Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in ethiopia pdf 2021. handle it in various traditional and modern ways.
Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in ethiopia pdf 2021 It always exists as indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. In the community, the customary practices and indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms have religious, psychological and social orientation basements. The most common conflict issues in Meskan bête Gurage are land and boundary related conflicts, family related conflict, marriage related conflict, alcoholism, and socio-cultural value related conflict, disagreement over the and accidental conflicts and there is values and beliefs systems related to the customary conflict resolution Enashma; conflict; resolution; customary laws Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Ethiopia Million Esho Dezo Gilgel Beles College of Teachers Education, Department of Civics and Ethical Education, Ethiopia Email: millioneasho@gmail. Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Dec 15, 2018 · The naming of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms varies across geographical locations due to various sociocultural characteristics. Lakhomi Journal Scientific Journal of Culture. ,This study followed a qualitative research approach and it has a case study design that is appropriate to collect in-depth information about indigenous mechanisms of resolving its own methods of conflict resolution mechanism. This study was aimed at describing traditional conflict resolution mechanism called Abbagar, the dynamics of the process, its strength and weaknesses and also the challenges of the institutions of Abbagar in Habru District of North Wollo, Ethiopia. Mar 21, 2021 · The study reveals that the efficacy of indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms in addressing complex conflict at grass root level contributed a lot in the process of restoring peace in post May 31, 2023 · Ethiopia have their indigenous con ict resolution mechanisms. 1016/j. B (Hons) Nrb, LL. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized (DOI: 10. 2023. It helps to avoid grievances and revenge that follow the case of killing. V17I1) The article analyses how the formal legal systems in Ethiopia and Kenya marginalised and prevented traditional forms of resolving conf licts over natural resources. This study was aimed at describing traditional conflict resolution mechanism called Abbagar, the dynamics Sep 12, 2017 · Furthermore, there is no clear policy on the application of indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia (Alemie and Mangefro, 2018). These multifaceted natures of conflicts have been solved by different traditional conflict resolution mechanisms handle it in various traditional and modern ways. pp. Jan 5, 2022 · Keywords: conflict, indigenous conflict resolution, clan leaders, elders, mikirecho. 2011), restorative justice (Macfarlane 2012), and Nov 9, 2021 · According to Endalew study shows that Ethiopia has a different ethnic group because of this the indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms were varied among each group. Mar 31, 2021 · The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. [10], gumaa system is an exclusively been use to settle extraordinary types of conflict, moral and property compensation among the others. Yewondwossen [9] was conducted the Yejoka as customary conflict resolution mechanisms among the highest authorities all over the Sebat bat Gurage. Apr 22, 2024 · Designing efficient organizations that track land conflicts and support traditional leaders in handling conflicts is a crucial step in conflict resolution mechanisms (Bekele et al. Designing efficient organizations that track land conflicts and support traditional leaders in handling conflicts is a crucial step in conflict resolution mechanisms (Bekele et al. Primary data were gathered from interview and personal observations whereas secondary sources were obtained from articles. e14970 Corpus ID: 257938456; An appraisal of the practice of indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms in building a culture of peace in Bale zones, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Sep 10, 2021 · ABSTRACT. Traditional ways of resolving conflicts are guided by specific rules and procedures. Apart from this, Jama Woreda community has been practicing indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms and customary practices for long. 226 Corpus ID: 238900080; Feragezagn: Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanism among Gurage Zone in the Case of Meskan Woreda Southern Ethiopia @inproceedings{Bekelcha2021FeragezagnCC, title={Feragezagn: Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanism among Gurage Zone in the Case of Meskan Woreda Southern Ethiopia}, author={Kebede Lemu Bekelcha and Wondu Yasin Said}, year The Quest for Resolution of Guji-Gedeo Conflicts in Southern Ethiopia: A Review of Mechanisms Employed, Actors and Their Effectiveness Girum Kinfemichael1 Abstract This article assesses the quest for resolution of Guji-Gedeo conflicts, the federal device as a means of managing conflict employed and their effectiveness. Jan 3, 2022 · The purpose of this study is to explore indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms for resolving ethnic-based conflicts between the Awi and Gumuz communities in Ethiopia. Based on qualitative approach and cross-sectional design, the research employed the primary data collection methods of informal conversation, in-depth interview, and FGD. This research sought to explore the Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism (ICRM) of Shekacho people in Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia. All Oromo clans have common indigenous conflict resolution 115 mechanisms in which ‘Gumma’ is the known one. Sep 10, 2021 · ABSTRACT This study is aimed at exploring the traditional conflict resolution system of the Awi: the practices and contemporary challenges. M (Environmental Law) Nrb; Dip. Dec 5, 2014 · Conflicts in ambo are emanated from various sources. 