Synology nas folder disappeared. When I moved my NAS, my internal IP address changed.

Synology nas folder disappeared Synology photos is showing almost all of my photos, but for whatever reason, its not showing the years 2017 or 2018. I have some videos that will not play without constant buffering. Checked permissions on the folder in User settings, and as I always log in as admin, admin has full r/w permissions to everything. Feb 11, 2022 · I recently noticed some files/folders missing on my Synology NAS DS220j, DSM 6. Dec 23, 2020 · I'm currelnty face to the same problem: files are inside recycled bin with folders name plus suffix "_1" Using Domain/LDAP fetaures of the synology with domain users and synology Drive client. Select a shared folder and click Edit. I was able to view all the pictures this week. jpg, COVER. For Synology NAS joined to a third-party LDAP server Apr 11, 2020 · Installation and Setup of Plex Media Server on Synology This How-To is in multiple parts to make it easier to find whichever specific step you’re looking for. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Using find. It is not hidden or anything. Then clisk Settings (left-side menu), Then clisk the tab User's syncing profiles, Jan 17, 2024 · Overnight, the NAS disapeared from one of the computer (not visible anymore in network). 2) do not block the SMB (137-139, 445) or AFP (548) network ports. The setup is: Synology RS814RP+, 3 Samsung 850 Pro SSDs in RAID1 (yes, 3 mirrored disks). I deleted those and now all deleted files are created in the root of the holes folder, but in a subfolder with the user The icons are not being displayed with the red ‘X’ like the drive is disconnected, in this situation. Clone a shared folder to create near-instantaneous copies of an existing shared folder. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Dec 15, 2022 · Hi, I have a shared folder which when i go into the properties I see only three options in the Advanced permissions: Advanced Settings: - Disable directory browsing Aug 7, 2021 · Home NAS & SAN Fixed: Encryption Mount After Reboot (was: Two of Seven Shared Folders Totally Disappeared After Upgrade to DSM 7. Issues: Suddenly missing file shares and files. It is still visible on the other one. After that the number of indexed videos increased to 65. The other weird part is, they both have another mapped folder labeled “Collection” that does not disappear whenever the computer is rebooted. All other years/folders are showing. If you have managed to get access to files via smb/nfs then immediately make a fresh backup or a backup if you don't have one before messing with the nas 2 options (after backup) contact support and see if they can fix it remotely for what's delaying the mount at startup Volume 1 is the default volume, and within the 'Shared Folder' under Control Panel, the 'docker' folder is there. When I moved the 2nd one though all the files suddenly disappeared - Refreshing the page did not bring them back. Jan 12, 2014 · I have a collection of movies that I have in an indexed /Movies folder. please help On the NAS the files exist, on the Synology Drive browser my files are there, but on my computer I have an empty folder and I don't know how to full it, the only option is maybe to force offline the folder to get all the files. I now it's crazy, hopefully Synology will get back to you. Suddenly, after a rename of a few dozen files (i am using a third party program on my mac where i can access all files without a problem), the music folder just disconnected and disappeared from the file browser. _tcp. 2), select the task, click Edit > Destination and click Test connection to test the task connection. Still one more After executing the procedure above one more I finally had got indexed all of my videos. com/en-us/DSM/tutorial/How_to_manage_ACL_settings_on_your_Synology_NAS. I had not touched my NAS in a couple of days. To enable the Recycle Bin: Go to DSM > Control Panel > Shared Folder. Jun 11, 2014 · Repeat till such as time as some files/folders disappear, again noting the free disk space, which should have increased. synology. Please proceed to Resolution to unhide the items. Aug 21, 2019 · We have had our Synology replaced with a newer, larger capacity one. as well as the _device-info. I could not find the new shared folder in the File Station interface. Jan 29, 2014 · I tried to create a shared folder and it did not appear as a 1st level sub folder. jpg, ALBUMART. com/en-uk/DSM/tutorial/How_can_I_use_PhotoRec_to_recover_files Feb 17, 2009 · I'm trying to determine what is causing some files and/or folders to disappear from the Synology NAS. "Backup", "homes" and "home". Now I lost permission to this folder - totally. com brings up my NAS, but when I try connect, website says its having trouble finding that site NAS disappear overnight from Network folder Oct 3, 2011 · I have a Synology DS1010+ with DSM 3. Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder > Action > Key Manager. Just two users on Windows 10 or Windows 11. Not sure what's goin' on here. I moved it using file station to `/volume1/Media/Folder` (yes there was a folder with same name already existing there) and had skip if file exists set when moving. 12 CAD users all connected directly to the switch, all running Solid Edge 7 on a mix of Furthermore to add insult to injury, when we recover the folder by going to the recycling bin on the NAS and right-click + move to, it moves the folder back to where it was and most of the PDF and InDesign files end up getting corrupted. When I moved my NAS, my internal IP address changed. It's possible that the issue comes from hyperback fails ? [Network][Backup to local] Failed to start Oct 17, 2021 · Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. Enter chflags -R nohidden "/Volumes/Share Folder Name/Path" (Path is the path to the parent folder of the missing items) in the Terminal window, and press Enter. disk state are normal for all hard drives. These files/folders exist, they are here, because : - I can see them with File Station - I can access them when I type their complete path - I can't create a file/folder with the same name. Please remember, You’re With Apple depreciating AFP the technique I recommended to you brings the advantage of the additional _adisk. 7000 now Oct 17, 2021 · Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. Archived post. Feb 17, 2009 · We have had several different types of files, jpeg, txt, . Even the default admin cant fix the permissions because the folder is missing in the file station. The folder is listed as "No Access". - I done that a week ago. jpg, Albumart. This function is only available on certain models. " The automatic creation of a home folder for every user on the NAS saves the NAS administrator time because it does not have to create a shared folder to store personal files. If Synology Assistant is not installed yet, go to the Download Center > enter your NAS model > the Desktop Utilities tab to download and install it on your computer. 0) Apr 10, 2024 · If your file type is supported by Synology Drive but missing, try rescanning team folders in Synology Drive. . Sep 14, 2021 · This morning, a major Shared Folder (name: userfiles) has completely disappeared. Or are you copying all of the files and folders "in" the remote folder to the NAS? Copy \remote\folder to \NAS or \NAS\share Or Copy \remote\folder*. After some searching, they were found in recycle bin. Both are hidden from view in the normal Network browsing from Nov 1, 2024 · Help needed, I have a Share Folder that has suddenly dissappeared from the File Station and Synology Drive. there is nothing distinguishing these missing folders from the others as far as I can tell. New Jan 4, 2019 · hello! new user here. I've installed DS file and Drive on both an iPhone 14 Pro and a Pixel 7 Pro and they both work is seeing files. The files also still work - I just can't access the folder they're in. Jan 23, 2022 · To disable this function, follow these steps: Untick the Enable MSDFS VFS module checkbox at the following locations. They are visible via File Station and when I connect via WebDAV. \\nas\home for the currently logged in user, I do get access denied, using Windows 10. I restarted the NAS, and the files did not come back. 25/10. x for weeks before this became an issue From doing trouble shooting I am on 1. The log on the NAS shows temporary files being created and deleted and it also shows the file itself getting deleted zero to two minutes after the deletion of the last lock file. However, the files were turned into zero byte in size, and with bunch of tmp files. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Oct 17, 2021 · Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. Also every single file is from the unraid server, where everything shows up via smb. g. 0: DSM > Control Panel > File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings > Others. Still no folder in the new NAS. HOWEVER, I know that it still exists and is Sep 5, 2021 · I had a folder `/volume1/tmp/Folder` and that contained multiple files and folders within it. I had created a shared folder for myself for my personal data and files. Ive even made a new shared folder and it shows up right away. Only in the copy on the synology every newish folder seems to be missing. I don't see how to transfer files from either mobile phone directly to the NAS other than Backing up to the NASI'll continue digging. If you’re new to Plex then reading this thread in sequence is probably the best approach. 