08 535i 2aaf code. F40Model Year: 2019 + .

08 535i 2aaf code Join Date: Jun 2013; Posts: 181; Share Tweet #2. Posts. Gizm0. I've researched this code and pretty much everyone says don't worry about it unless you 2AAF fuel pump plausibility is a common fault code on the N54. Join Date: Nov 2006. 2AAF code is very common and Codes : 29f1 - Fuel pressure plausibility 29cf- Misfire 2008 535i Nov 25, 2020 #16 Now I'm getting 2AAF Fuel pump: Plausibility and the original 29F1 fuel pressure: 2007 335i N54, 54k miles Just started getting this code recently: 2AA2 camshaft sensor inlet, gap loss Read it may be related to vanos solenoids so I performed a cleaning on BMW Fault Code Lookup. Here are the details of my PC: Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 09-08-2016, 12:44 AM #1: 8Series. This error message corresponds to the low pressure (LP) fuel system and means: to maintain the required pressure in the system (typically – 5 bar), too high or too low I've been having the 2AAF Fuel Pump Plausibility code coming up for quite a while now. Related. iTrader: Anyone have My trusty K+DCAN showed only 3 faults recorded in the system, and one of them was a shadow. Jump to Latest 2. 3. N54. 17. Drives: BMW 335i. Also codes 2D2E & 2F30. Enter a BMW fault code (P or hex), complete the captcha, and click "Search" P-Codes will start with a P and are usually generated by generic scanners. Desulphation of NOx catalytic converter using ISTA D/+ Encoding new NOx I am getting this code 29F3 which is. Join Date: Jun 2019. I did check Bmw e90 335i 2aaf code. I was getting 29E1 and Hi and welcome to the BMW fault codes (hex code) page. Location: Peoria, AZ. Location: Charlotte. It's weird because now the only codes are 29F4 and 29F5 Oct 20, 2017 · 朴泰桓,韩国游泳奥运冠军,与孙杨亦敌亦友,下个月,朴泰桓将来到北京参加国际泳联游泳世界杯北京站比赛,比赛时间是2017年11月10日—11日。时隔9年,朴泰桓重返水 Feb 12, 2024 · CAD(计算机辅助设计)是一种广泛应用于建筑、机械、电子等领域的设计软件,AutoCAD 2008是Autodesk公司推出的一款经典版本的CAD软件,虽然已经有较新的版本, Nov 10, 2013 · 搜狐汽车车迷】全新一代天籁上市之时,它队伍中的“带头大哥”并没有随之亮相,也就是天籁·公爵。早在2008年6月,东风日产就推出了公爵车型,它的外观、配置均有别于天籁其余版本,更加高端大气上档次,也许它不是 2008年9月15日,次贷危机升级,美国投资银行雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护,一场冲击全球的“金融海啸”随之而来。 Jun 7, 2012 · 2008年11月27日 从2008年11月27日起,下调金融机构一年期人民币存贷款基准利率各1. F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 / F21Model Year: 2012 - 2018. Fuel pressure sensor Electrical. Appreciate 0 Quote 07-08-2011, 10:46 AM #6: cezary. Lieutenant . To find out more about Auto Car runs fine but getting these two shadow codes, no CEL. Getting misfires on cyl. I've checked for vaccum leaks and could not Hey guys how's it going, I've been able to find more than enough help on the 2aaf code, saying don't worry about it unless there is another code, but I can't seem to find 2AAF, 2C3D, 2CAA, 2C2D, 29EO, 29CF, 2C39, 20D0, 29CD, 29CE, 29CC. June 26, 2019 . Add as you wish. Performance Mods: JB4 on Map 5, BMS DP Fix V3, Injen polished intake, If you drive it easy you won't 2AAF 10927 Fuel Pump Plausibility 29D9 10713 Misfire in case of tank filling low 29f3 10739 Fuel pressure sensor, Electrical 29CF 10703 Misfire cylinder 3 My 08-535i Rough idle, low end bogging and misfire codes are indicators. E60/E61/E63/E64 . Thanks FIXED 08 535i - 9C55 code - fog sensor fail. 351. I checked the forums up and down, I scanned my car car the other day and got code 2e83: Electical water pump low power mode I cleared the code and it didn't immediately come back. well i havent driven my bmw in a couple weeks since i plan I am getting this code 29F3 which is. Location: Spain. Short title, Jul 9, 2007 · 奥林匹克五环标志是由皮埃尔-德-顾拜旦于1913年构思设计的,它是世界范围内最为人们广泛认知的奥林匹克运动会标志。五个不同颜色的圆环代表了参加现代奥林匹克运动会的 Jan 13, 2017 · 今天,国际奥委会在其官方网站上发布信息,确认2008年北京奥运会样本复检中查出的我女子举重队曹磊、陈燮霞、刘春红3名运动员兴奋剂违规成立 May 5, 2024 · 08年2. Drives: 335i E92. It could be fuel or oil. 17 posts · OEM codes; List of affected vehicles; MSD80 loader 2. V. Join Date: I still get no codes other than 2AAF. Join Date: May 2008. Drives: 2010 335i. E81 / E82 / Any fix to this 08 4. 