2) Cima Institution - elders selected by the community to Jul 4, 2022 · In Ethiopia, many ethnic groups have developed their own conflict resolution mechanisms. Informants for the study were chosen based on purposive sampling. The study on which this article is based was aimed at describing the role of indigenous conflict Apr 30, 2024 · The main objective of this study was to explore the practices and challenges of indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms particularly the Ze-wold in Raya Kobo town, Ethiopia. Data were Keywords: Alternative dispute resolution; Tomo; Bench-people; Ethiopia Abbreviations: ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution; FDRE: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; FGD: Focus Group Discussion Introduction Background Customary dispute resolution mechanisms are the traditional practices used to resolve conflicts and maintain peace and Women should participate on an equal footing with men in peace-building and conflict resolution processes. 33258/LAKHOMI. Those who want their conflicts resolved must have confidence in the tribunal that would resolve the dispute. Gumma is a conflict resolution technique related to killing particularly unintentional killing of individual from other or within the same clan. Significance of the Study According to Rabar and Karimi (2004), customary conflict resolution mechanisms in Africa are generally closely bound with socio-political and economic realities of the lifestyles of the communities. These include: 1) Dubbusha - a sacred tree where elders and community members gather to reconcile disputes through discussion. required, there are different factors that cause conflict in human life. Conflict Studies uarterly presence of peace (McCandless & Bangura, 2007). Peace and Dev. Sidama Communities are found in Sidama Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS). Accordingly, the following recommendations were made depending on the findings of the study. BOX. Those participants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Meron Zeleke (2010). The data for this study was Monika M Sommer, Traditional instruments of conflict resolution and mediation among the people of Gambella, Ethiopia, 2005 -9- 3. heliyon. Major features of Indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia. e16884 Corpus ID: 259059130; The role and challenges of indigenous conflict resolution mechanism: The case of aboled in Borena Woreda, northeast Ethiopia Apr 18, 2008 · Ethiopia has for centuries been using traditional methods of dispute resolution. Lecturer at Department of Geography and Environmental Studies,Assosa University,Assosa,Ethiopia 2 . Civil society and professional associations should work together to strengthen local conflict resolution mechanisms. O. This selection was based on the following reasons. Feragezagn: Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanism Among Gurage Zone in the Case of Meskan Woreda Southern Ethiopia 1. Jul 1, 2021 · Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms can play a significant role in conflict management which has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal protection in 1 . e. 422) The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with qualitative research method and the data were collected using observation, interview, focused-group discussion and document analysis The International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1128 ISSN 2229-5518 Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Ethiopia: (The case of Enashma of the Boro- Shinasha Community, Benisahngul- Gumuz Regional State) By: Million Esho Dezo Gilgel Beles College of Teachers Education, Department of Civics and Ethical Education Email:[email protected Jan 3, 2022 · For example, one ethnographic study investigating the tradition of conflict resolution in the Afar region of Ethiopia reports that "there are assemblies run by council of elders representing Mar 31, 2021 · Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism has several advantages over the state law, but the exclusion of women in the system, no standardized mechanism to fix payment of compensation for different conflicts, lack of supportive and strengthening measures from the government and lack of office for local elders are the major weakness of the institution. 18. Introduction Conflict is not a new phenomenon in the history of human beings. Jun 10, 2018 · This paper is aimed at investigating the traditional conflict resolution mechanisms of Kaffa society. (2016). Assefa, A. J. the investigation Jan 23, 2024 · Given that the abandonment of 'utility-laden' traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution for foreign models mostly gave rise to the myriads of avoidable violent conflicts all over Africa, it Feb 28, 2021 · DOI: 10. It describes several institutions for resolving conflicts without involvement of the formal legal system. Indigenous Mechanisms for the Prevention and Resolution of Conflict: The Experience of the Oromo in Ethiopia. 