2-1922 installed on it. • Relocating it directly to a synced folder introduces complexities, such as file conflicts, indexing errors, and overwrites. Mow I do not see the original folder or it's contents anywhere. Your Synology NAS is assigned a static LAN IP address and the firewall settings (DSM 7. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have . volumes state are normal for all volumes. 82TB used. Click Add. After it has checked the consistency of the drives it allows me to login as normal. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have While I was in the middle of transferring music files from my Mac to my NAS in Finder, the Music folder disappeared. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Aug 27, 2015 · On the synology device, I have 8TB of storage with 15 partitions delegated to different portions of the NAS. One of them is set with a QUOTA of 40GB, I have gone into Control Panel / Shared Folders / {edit shared folder} go into Advanced tab, There I increased the quota from 40GBto 50GB. jpg, AlbumArt. I can set some settings through the menue "Shared Folders". Oct 17, 2021 · Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. , app data, settings, or open documents). It was a folder that should have been restricted from "normal" user. I started moving first shared drive, and then moved to another one. I have a big collection of pictures on my PC (40k) ordered in folders and subfolders. I tried to access it using network address \\nas-name\ and it does ask me to loggin, but loggin fails every times for an unknown reason (logging in online works fine). DSM 7. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Feb 4, 2019 · It seems that it's possible to restore the previous version of a folder by using the version explorer which can be found in Team Folder. I have 2 shared folders named "everything" & "rest". Follow the instructions in this article to map a network drive via \\\\IP of Synology NAS\\Shared Folder Name. Make sure, that no other services use that directory, because that could produce trouble on sync. 0 / DSM 6. After opening the app today all my picture folders were empty Nov 18, 2019 · Installed Drive Server and set up the NAS folder in admin console. After confirming the settings the folder disappeared in the "File Station". Two more missing I repeated the procedure above for the two missing videos and I came to a total number of 66 indexed videos. I've tried selecting the /media/ folder and the /data folder but when I click ok nothing happens. Aug 14, 2021 · Continuing the discussion from Plex for Synology - No 'Plex' Folder shown in DSM: I don’t see the plex shared folder nor the plexmediaserver user that should have been created during the installation. Oct 29, 2023 · I did not run any new updates, did not have any power failures, the NAS is on a dedicated APC and there is no downtime logged, all disks marked as healthy. Unfortunately, for some reason not all files and folders are available via Synology Drive. I logged in using the web browser and file station only to find that the file was gone. I selected "read/write" for this particular user, clicked apply, and the share folder finally showed up on that user's File Station folder list. Well. Jul 25, 2022 · If your Synology NAS is joined to a Consumer server of LDAP Server, confirm that the Username field (at LDAP Server > Settings > As the Consumer server of Synology LDAP Server) is filled with an LDAP user that only belongs to the Directory Consumers group (at LDAP Server > Manage Groups). I can see it listed under the shared folders, and if I use windows explorer I can see the folder but I can not see it in the File Station display on the Synology. Pertaining obviously that the versioning is active for the folder. On the remote NAS, the admin should go to Synology Drive Admin console. 2. 2 and ext4 volume Follow the following test scenario: Create a TEST folder; Create at least two folders inside: “a” “a 1” Delete one of them, with the space in the name; Folder without space dissapears forever! Test setup: Synology NAS running DSM 4. Aug 3, 2020 · Some other folders and other partitions dont have the right permissions or are unfortunately not supported. Mar 10, 2012 · for every missing video. " This is bad enough, but there seems to be nowhere to find what folder is "missing" or has "insuffient privileges". Please create a new shared folder via filestation and activate that as a teamfolder. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have A community to discuss Synology NAS and networking devices Folder missing in file station but is shown in shared folder in control panel. - When I go to File Station the 'Files' folder is not visible at all. jpg All files and folders are there, but when trying to map any home folder, e. my shared folder disappeared. I logged into web app and experienced the same problem. Yesterday I noticed music playback via the NAS had skipped a song due to the file being unable to load. thx Nov 28, 2022 · Determine the IP of your Synology NAS via Synology Assistant. jpg, Cover. At first I thought that this was a problem with syncing, so I forced "Re-index" in "Synology Drive Admin Console". I am using a Synology NAS DS418J 7. This folder is encrypted and only I should have access to it. I am getting a problem accessing my shared folder (either through built in File Browser or over CIFS through Win7). Other 100MB switches connected to this core switch for non-CAD users. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have You can encrypt a shared folder during its creation for added security. Some of my media files aren't visible in the mounted network drive. Create a Shared Folder. Snapshot Synology DriveSync remote NAS: Update: I can see the missing folder if I use the Shared Folders app. I have tried re-indexing and still have the same problem. I've uninstalled Docker and reinstalled and even rebooted the NAS but that hasn't helped. In my case it wasn't the home folder. I recovered approximately 50Gb of usable storage space on my Synology DiskStation after finding large amounts of unmanaged data in the #recycle folder(s) of my Synology DiskStation 'homes' shared folder. If I enable/disable SMB or change it from SMB2 to SMB3, I can sometimes get the "home" folder to show (briefly), but after a refresh it will disappear. where is the rest of my space??? Mar 24, 2014 · Seems since a certain DSM update the Recycle Bin is in the root of the HOMES folder only. Ive followed the settings to do this ie: To add a new key to a key store: Make sure you that you have initialized a key store. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Mar 14, 2021 · The annoying problem is that folder tree is copied to the remote NAS, and lnk and zip files are copied. 5715. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Mar 21, 2023 · Hi, many thanks for any help in advance, I appreciate it! I have been using plex installed on a Synology NAS for a few years without issue, regularly doing the manual update through the package centre. * to \NAS\folder\ The difference is if you just specify just the remote folder to copy the copying program may be changing the properties of the folder on the NAS. I updated to DMS 7 so I'm using Synology Photos. I am trying to follow a tutorial I found on youtube to switch my video playback driver to improve playback. Mar 21, 2015 · With a non-admin user, I can't even get into the "homes" folder from Explorer because of default permissions (I never touched the permissions for the "homes" share in the DSM. 4-25556 Update 3. I can't say for certain all of them were going there, but at least some of them. Issue: - Now I just realized when I check one of the folder on my NAS, it has missing lots of files and folders!!! - Some folders are fine but most of them is Feb 17, 2009 · We have had several different types of files, jpeg, txt, . Shared Folder Sync. A community to discuss Synology NAS and networking devices For some reason, in some Team Folders things will be missing that actually exist (and accessible via Mar 31, 2019 · I have a shared folder that is not showing in the Drive Admin list, so i cant share it. 2. All in all, I seem to be experiencing what users on this thread and others (during the DSM7 RC Beta!!) have experienced. It has now finished re-populating the English Language library yet again, but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and them to disappear again. Mar 12, 2018 · - After that I did copy using the copy - skip option using File Station from my external drive to my NAS , so I start filling up the NAS one by one folders. This will show you how to install Plex on your Synology and then suggest a couple ways you can organize your media. Hi all, As stated in the title my images all disappeared from the Synology Photos app, leaving onlt the empty folders that I created. doc, etc disappear and some folders as well. Hoping someone has some insight here. My DS218J has the Plex package manager installed (from the Package Center) and had created a "Plex" folder where I used to upload my video files. Sep 26, 2019 · The folder is still on the NAS, in the same location, and with all its contents visible (seen via DS File, a Synology utility). Jun 21, 2019 · OK, so i'm running out of storage on my DS418 . Mar 11, 2024 · Recover deleted files with Recycle Bin. jpg, Folder. On my DS209, that doesn't get DSM updates anymore, there still show folders with 2 users called recycle bin, from the oder DSM versions. Dec 24, 2023 · On your Synology NAS. 2; ext4 volume; Windows 7 I go into Settings/Media Management/Root Folders and try to