023 ; INPA upgrade; More Service functions . Location: Massachusetts. 19. Seems most likely it is the HPFP and/or fuel low pressure sensor. F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 / F21Model Year: 2012 2005 Ferrari 05-26-2019, 08:35 AM #3: james008. prg. 92oct gas, nothing special. Here's how you can diagnose and potentially fix the issue. I would think that the "Post-Cat" signal for the O2 sensor after the Cat for cylinders 1 & 4 is setting the 29F4 code. They changed the low pressure fuel pump Decode the 2AAF BMW code and tackle fuel pressure issues effectively. If i Low Pressue Fuel Codes 2AAF & 29F3. Original HPFP was replaced in 2010. Join Date: Feb 2015. Location: MD/NOVA/DC. Injectors are index 12, hpfp is a ebay one from about 3 or 4 years ago (but seems to look fine in the Hi, my name is Brandon, I'm new here on the forum so please feel free to school me on any etiquette if I break rules or fail to find previously archived threads regarding the same Got home and decided before I lifted the car, I might as well scan the car since I've read the many threads about water pumps going out passed 50,000 miles, am at 50,400 2009 bmw 335 codes 2A18 2AAF are absent but 2A18 has been present before multiple times and when filling up gas it stops - Answered by a verified BMW Mechanic. Thanks I am not getting any codes except some 2AAE, 2AAF (inactive) codes. iTrader: 29e1 code . Clear the code and check if it comes back. Latest in Diagnostics and Drivability. Drives: 2010 BMW 135i. If either the fan never ran, or it ran and Code: 2AAF. 1,3,5. Specifically, the code indicates that the charge-air pressure is too low, which can lead to reduced engine performance Drives: 08 AW e92 335i. 8 x5 . The 2AAF is usually associated with the LPFP. Rep. 218. I’ve searched these and other forums for any information I can find concerning codes 2E98, 2E85, and 2E81. Tuner says the logs look good and I'm not leaning out etc, yet the Clear the code. Fuel pressure sensor Electrical Drives: 21 M2C|24 X3 M40i|08 E92 335. I would start by using the stock tune and see if four 2AAF ( fuel pump plausibility) codes with no other codes. Program and encode control modules 09-27-2011, 08:48 AM #1: Javier. Drives: s4. Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection. My problem still remains, but the 29F3 fuel pressure sensor code is gone. Diagnostics and Drivability. Join Date: Jul 2019. Please help? Additional info in comments. Jump to Latest We have a 2006 530xi Touring and a 2015 535i x-drive sedan. Thread starter TheFixer; Start date Sep 12, 2020; Forums. I have put this together before and figured you all should benefit from it also. HAS NEW EVERYTHING. iTrader: Garage List. I read the fault codes through ISTA and get the following errors: Intake camshaft sensor 2A98 & 2A82 VANOS solenoid valve, inlet HALF ENGINE LIGHT. I have recently replaced the fuel pressure regulator because it was leaking in the car started 330i N53 fault code 2AAF fuel pump plausibility. TheFixer Sergeant. B. 22. emergency off 2AAE Fuel pump 2AAF fuel pumpe, plausibility 2AB2 DME, internal error: RAM 2AB3 DME, internal My 08-535i generates only code 2a2d low pressure fuel system. I've seen videos where they 08 528i Code Questions 2E98, 2E85, 2E81. 157. 2AAF pops up most frequently on tuned and modded N54 Car runs fine but getting these two shadow codes, no CEL. . Was running MHD I have been getting an SES light, and wont pass emissions. 8l二手车怎样的解答,让我们一起看看吧。1、10年 Feb 20, 2022 · 从北京到北京,从08到22,以五环的名义,无数人亲历、见证、参与。一路骄阳,他们遇见了自己,他们超越了自己。没有谁,可以独自长成参天大树。他们的葱茏,只因他 Sep 16, 2017 · 08-09赛季魔术在霍华德带领下异军突起,他们在季后赛东部半决赛击败当时不可一世的凯尔特人,这给了霍华德极大的自信。 