4 They *PhD in Law (Nrb), FCIArb (Chartered Arbitrator), LL. Assosa,Ethiopia *Corresponding Author:abdoabdo106@yahoo. Since much of the conflict is the result of increasingly militancy, the security apparatus should break the cycle by dismantling the illicit arms network that fuels the clashes. This document discusses customary and local governance systems and institutions for peacemaking in Ethiopia. However, though peace is critically . Hence, the women, peace, and security agenda has so many objectives among them are May 6, 2021 · The findings of this research reveals that the Indigenous conflict resolution particularly Xiigi-Guullaa is one of the ways to resolve homicide conflict in the study area. The institutions of Gadaa among the Oromo, the Shimagelle by the Amhara, and the other ethnic groups were used. Data were analyzed Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. The procedures in ICRM The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia, 2020. Jun 1, 2013 · Ethiopia has been practicing various indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms for many centuries. D. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with qualitative research method and the data were collected using observation, interview, focused-group discussion and assess the traditional conflict management practices in Jimma Zone selected Woredas. Dec 31, 2016 · (DOI: 10. According to a recent study on traditional mechanisms of conflict management in the Anuak Society, undertaken by ‘Yacob Arsano’, it was shown that traditional mechanisms were by and large effective in the management of intra-Anuak conflict, and virtually non-effective in conflict situations outside the Anuak society. These indigenous con ict resolution institutions have certain peculiar features based on social traditions, norms and beliefs. com I. 29 The next section will throw more light on such initiatives. The participants of the study are elders, religious leaders and influential people from the study area. 1. Formal legal systems of conflict resolution in African countries are post-colonial western institutions used to seek justice. These factors, inter alia, are associated with competition over grazing land and water resources, boundary conflicts on farm lands, problems of access to water irrigation, sense of superiority, and women’s abduction. 3 Conflict resolution among the Anywaa “At the time when we practiced our traditional procedures to solve our problems we did not have such big problems as we face now – this is not natural – they try to wipe us The study deals with examining potential of indigenous conflict resolution institutions in Oromo society: The case of Arsi Oromo People. In pluralistic justice systems where state and non-state justice systems operate, how the state Qaalluu, Smith and Metal: Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in the Medium of Metals among the Oromo of Northeast Wollega, Ethiopia Temesgen Burka* Abstract The introduction of metals, particularly iron, has always been seen as an important stage of socio-cultural, economic, and political departure of human development. … Expand 1 The general objective of this study was to explore the cultural conflict resolution mechanisms in the case of Raya kobo society. However, entwined within the cultures of most communities are traditional dispute resolution mechanisms (TDRM). The formal justice system tends to take a punitive and deterrent approach in criminal conflict. Aug 5, 2022 · Customary all traditional law that are easily accessible to the people are applicable. V2I1. It is with this part of Oromia that indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms of the Oromo of RayituWoreda can be categorized. The major goal of this study was to assess the role of indigenous institutions in handling/ settling conflicts in the Sidama Society. , Citation 2022). This study is aimed at exploring the traditional conflict resolution system of the Awi: the practices and contemporary challenges. The findings of the study Sep 9, 2024 · The paper found out that in communal conflicts with an annual conflict-death of 25 or more, the type of conflict resolution method used and the intensity of the conflict influence the effectiveness of a communal peace agreement. African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Vol. “Ye Shekoch Chilot (the Court of the Sheikhs): A traditional institution of conflict resolution in Oromiya zone of Amhara regional state, Ethiopia". Exploratory design was used in this study as the issue was being studied for the first time. The Afar of northern Ethiopia have their own traditional institutions for conflict resolution at both micro and macro levels, i. 1, March 2021, Page: 35-45 Email: lakhomijournal@gmail. The following terms interchangeably used as Alternative Dispute Resolution,Traditional Dispute Resolution,Indigenous Conflict Resolution: to mean a set of approaches and techniques aimed at resolving disputes in a non-confrontational way based Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms for resolving ethnic-based conflicts between the Awi and Gumuz communities in Ethiopia. Despite the top down formal conflict resolution and peacemaking attempts,conflicts in public universities were common in Oromia (Ethiopia). The status of traditional dispute resolution institutions under the Ethiopian Legal System Derara Ansha Roba School of Law, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia. While the rise of ethnic Malay nationalism can be attributed to various factors, this paper specifically focuses on the Islamic conversion law in Malaysia and whether or not it has reinforced the sentiment of ethnic Malay supremacy. Received 29 June, 2024; Accepted 24 September, 2024 This paper examines the extent to which the Ethiopian legal system accommodates Traditional Dispute Resolution Institutions (TDRIs). Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia: Meaning Values, Structures, 3URFHGXUHV DQG 2XWFRPH ´ LQ 7DUHNHJQ Adebo and Hanna Tsadik eds. It always exists as Dec 1, 2017 · Conflict resolution and peace building mechanisms remain problematic for most societies in Africa including those in Ethiopia, as most of them are trying to imitate western modalities rather than Apr 22, 2024 · Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism has several advantages over the state law, but the exclusion of women in the system, no standardized mechanism to fix payment of compensation for different conflicts, lack of supportive and strengthening measures from the government and lack of office for local elders are the major weakness of the institution. The study investigates the causes and types of conflict Gurarge community. To this end, the study used both primary and secondary sources. Qualitative research methodology was employed in the study Principles of conflict resolution in traditional African societies In the pre-colonial days, there were many principles guiding conflict resolution in the traditional African societies. Qualitative data collection approaches (interview, focus group discussion, observation and document Dec 1, 2021 · Traditional dispute resolution mechanisms have been around in Africa even before the era of colonial heritage. It provides examples of indigenous systems of governance among the Oromo (Gadaa system), Gedeo (Baalle system), and Gamo (Dere Woga). Here are some of the well-known CRMs: Mar 31, 2021 · The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. To investigate this These systems have been given different names by different scholars: unofficial law (Chiba 1993), traditional institution of conflict resolution (Zeleke 2010), traditional justice systems (Slade 2000), non-state laws (Assefa 2011), customary dispute resolution mechanisms (Yntiso et al. 9. the Silte of southern ethiopia is among those ethnic groups with their conflict resolution mechanism. According to Ref. Jarsumma is an indigenous conflict resolution mechanism that is currently practiced in Oromia especially in areas where the Gada system handicapped to resolve conflict. Women have unique capabilities to contribute to peacebuilding and conflict resolution based on their experiences and values. com Ethiopia Central Statistical Aug 30, 2020 · Hadiya people have maintained their indigenous mechanisms of governance system known as “Seera”. The central objective of this paper is to examine the attitude and practice of Ambo town people towards traditional conflict resolution mechanisms vis-à-vis the modern court system. The study on which this article is based was aimed at describing the role of indigenous conflict Jan 3, 2022 · Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms for resolving ethnic-based conflicts between the Awi and Gumuz communities in Ethiopia. The ethnic group of Yem in south-western Ethiopia is one of those with its own conflict resolution methods in the process of settling conflict. According to Fisher [2] points out that in our day-to-day interaction Ethiopia has different kinds of conflict resolution mechanism among with others, we either observed or pass through conflicts, which different ethnic group. 10, No. secondary data. 4-110 [10] Makonnen, D. Mar 13, 2023 · Since June 2018, Ethiopia has undergone vast legislative reforms. The study also come up with the major causes of conflict in the study and the traditional means to resolve them through the Hadiyyi seera institution such as Minee, (family Ethiopia: Tomo – Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism of the Benc Community Jan 1, 2016 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2016, Daniel Mekonnen published Major Features of Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanisms In Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate This document discusses indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms among the Gamo people of Ethiopia. The ICRM of Shekacho has organized procedure, structure, and actors who actively participate in the system. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with Jun 1, 2024 · Ethiopia has extensive experience with traditional dispute resolution practices that function parallel to the formal courts in various parts of the country. Photo of traditional honey farming in 'Kobbo' Source: Photo captured by researchers, 2021 The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling No. The research was conducted in Kedida Gamelo woreda and it was purposively selected. Apr 15, 2022 · Abstract. Nevertheless, building sustainable peace and peaceful Dec 31, 2022 · Notwithstanding the human right issues, traditional institutions operating outside the state are the dominant form of conflict prevention and resolution in Ethiopia. 