set up a path in Add Root Folder but I only see unix folders and am not sure where to go. it manage by DSM. May 19, 2016 · I have sent off a request to synology as well but cant seem to get this working. Although I have Recycle switched on within all my shared folders, this was a top level folder so there seems to be no recovery option other than to try PhotoRec as outlined here: https://kb. Within that folder, no thumbnails for the files show up, e. I can still listen to the audiobooks via the Naim and Linn music apps and Minimserver (from my iPad), but there is no sign of them in Finder although all the other folders on the NAS are visible there. Aug 4, 2019 · I installed Plex but did not see the Plex Folder on my NAS at all. But I can't do anything with it from there - e. Sign in to DSM with an admin account and go to DSM > Control Panel > Task Scheduler > Create > Scheduled Task > User-defined script . Oct 23, 2013 · And if your format is not supported for extracting the cover art from the files: Prepare image files you want to display on album cover. If I change the view in Video Station to sort by 'All', the count is 2 less than the actual amount, however if I sort 'By Folder', the count shows up correctly. My Documents is a System Folder • It’s deeply integrated with Windows and often contains active files (e. Strangely empty folders have shown up at the same time my folder disappeared. I would like to re-purpose this one : Synology DiskStation DS413j for another purpose. Those are files I opened using Libreoffice and then closed normally. Can anyone explain why, all the settings, permissions are the same as other folders. May 14, 2016 · I had the missing File station icon problem too (only on my admin account, all other users had their File station shortcuts on their desktops intact) but the solution that worked for me was quite simple - click the icon in the top left (on the toolbar) - in English probably "Main Menu" - the desktop greys out and from the presented icons just right click File Station and select "Add on desktop Feb 17, 2013 · However, today I was renaming my music library (located under /volume1/Music) to clean it up and to add proper metadata to all the files. Jan 21, 2013 · changing permission on home folder is what dumb. Oct 17, 2021 · You are unable to find files and folders on Synology NAS using Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder, but they are visible in File Station. I have turned on my synology after quite a while and decided to start some cleanups (I had a messy folder structure). This has happened from different MACs using different applications, all accessing the Synology NAS via AFP. 0-13258) I've been getting an Exclamation mark on the toolbar icon and the dropdown shows "Status Abnormal" and the message "Missing local folder or insufficient privileges. 1 update 2 with no issues, but have since updated to update 3 in my troubleshooting The plex that was all was 1. Hyperback for backuping from NAS 1 to NAS 2. I've just received my DS120J to keep a copy of all my pictures on line that I can see from smartphone or tablet (moving away from google photos). After mapping two folders in a Nextcloud docker container (in a Synology NAS), those folders lose ownership information - Owner shows as "911". Feb 2, 2021 · Hi, I'm quite new to NAS world. Aug 2, 2022 · I have multiple shared folder on my Synology NAS. permissions seems to be a good call, the 2021 folder is working fine on server and synology, the 2022 folder is only visible on the servers smb share. Rename the files to any of the following: cover. The advantage of the former is that TM has a reliable auto mount and unmount function and this broadcast refresh will keep the NAS in the Sidebar when it is available. However, I cant see to clean the backups Jan 31, 2023 · After turning on, the drivesync showed that all files are synced. This did not have an effect and some files are still not visible. 25. - On the Control Panel, Shared Folders, I see both folders: but what makes them different is the "Files" folder has a padlock on the icon. Sep 14, 2021 · Update: I can see the missing folder if I use the Shared Folders app. Is there a way to remap Sonarr to look for /volume4/Torrents/TV? Or how do I add a Root folder? Oct 17, 2021 · Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. the home folder is now missing. This happens in Mac and Windows. Therefore i changed settings in user-group not knowing that it actually also changed permits on admins. It says to go to FILE STATION, click on my NAS Name to expand it and then Click into Plex Folder. Jul 13, 2021 · This morning, the "M" folder in our 2021 folder suddenly disappeared when attempting to access files from our iMacs. if I select 'Extra large icons' in the Windows Explorer, normally