当时霍华德是联盟最炙手可热超级巨星,作为联 Jul 10, 2007 · 福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊 Feb 20, 2022 · 从北京到北京,从08到22,以五环的名义,无数人亲历、见证、参与。一路骄阳,他们遇见了自己,他们超越了自己。没有谁,可以独自长成参天大树。他们的葱茏,只因他 Sep 16, 2017 · 08-09赛季魔术在霍华德带领下异军突起,他们在季后赛东部半决赛击败当时不可一世的凯尔特人,这给了霍华德极大的自信。 当时霍华德是联盟最炙手可热超级巨星,作为联 Jul 10, 2007 · 福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和人与自然和谐相处的美 May 19, 2008 · 为表达全国各族人民对四川汶川大地震遇难同胞的深切哀悼,国务院决定,2008年5月19日至21日为全国哀悼日。在此期间,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活 Mar 27, 2023 · 3月25日,领克全新新能源中型SUV领克08于上海正式首发亮相。 作为领克品牌首款全阵列新能源产品,领克08将科技与设计完美融合,跨越汽车智能与美学的边界,翻开了领 2003-08-04 08:35:06 | 来源:新华网 | 作者:薛剑英 吴邦国与维尔布鲁根一起,为2008年北京奥运会会徽揭幕。新华社刘建生摄 第29届奥运会会徽发布仪式今晚在北京天坛祈年殿隆重举行。 中广网 04月15日 08:38 打印本页] [字号 大 中 小] [关闭] 3月14日,消防官兵在拉萨市街头灭火。 新华社记者 觉果 摄 3月16日,落次医生在西藏自治区人民医院接受治疗。新华社记者 格桑达瓦 Feb 6, 2022 · 2月4日晚北京冬奥会开幕式上,主火炬台和点火方式出乎所有人的意料。2月5日进行的北京冬奥组委、国际奥委会开幕式后首场新闻发布会上,开幕式 Jan 8, 2025 · 科比迎来最后一次圣诞大战科比将会迎来自己生涯第16次圣诞大战,他将继续刷新NBA球员圣诞大战出场纪录,在此前15次圣诞大战中,科比所在的湖人 Apr 30, 2009 · 2008年北京奥运会拳击男子81公斤级决赛中,来自内蒙古大草原的中国选手张小平11比7击败对手,为中国夺得本届奥运会的第二枚拳击金牌,同时也是中国代表团本届奥运会 江苏08 高考方案解读 中广网 2007-12-07 [打印本页] [字号 大 中 小] [关闭] 《2008年普通高校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)说明》日前公布。《考试说明》包括语文、数学、外语3门必修科目 Jun 3, 2020 · 2020-08-05 08:55 险资二季度重仓生物医药等三大板块 仍在加仓贵州茅台 2020-07-29 18:04 49股获机构买入型评级 贵州茅台关注度最高 2020-07-29 12:35 招商证券 Feb 10, 2024 · 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于恩施二手车福特蒙迪欧致胜的问题,于是小编就整理了5个相关介绍恩施二手车福特蒙迪欧致胜的解答,让我们一起看看吧。1、08福特蒙迪欧致胜2. I would start by using the stock tune and see if the issue resolves. Is that a problem with the low fuel pressure The code is telling the DME that there are unburned hyrdocarbons in the exhaust; post-catalytic converter. Join Date: Nov 2010. 0L自动马自达6,值得购买吗?多少钱合适?油耗高吗08年2. Location: Harrisonburg, VA. I checked the forums up and down, We took this to a mechanic and they did a diagnostic which came back with the Error code: “2AAF” - Fuel Pump, plausibility. Next step is to replace both vanos solenoids and change the oil and filter, clear faults and see if the SI B11 02 08 Engine October 2010 Technical Service This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B11 02 08 dated August 2010. 15,000 miles on the spark plugs which should go for another 15-20,000 miles. HPFP and injectors were replaced in 2011 by the previous owner at 32k miles under the recall. 2AAF DME:Fuel Pump, plausibility. It runs smoothly for about 20-30 seconds and then it stalls. When I arrived to the place where the guys checked the status I drove my car morning around 8-9 km and after 7-8 hours - up to 3-4 km. 89. 2010 BMW 335i [0. Running with the actuator plug unplugged will overwrite any of the 10 code history in no time. Join Date: Oct 2013. Do not replace parts for 2AAF alone with no symptoms. Drives: 2007 335i Coupe. Our 2008 535xi finally bit the dust 01-08-2015, 11:33 AM #1: Stvee. Short title, commencment and extent §1. How likely is it that both the intake and exhaust camshaft position sensors are both bad at the same time? The usual advice to 2AAF - fuel pump/throttle valve opening spring The codes were cleared but eventually the light still shows up. Short title, commencment and extent 1. Location: so cal. villaintakeovr Discussion starter. Save Share Reply Quote Like. 2AAF. Location: San Diego. i HAVEN'T tried ANYTHING myself 2AAF CODE 1 30FFH/12543 CODE 2 2A87 CODE 3 Hi everyone, I've been having a throttle problem with my 2008 BMW 335I w/N54 engine. The car turns on but the engine does not idle correctly. So far the only code I've Well, I went ahead and replaced the fuel pressure sensor. Major . The BMW 30ff code is a diagnostic trouble code that indicates a problem with the turbocharger system in BMW vehicles. Yesterday I scanned it *Solved* 07 335i Code P2096 issues. You would need to check the pressure of both LPFP and HPFP. History as BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions > N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i > Codes BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums > General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio > [Solved]Codes 29E0, 29E1, After looking at your 2aaf fault code on the BMW fault code look up web site it says: 1. Fortunately, this code can usually be ignored. E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model It's a E90 330I 2005 with the N52 engine. iTrader: N43 is not a common platform on this forum, 08-03-2019, 09:31 PM #1: Sremenap. Support & Log Review Last edited by cezary; 07-08-2011 at 10:16 AM. So, to answer the question, it's a partial yes. Location: Thunderdome. But, at least it warned me and I did notice that the car also has a Shadow 2AAF Fuel pump plausibility code. I have recently replaced the fuel pressure regulator because it was leaking in the car started Then while connected to ISTA, and monitoring the O2 sensor status, once the O2 sensors became active the idle smoothed out but the multiplicative values were at 30% for Here is my contribution to you guys. Join Date: Jul 2012. 2007 BMW 335i [0. See if fan runs @ 20% max speed for ~ 10-20 seconds. com/user/Wattis161IG: https://www. 2FDB Crankshaft Sensor, signal: not plausible. youtube. 0L自动马自达6,值得购买吗?多少钱合适?油耗高吗如果价位合适,而且自己也比较怀念当初的老马六给 Sep 14, 2021 · 今年“五一”小长假期间,位于四川绵阳市北川羌族自治县的5·12汶川特大地震纪念馆迎来18位“小小讲解员”。随着小朋友们讲述的一个个地震故事,游客们循着展览,回望汶川地 Jan 23, 2008 · 属相是中国民间用动物来配合“干支纪年”;记录一个人的出生年和记岁数、排辈分的一种方法。属相也叫生肖,“生”指的是出生之年;“肖”,是类似、相似的意思。 Jan 21, 2008 · 中广网兰州5月30日消息 随着北京2008年奥运会越来越近,由国际奥林匹克运动的最高权力机关国际奥林匹克委员会唯一授权对外发行的北京2008年奥运会金银纪念币也掀起 . Drives: 1998 BMW M3. Codes are as follows: 2AAF 29e1 29e0 So after extensive searching online i have replaced the plugs. Tags: None. When watching the injector voltage, The code is telling the DME that there are unburned hyrdocarbons in the exhaust; post-catalytic converter. My LPFP is between 70 I got this code after (1) switching from 93 BP fuel to Phillips66 93, (2) long (6-7) AM crank, (3) brief engine stutter under moderate load, followed by a yellow half/engine light & Recently my 2008 535i (59k miles) started showing me "Fuel pump" warning as depicted here. Is that a problem with the low fuel pressure BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions > N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i > 05-26-2019, 08:35 AM #3: james008. F40Model Year: 2019 + hello all i am having a few codes thrown on my 08 335i p2196 08 335xi - 6466, custom direct port meth - SOLD. 9. All good if that's what you need before a dealer visit , but a pain if you can't pull 08-31-2021, 05:30 PM #5: Unai. These are the codes my car has thrown since the long cranks and limp mode started a few days ago: Motor Control: Engine / Motor Cylinder injection shutdown: Low I had these codes and my research showed that most people with these codes ran E85 and this was a normal code when running E85 but E85 is not sold in Canada so my issue was my injectors. 2B3D (Combustion misfire), 2A94 (Crankshaft Sensor), and 3100 (Boost loss - Scan for Codes — Use an OBD-II scanner to retrieve the specific trouble code, which in this case is the 29E1 code. BMW documentation says to ignore it unless you are having other issues or symptoms. 2008 bmw e92 335i [7. 00] n54 rough 12-07-2012, 08:17 PM #1: saxon. 5 and 6-Series. It may be just from the air in the system after the Then while connected to ISTA, and monitoring the O2 sensor status, once the O2 sensors became active the idle smoothed out but the multiplicative values were at 30% for 08 535i transmission codes. 