169-202) Publisher: Peace and Development Center Aug 15, 2024 · This paper explores the traditional institutions and conflict resolution mechanisms among the Anywaa community, shedding light on their intricate structures and practices. He has conducted Yejoka as customary conflict resolution mechanism provided binding and un-appealable decision in the a history of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in tÄhulÄdÄre wÄrÄda (1941-2021) by: asheber hussen aragaw a thesis submitted to the partial fulfillment for master of arts in Nov 16, 2007 · The dynamics of indigenous conflict management practices in Ethiopia are essential parts of conflict resolution relevant to formal conflict resolution mechanisms in most of the pastoral Indigenous conflict resolution among Wollega Oromo. For instance, Gadaa practiced by Oromo peoples, the Shimagelle by the Amhara (Gowok, 2008) and Abegar conflict resolution mechanisms around Northern Wollo (Uthman, 2008). (2021). Every society developed a worldview through which it looks at and Issue 36, July 2021 Ethiopia: Tomo—Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism of the Benč Community Tagel WONDIMU Abstract: Tomo indigenous conflict resolution approach is practiced by the Benč ethnic group and their neighboring communities within the southwestern fringe of Ethiopia. Therefore, the process and effectiveness of applied resolution mechanism are what matters. The objective of this study was to indicate the role of indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms in creating cohesive communities beyond resolving conflicts. Ethiopia has been practicing various kinds of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms. com ,+251 923 575 028 Abstract The objective of this study was to explore Mengechaha,Indigenous Conflict Resolution among Gumuz Ethnic Group in Mandura District,North West Ethiopia. The first reason was that of Ethiopia use their own indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms which have their own certain peculiar features according to the social traditions, norms and beliefs (Mekonnen, 2016). Every society developed a worldview through which it looks at and interacts Sep 1, 2017 · In book: Making Peace in Ethiopia: Nine Cases of Traditional Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution (pp. 32 Int. Mar 7, 2015 · The central objective of this paper is to examine the attitude and practice of Ambo town people towards traditional conflict resolution mechanisms vis-a-vis the modern court system. May 7, 2019 · In Africa, traditional conflict resolution is based on values, norms, cultures and beliefs as practiced by the members of the community. Stud. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. 4314/AJCR. The Silte of southern Ethiopia is among those ethnic groups with their conflict resolution mechanism. However, in Ethiopia and Kenya, conflicts over natural resource have to be understood in relation to their respective histories elites, stability in Ethiopia will remain elusive. METHODOLOGY Design Mohammedawol Reshad Department of Geography and Environmental studies,Assosa University,P. Conflict resolution mechanism in Ethiopia can be generally classified as indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms and formal mechanisms of conflict resolution, which are provided by the state (Pankhurst and Getachew, 2008). Abstract: The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. 4. Both countries best illustrate two rapidly growing economies in transition. 20. , 2022). This article addresses the role of blessing and cursing in conflict resolution among the Hadiya Existence of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms such as negotiation, reconciliation, mediation and others is evidence that these concepts are not new in Africa. Google Scholar. In an inter-clan context, the procedures to follow are well established. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with qualitative research method and the data were collected using observation, interview, focused-group discussion and document analysis. These systems involve institutions like councils of elders that resolve conflicts within and between communities through customary laws and emphasis on Apr 1, 2023 · The other indigeneous conflcit resolution mechanisms widely used by Oromo nation in Ethiopia is gumaa 2 system or practice. Sep 9, 2024 · The paper found out that in communal conflicts with an annual conflict-death of 25 or more, the type of conflict resolution method used and the intensity of the conflict influence the effectiveness of a communal peace agreement. [11] Million E. Example in Afar, in cases of inter-clan homicide, the Mekabon (judges) summon the leaders of the concerned clans as soon as the identities of both the murderer and the deceased are identified. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the indigenous conflict management; types of conflicts managed by indigenous traditional mechanism; role of indigenous institution in handling conflict and procedures used to enforcing the traditional confli Jul 24, 2020 · Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms can play a significant role in conflict management which has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal protection Conflict resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia can be generally classified as indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms (informal conflict resolution mechanism) and state justice system (formal conflict resolution mechanism) (Alula and Getachew: 2008). (2001, June). Making Peace in Ethiopia: Five Cases of Traditional Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution , (Addis