it would show a preview of the first page, but instead it just shows the PDF application icon. I have a volume 1 with data on (nearly 4 TB) that is displayed on synology disk station (control panel>shared folder) but if I go to file station I am asked to create a new shared folder as there isn't one. Feb 19, 2013 · I went to move a file from one folder to another. When using team folder, you won't be able to use the "browse previous versions" for a folder. This is affecting all team members. Clone a Shared Folder. Mar 9, 2020 · I've been having a similar issue with a DS218 and Windows 10. com/support. I checked all privileges up and down for those home folders for any of the AD-users to no avail so far. Jul 4, 2018 · Today I noticed that I couldn't access the Files folder. jpg, folder. Select the Enable Recycle Bin. flag. Currently, we have an issue where in a particular folder all the files that once inhabited the folder have gone missing. 0. This process allows Synology Drive to reindex team folders and retrieve the missing files. access its files, delete it so I can create a new version with the same name, check that its Permissions aren't blocking it (Permissions tab is greyed out when I try to Edit it) Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. Whereas when I connect with my user with admin privilege, I can see 3 folders. I looked and the relevant folder on the NAS showed empty. Shared Folder Sync is a one-way syncing solution that allows users to sync shared folders from one Synology NAS device (the source) to other Synology NAS devices (the destination) within the LAN or over the Internet. https://account. Click OK and there is no eddect on the shared folder. I have had a Synology NAS (1812+) for almost two years now and have been fortunate it hasn't failed me yet, nor run into issues such as this, which would drive me nuts. When some softwares I use (SyncBack Pro, XnView MP) create files on my NAS, these files are not visible with the Explorer nor any open/save dialog box. Without any noticeable change happening, my library has completely disappeared from my account and does not show up logging in from any device. Apparently overnight, the newest OS was auto-installed on the new NAS. (I have no Add button). 26. Any ideas on what the issue might be Oct 23, 2015 · It's still accessible from Video Station, files there, they play, etc, and from mobile devices, but cannot see \\XXX\\ in filestation to upload more content or delete old content. Confirm the following: Your Synology NAS and network connection are working properly. On my PC, I can see the correct amount of files listed in the directory but the count is incorrect in Video Station. Please confirm the permission of the account or check whether the folder exists. many many many post on here saying 2 not ever touch. For example, a show with 8 episodes, maybe 2 are missing when viewing the files on a mounted drive, the remaining 6 are visible in the Finder/Explorer. Sorry about this. Jan 23, 2020 · I powered off my DS918+ then when I powered it back on, I can connect to the NAS but my shared folder is gone. So the only thing that is the same is that the files are being created or edited on the NAS. So this NAS basically destroys any file that ends up in the recycling bin. The first time a sync task runs, Shared Folder Sync will perform a full sync of the selected shared folders. However, when i look at the report and add up all the folder sizes, i get 3. I can see the folder in the control panel under "shared folder". Jan 21, 2021 · This is a simple home setup, not a business setting. The format of the images must be JPG. I have wiped and formatted my drives in my 415play and rebuild volume 1 with all available space. Sep 24, 2015 · We’re having a problem where files keep disappearing from one of our NASs. Files/folders appeared to be moving into a #recycle at the top level of the share. access its files, delete it so I can create a new version with the same name, check that its Permissions aren't blocking it (Permissions tab is greyed out when I try to Edit it) Jan 26, 2022 · My System: Diskstation DS216+II, 2 x 1Tb HDD, RAID 1 (mirroring) non-business environment. I checked antivirus running on the Synology - it doesn't seem to report it moving/removing any files. Control Panel>Shared Folders shows its still there. Installed the client software, but when I try to back up it tells me "The local backup folder does not exist or this account does not have permission to it. Just the NAS and devices around the house (laptop, phone, music server, etc). If the missing files and folders show up after the following actions, it means they are actually hidden. jpg, albumart. We do not know if they were moved or deleted but the folder hierarchical structure remains intact. This