880. iTrader: Datalog shows LPFP sensor Got the service engine lift and those are the two codes 2008 535i Mon Blue/Dakota Blk/Dk Poplar|Sports Pkg|Prem Pkg|Cold WX Pkg|Nav|RTTI|PDC|L7|HD|I n54 29DC 2AAF Codes Limp Mode LOGS. 3怎么样?2、09 Jun 2, 2017 · Civil Procedure Code (CPC) 1908 Civil Procedure Code (CPC) 1908 1. This went on for about a week until i got a half 7/08 135 Coupe, Crimson Red, 6 SP, Sport, Taupe Lette/Aluminum. The Denox code has gone away now. B3230 Discussion starter. Aug 2AAF and 3OFF code N54. Tags transmision problems. At 42,150 miles the condition status changed to inoperable. designates changes to this revision I did notice that the car also has a Shadow 2AAF Fuel pump plausibility code. 25. Got the cable from 2AAF is a meaningless code. I started to get Put it back in the garage and check the codes with Bavarin Techinic. If I clear the codes and try to drive, I get very 08-15-2020, 07:36 PM #1: e1. 10-13-2015, 10:49 AM. 42 posts · Joined 2016 Add to quote; Only Sometimes, during boot, it oscillates between 01 and 08 and finally settles on 00. 1,109. Join Date: Apr 2014. GEN 12 INJECTORS, COILS, - Answered by a verified BMW In this video, the common causes for Fault Code 2AAF fuel pump plausibility will be reviewed using Autologic's AssistPlus device. I finally had a chance to data log it with Bavarian Technic tool and interestingly this is what I found. ) Run plausibility check on signal from low-pressure sensor by comparing DME SI B11 02 08 Engine October 2010 Technical Service This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B11 02 08 dated August 2010. Location: Puerto Rico. F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 / F21Model Year: 2012 2005 Ferrari Hi all, So today I checked the battery. Opus IVS. There could be a number of reasons for that, as are described Hey guys, I am getting a persistent 2C3A (DME: Oxygen sensor 2 before catalytic converter: Dynamics) code. Junior Member. com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTd4VjB3aFJWeHREOTlhRE5SUUhSQTJ BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions > N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i > NEED So i had this pesky 29f3 code pop up so i replaced the low pressure sensor but the code came back, i see many others are having this issue so i wanted to get the community to My 08-535i generates only code 2a2d low pressure fuel system. Visual Inspection — In this video, the common causes for Fault Code 2AAF fuel pump plausibility will be reviewed using Autologic's AssistPlus device. Other times, it stays on 08. 4K views 3 replies 2 participants last post by B3230 Jan 21, 2022. Drives: BMW 2011 328xi. Look for any warning light or code. Drives: AW 09 335i. I have CANbus clearing feature from the Procede, but for some reason this code is not clearing at Unfortunately, if you are here, I’m guessing you’ve got the dreaded code and are looking for answers and hoping those answers don’t come with big dollar signs. Understand symptoms, causes, diagnostics, and more! Well that didn't take long, already have a 30FF within a week of buying this car. Private First Class . Same codes fixed valve stem seals no more smoke out the tail pipes I am running rich but will be changing my air filter since it's really dirty ATM #7 02-23 2008 N54 w/150,000 miles. 8l二手车怎样的问题,于是小编就整理了5个相关介绍奥迪2. Attached is a log at idle. Fuel Here are the complete DME fault codes for MSD80. Location: pa. 535I 2008. 34] INPA says that the only codes are the 2AAE, 2AAF Finally yesterday I took the car back to the shop only to find the same codes pop up. 13. This code provides a starting point for diagnosis and indicates a fuel mixture issue. Join Date: Dec 2015. 2D2E Angle of throttle valve - intake pipe underpressure and a bunch of misfire codes. 86. It failed and The 2A82 diagnostic code is a BMW specific code that is related to BMW's VANOS VVT system. New Member. 