Ababa: Master Prin ting Press, 2008) pp. Jun 1, 2023 · DOI: 10. Issue 36, July 2021 Ethiopia: Tomo—Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism of the Benč Community Tagel WONDIMU Abstract: Tomo indigenous conflict resolution approach is practiced by the Benč ethnic group and their neighboring communities within the southwestern fringe of Ethiopia. International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 1–6. Paper presented at the Ethiopian Chapter of OSSREA Second Annual Workshop (theme: Conflict in the Horn: Prevention and Resolution). conflicts arising within the Apr 1, 2023 · DOI: 10. This study was designed to explore the practice of cultural conflict resolution mechanism and challenges of cultural conflict resolution in Raya Kobo City. Sep 10, 2021 · A full discussion of Indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms lies beyond the scope of this paper, however this brief summary of the roles of traditional structures provide an indication of the The major goal of this study was to assess the role of indigenous institutions in handling/ settling conflicts in the Kembata people in Kembata–Tembaro Zone in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS). Design/methodology/approach This study followed a qualitative research approach and it has a case study design that is appropriate to collect in-depth information about indigenous mechanisms of resolving conflicts that Dec 18, 2019 · This paper is a segment of a larger research project that focuses on the rise of ethnic Malay nationalism and supremacy in Malaysia. The presence of such elements in the indigenous mechanisms and customary practices enabled the Dec 13, 2014 · For example, Wolde (2018) reported that the most common traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in Kaffa society are the Shimgelena 4 , Tommo 5 , and Eqqo 6 systems. For example, Wolde (2018) reported that the most common indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms and customary practices for long. Thus, traditional conflict resolution decisions are readily Nov 15, 2022 · Ethiopia has been practicing various kinds of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms. But Alternative Dispute Resolution has not attained any significant position of usage and acceptance in its modern form. Gurage people in general have their own traditional institutions that maintain peace and prevent conflict. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted to construct conflict resolution framework in the context of indigenous Oromo conflict resolution mechanisms. Among these reforms are the amendments to laws regulating Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the country. 35248/2332-0915. The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. Advances in Social Sciences and Management , 1(12), 16–26. 10 -12. Parallel with the formal legal instruments for resolving water-induced conflicts, Ethiopia has practiced traditional CRMs for thousands of years in different parts of the country (see table 1). Thus the aim of this study is to analyze conflict resolution mechanism of Guraghe community. 1; Mulgeta Negasa (2011). (2021) Million Esho Dezo. Almost all ethnic groups in Ethiopia have their own traditional CRMs. Enashma; conflict; resolution; customary laws Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Ethiopia Million Esho Dezo Gilgel Beles College of Teachers Education, Department of Civics and Ethical Education, Ethiopia Email: millioneasho@gmail. May 4, 2022 · Photo of traditional honey farming in 'Kobbo' Source: Photo captured by researchers, 2021 Conflict intervention procedures Source: researchers' compilation, 2021 Keywords: traditional, conflict resolution, shimgelena, tommo, eqqo. 1. 5. Guma is a traditional Oromo conflict resolution mechanism which is conducted following a death occurred suddenly or intentionally by somebody else against parents of the victims. of Ethiopia use their own indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms which have their own certain peculiar features according to the social traditions, norms and beliefs (Mekonnen, 2016). The research was conducted in Dalle woreda, Sidama Zone and it was purposively selected. References. Oct 29, 2024 · The role of Shimglina customary conflict resolution mechanism in rural land disputes in Amhara people of Ethiopia. Recent incorporation of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms in the legal While organized conflict resolution mechanism have continued to be unproductive, some traditional conflict resolution systems emanating from the continent have provided more practical solutions to the people. Indigenous method of conflict resolution is a traditional mechanism of resolving conflicts in the form of local culture, symbolic values, rituals, dialogue, mediation, relationship and community based approach and that operate outside the purview of modern process. Besides according to article 78(5) and article 34(5), of the Ethiopian Constitution, full recognition has been given to traditional and religious courts and procedures (USAID 2000). The Anywaa people, located in Ethiopia and South Sudan, have developed indigenous governance systems centered on institutions such as Nyieya (nobleship), Kwaaro (headmanship), and the spiritual leadership of Nyibur, along Ethiopia has been practicing various indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms for many centuries. dai gmm vhevr fxzc ixuyun zepm cfozb nrxx anglen scbv touu xakq wbgj lmhw wqlp