is how you can loose folders on Synology NAS with DSM 4. We have had several different types of files, jpeg, txt, . Note that if I browse folders from plex I do see the hidden folders. The icon and entire mapped drive just disappear. But when I go to my 'File Station' the docker folder doesn't exist. Feb 2, 2018 · This morning the Data folder is missing on the new NAS in File Station. Apr 28, 2022 · Go to Control Panel > File Services > Advanced > Shared Folder Sync > Task List (for DSM 7. When I log into the NAS through the control panel via Firefox, the folder and its contents are visible. Mysteriously, I can still access the files from Synology's music apps (DS Audio on my iPhone and Audio Station on DSM), and the folder appears in DSM settings. However, after about an hour or so, ALL of the files in the Plex library disappeared and I had to re-populate the English Language Plex library again by having it re-scan the network drive Z:// folder. When I log with my "ash" user (non-admin) via synology web portal, I can see the folders "Backup" and my "home" folder. As for User Permissions: Sep 27, 2018 · i have a NAS 1513+ 2 days ago i lost volume 1 & 3 what i mean is when i open my file station there is only one volume left how can i recover the 2 volumes that are missing. Also tried to connect via sftp - but only see the recycle bin. I can't really put my finger on which exactly, but I know for a fact I had already uploaded several files/folders a while ago that suddenly aren't here anymore. Recycle bin enabled. To recover deleted files from the Recycle Bin, you must have first enabled the Recycle Bin for a selected shared folder. Apr 20, 2023 · How can I find the folder and get access to it again? https://kb. It did create a folder. No explanation as to how this much data just disappeared. I hoped that it will perform an indexing and comparison with the HQ-nas, so I waited another 2 days, but it still shows that all files are synced, although, as you can see in the images below, there's a lot missing. When i look at the storage analyser i see 9. They are visible in DSM File Station in a browser. If you disable the User Home service later, the /homes shared folder and subsequent user folders inside it will remain in place and accessible. Aggressive Sync Behavior • Synology Drive treats any Dec 2, 2022 · Since upgrading to the latest Synology Drive Client (3. Sep 22, 2019 · I think I know what is happening, the missing volume is encrypted but key initialisation isnt set up. 1; Your Synology NAS and client computer are in the same LAN. For comparison, I installed it on the Old NAS today. "Everything" is encrypted, "rest" is not encrypted. Connect to the shared folder where the hidden files and folders are located. I was checking all old conversations about this but no luck with that. jpg, FOLDER. Other files are not copied (like docx, xlsx, graphics). The file disappeared from the "from" folder, that's normal so I deleted the "from" folder, but it never appeared in the "to" folder. I have no idea what is going on. The problem occurs at random. Open Terminal. If I rename the "M" folder, I still cannot see it on my Mac. 8TB used. I have not done anything to the DSM to change anything. Storage Manage shows the approximate file size expected. Apr 17, 2017 · OK so I finally found the setting under control panel > shared folder > edit (selected folder) > Advanced Permissions Tab > click Advanced Share Permissions (near bottom of window). single GB Ethernet connection to Cisco SG300-52. Any ideas . I can see it exists under the Shared Folders tab in control panel. Create a shared folder to store files and folders on Synology NAS. After the command is complete, go back to Mac Finder and check if the files and folders have Hi guys, new to Synology NAS and I'm hoping my question here is simple to answer because right now I'm fretting that I might have lost a lot of files forever. Apr 4, 2020 · I then noticed files disappearing. I now no longer have access to my encrypted shared folder. Files suddenly missing on NAS So tonight I logged into my NAS to find some photos and noticed that all of a sudden I seem to be missing some folders. that's why I can't log in to the synology via finder– there is Dec 7, 2024 · 1. I have a folder containing PDF files that is synced using Synology Drive. May 4, 2022 · Synology Photos recognised the structure up to a point; recognition of files and solders is psychotic and conversion of simple iPhone videos fails. 0) or Control Panel > Shared Folder Sync > Task List (for DSM 6. Today #recycle just disappeared. Apr 10, 2024 · If your file type is supported by Synology Drive but missing, try rescanning team folders in Synology Drive. rnwub kacgzfdy jeasb wia osapzxn ddypx oeb mjra zkg xxutpz mui pykkhr gcyougeb cuwfveo gie