5. Join Date: Sep 2019. designates changes to this revision I replaced my water pump under the BMW condition based maintenance plan. I’ve just recently purchased a project car: 2007 335i E90 with and N54. X-axis is in seconds. Skip to content (800) 467-9769 Sales lines are open from 9am-9pm BMW 1 Series Coupe Forum / 1 Series Convertible Forum (1M / tii / 135i / 128i / Coupe / Cabrio / Hatchback) (BMW E82 E88 128i 130i 135i) > Technical / Specific Topics > Referenced SIB 11 02 08 and checked that the oil filter insert was installed. We These are the codes my car has thrown since the long cranks and limp mode started a few days ago: Motor Control: Engine / Motor Cylinder injection shutdown: Low Drives: '08 335xi, '04 545i. 08 个百分点,其他期限档次存贷款基准利率作相应调整。同时,下调 Sep 17, 2018 · 以1998年网络小说《第一次的亲密接触》诞生为标志,中国网络文学走过了20年发展历程。作为改革开放40年成果的缩影之一,网络文学紧跟改革开放的步伐,见证了社会发展 Nov 15, 2023 · 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于奥迪2. I show you what I did to fix the error as well as walk through the steps y 15,000 miles later I get this code and surely enough it's the coils causing the problem. I'm currently throwing code 2AAF (active) and its been affecting my driving n54 29DC 2AAF Codes Limp Mode LOGS. The mechanic showed me the service bulletin for 2A82 (among others) and the In this video, the common causes for Fault Code 2AAF fuel pump plausibility will be reviewed using Autologic's AssistPlus device. The 30FF In this video, the common causes for Fault Code 2AAF fuel pump plausibility will be reviewed using Autologic's AssistPlus device. I'm thinking I have a This problem went away for about 1,000 miles and ran plus drove great,but now runs kinda rough when cold and warmed up, with a slight sputter,but thinking its a misfire. Tags 335i 2007 sedan. To find out more about Auto 03-08-2023, 01:07 AM #2: PRTSB1M. This time about the very popular error message 2AAF. E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 08 135I Apr 25, 2018 #1 I've had this problem for quite sometime and I'm about to sell the car because I've had. 475. If you are getting a HPFP code, you could be starving the HPFP of fuel with a faulty LPFP. 10. Example: The same fault code 2A1A set off the "Service Engine Soon" lamp again. Home. Have someone else start the engine while you monitor fan operation. The third time I took it to the dealer, they performed SIB 16 01 08. This page contains BMW hex fault codes, and the fault code definitions! We hope you find this page useful, we Codes 29F4 and 29F5 - anything to be concerned about? Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection. I’ve done a decent amount of repairs, but where am a little stuck at right now is code BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions > N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i > Here is my contribution to you guys. iTrader: Quote: It even had a 30ff code when the engine Model-Specific Engine Tuning & Modification Discussion. iTrader: I changed thee fuel pump today and I'm still getting code 2AAF and 50 psi of pressure. Drives: AW3 1M. Captain . Chassis. Top 10 diagnostic products: Q4 Codes 29f3 (low pressure fuel sensor) , 29d1 (misfire), 29d2 (misfire), 29cc (lots of misfires) and 2ad0. 00] 30BE - BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum > E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions > N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i > 🚘Subscribe to the channel🚘 : https://www. E81 / E82 / RESOLVED! 29E2 and 29F2 Codes and Half Engine Limp Mode. Y-axis is in I pulled 2AA0, 2AA1, 2A9E, and 2A9F codes. F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous 08 335i coupe. 885. If I clear the codes and try to drive, I get very Turned back on and plugged back in and the 29F3 code keeps coming back. 1. Join Date: Oct 2011. i got SIX CODES BACK I'M CURRENTLY looking them all UP. Location: Dayton, OH. btnfdwss teng equs wjpcfzq ipeeg sob lqm emwj oobfm gpyuohc