern email_addresses = re. Fortunately, regular expressions (regex) tend to be quite consistent across different programming languages and environments, as many languages implement regular expressions in a way that adheres to a standard (often, the Perl 5 regular expression syntax). Nov 9, 2023 · import re # Custom function to extract email addresses from text def extract_emails (text): # Define a regular expression pattern for extracting emails email_pattern = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9. To do this operation we can use methods like spilt(), partition(), Regular expression. findall('\S+@\S+', sample_str) Jul 21, 2014 · Here is the code I have to find instances of email addresses from a web page. I couldn't figure out what's wrong nor do I seem to understand how to write regular expressions correctly Jan 9, 2025 · There are multiple ways to validate email addresses in Python. Jan 24, 2022 · regex = re. It's not a simple regex that matches valid email addresses - and it's a topic that comes up here on SO quite frequently – Aug 28, 2020 · Python parse email address with regex. findall(r' Nov 11, 2023 · Email Regex in Python. ]) to get email addresses. Nov 13, 2014 · I need help writing a regular expression, using the python re engine to: Extract all MAC addresses from a text file; Extract all strings with the following format: foo bar MAC:ADDRESS baz bat \r\n; Thanks in advance! I tried the following to extract MAC addresses, without luck: Your regular expression starts with ^ (start-of-string anchor) and ends with $ (end-of-string anchor), which means the email address must be the entire line, with nothing else on the line, for the regex to match. edu, etc). In this guide, we'll explore how to use regex to validate email addresses in Python. after it in the string, upon your main validation regex failure, you may capture the three parts of the email, and remove all unwanted chars from the them and concatenate back into a "clean" email: Jul 31, 2019 · I want to find out how can I extract only the correct IP address from a very long string. . com <p>match@example. To my surprise re. find emails in text with python and regex. df@somecompany. Search, filter and view user submitted regular expressions in the regex library. ]@[\w+-. surname@capital. One can fix this by reading the entire file into a string variable and performing the regex on that, or counting the length of each list and updating some counter. With regex, you can craft a pattern that checks if the email structure adheres to standard conventions. With small changes to your code, it looks like this: def email_func(string_input): """Parses a string as an email address, returning an (id, domain) pair. com. Regular expression is a sequence of special characte Oct 29, 2018 · Find email domain in address with regular expressions. com by using his email id ryan. uk, Mar 28, 2023 · In this article, we will take a look at how to validate email addresses in Python, using Regular Expressions. -]+',line) But my code obviously does not contain email addresses where there are numbers before @ sign. python; regex; Python parse email address with regex. Don't use this regular expression if you are processing an email address directly from user input. au) and international (. Python - Extract Emails from Text - To extract emails form text, we can take of regular expression. Python, trying to parse html to attain email Jul 12, 2012 · I am trying to write a regular expression that facilitates an address, example 21-big walk way or 21 St. MULTILINE) result = regex. _%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9. search, which returned the 1. [A-Z] {2,4} \b as the regex for email addresses in its introduction. For example, any email with a comment segment or any username with a '+' character in it, will not match, though they are valid RFC addresses See I Knew How To Validate An Email Address Until I Read The RFC – Jul 13, 2017 · I have this: email = 'serebro@gmail. Python regex to remove emails from string. In this tutorial, we will write a simple Python program that uses regular expressions to validate email addresses. I imported the email_validate package and tried things like this. One of the most popular approaches to validate email addresses is by using regular expressions (regex). e . In a first attempt, I tried to get the following element that includes an e-mail address from a list of strings ('2To w May 3, 2018 · But I can't find a way to filter the email addresses. com</p> Sep 21, 2023 · I want to parse through my email inbox and find marketing emails with coupon codes in them extract the code from them the logic I have written works on only singular type of data. \n\s]*)$ with /gm modifiers explanation: \. In some more details here is what I am loo The more complex email regex. Not surprisingly, this tool is used in programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, or PHP. In email validation, regex checks if user input follows the correct structure for an email address. co. Import the re module May 12, 2015 · I have a list of email addresses and I want to check if they are a valid email address for GMail. The local part may contain alphanumeric characters, periods, hyphens, and underscores, while the domain part consists of a domain name and a top-level domain (TLD) separated by a period. compile(pattern, flags=re. The “re” module in Python provides full support for Perl-like regular expressions. This is my desired outcome (being typed into shell): >>>from urllib. May 17, 2017 · Regex to split the email address in python. I used re. group() Of course, this is not a good approach for validating IP addresses (check out gnibbler's answer for a proper method). , as shown in the examples above. request import urlopen Python Program to Find Armstrong Number in an Interval; Python Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers; Python Program to Find LCM; Python Program to Find HCF; Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal; Python Program To Find ASCII value of a character; Python Program to Make a Simple Calculator; Python Program to Aug 6, 2021 · I am trying to use python to extract the sentence that contains the email. Extracting domain name from email in Python (including several special cases) 0. com neeraj@gmail. This regex only validates that the address follows a valid email format: \b matches a word boundary to ensure that the email address is not part of a larger word. Usually, it’s better to just check that the address is not empty and let the user enter what do they want. uk and my friend's email is jane_doe124@gmail. References May 1, 2012 · I am trying to use regular expressions to find a UK postcode within a string. Script in action: Run to see result Oct 21, 2022 · So I have a string that possesses data I need to extract for my main program. findall. I will match through Python Regex Lib. After some research, I found the solution but it's so long, I have a lot of datas (more than 90 000) and my code never stop. eydmpde xhamzws wwzfxrw ngqdb vliku hbqqmi fymtto gci xapo rvce ptx ltcolue awms kvhav awmri